发布时间:2016-07-06 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问: 考研

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武一,1998年7月于清华大学获学士学位,2003年7月于清华大学获博士学位;2003年8月任职于兰州大学生命科学学院,教授。主要学术兼职包括:中国生物物理学会理事;中国电子显微镜学会理事;生物物理学报副主编;中国动脉硬化杂志编委;Biophysics Reports副主编。E-mail:wuy@lzu.edu.cn。
    急性期蛋白是一类在炎症中血浆浓度发生明显变化的分子,在宿主防御中扮演重要角色,同时也是炎症疾病干预的灵敏标识和潜在标靶。我们十余年来致力于阐明典型急性期蛋白调控慢性炎症的分子机制及结构基础,已在Cell Res、PNAS、Structure、ATVB、FASEB J、JI、JBC等期刊发表SCI论文25篇,共获SCI引用700余次。我们的系列工作建立了新的概念和模型,为领域揭示了全新的研究方向和思路。
■ 清华大学优秀博士学位论文一等奖,2003;
■ 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2005;
■ 国家自然科学二等奖(3/5),2005;
■ 第六届甘肃青年科技奖,2007;
■ 第一届贝时璋青年生物物理学家奖,2009;
■ 第十二届霍英东青年教师基金,2010;
■ 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金,2012。
■ 国家自然科学基金重点项目1项;
■ 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金1项;
■ 国家自然科学基金面上及青年基金项目5项;
■ 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目2项;
■ 霍英东青年教师基金1项;
■ 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划1项;
■ 教育部博士点基金2项;
■ 横向项目1项。
Zhang L., Liu S.-H., Wright T.T., Shen Z.-Y., Li H.-Y., Zhu W., Potempa L.A., Ji S.-R.*, Szalai A.J.*, Wu Y.* (2015) C-reactive protein directly suppresses T helper 1 cell differentiation and alleviates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of Immunology, 194(11): 5243-5252.
Li H.-Y., Wang J., Wu Y.-X., Zhang L., Liu Z.-P., Filep J.G., Potempa L.A., Wu Y.*, Ji S.-R.* (2014) Topological localization of monomeric C-reactive protein determines pro-inflammatory endothelial cell responses. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289(20): 14283-14290.
Wang M.-Y., Zhou H.-H., Zhang S.-C., Hui F., Zhu W., Su H.-X., Guo H.-Y., Li X.-W., Ji S.-R.*, Wu Y.* (2014) Recurrent mutations at C-reactive protein promoter SNP position -286 in human cancers. Cell Research, 24(4): 505-508.
Zhang Y.-J., Shi J.-M., Bai C.-J., Wang H., Li H.-Y., Wu Y.*, Ji S.-R.* (2012) Intra-membrane oligomerization and extra-membrane oligomerization of amyloid-β peptide are competing processes as a result of distinct patterns of motif interplay. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(1): 748-756.
El Kebir D., Zhang Y., Potempa L.A., Wu Y., Fournier A., Filep J.G.* (2011) C-reactive protein-derived peptide 201–206 inhibits neutrophil adhesion to endothelial cells and platelets through CD32. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 90(6): 1167-1175.
Wang M.-Y., Ji S.-R., Bai C.-J., El Kebir D., Li H.-Y., Shi J.-M., Zhu W., Costantino S., Zhou H.-H., Potempa L.A., Zhao J., Filep J.G.*, Wu Y.* (2011) A redox switch in C-reactive protein modulates activation of endothelial cells. FASEB Journal, 25(9): 3186-3196.
Zhu L., Chen L., Zhou X.-M., Zhang Y.-Y., Zhang Y.-J., Zhao J., Ji S.-R., Wu J.-W.*, Wu Y.* (2011) Structural insights into the architecture and allostery of full-length AMP-activated protein kinase. Structure, 19(4): 515-522.
Ji S.-R., Ma L., Bai C.-J., Shi J.-M., Li H.-Y., Filep J.G., Potempa L.A., Zhao J., Wu Y.* (2009) Monomeric C-reactive protein activates endothelial cells via interaction with lipid raft micro-domains. FASEB Journal, 23(6): 1806-1816.
Shen Q.T., Bai X.C., Chang L.F., Wu Y., Wang H.W., Sui S.-F.* (2009) Bowl-shaped oligomeric structures on membranes as DegP’s new functional forms in protein quality control. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(12): 4858-4863.
Jiang J., Zhang X., Chen Y., Wu Y., Zhou Z.H., Chang Z., Sui S.-F.* (2008) Activation of DegP chaperone-protease via formation of large cage-like oligomers upon binding to substrate proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105(33): 11939-11944.
Ji S.-R., Wu Y.*, Zhu L., Potempa L.A., Sheng F.-L., Lu W., Zhao J. (2007) Cell membranes and liposomes dissociate C-reactive protein (CRP) to form a new, biologically active structural intermediate: mCRPm. FASEB Journal, 21(1): 284-294.
Ji S.-R., Wu Y.*, Potempa L.A., Liang Y.-H., Zhao J. (2006) Effect of modified C-reactive protein on complement activation: A possible complement regulatory role of mCRP in atherosclerotic lesions. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 26(4): 935-941.
Ji S.-R., Wu Y.*, Potempa L.A., Qiu Q., Zhao J. (2006) Interactions of C-reactive protein with low density lipoproteins: implications of an active role of modified C-reactive protein in atherosclerosis. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 384(4): 648-661.
Wu Y., He Y., Bai J., Ji S.-R., Tucker W.C., Chapman E.R.*, Sui S.-F.* (2003) Visualization of synaptotagmin I oligomers assembled on lipid monolayers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100(4): 2082-2087.
Wu Y., Wang H.-W., Ji S.-R., Sui S.-F.* (2003) Two-dimensional crystallization of rabbit C-reactive protein monomeric subunits. Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography, 59(5): 922-926.
Ji S.-R., Wu Y., Sui S.-F.* (2002) Cholesterol is an important factor affecting the membrane insertion of beta-amyloid peptide (ABeta 1-40), which may potentially inhibit the fibril formation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277(8): 6273-6279.


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