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1996 香港中文大学生物系 博士
1985 兰州大学生物系 硕士
1982 兰州大学生物系 学士
02/1986-10/1988 兰州大学生物系 助教
10/1988-01/1993 兰州大学生物系 讲师
02/1989-06/1989 中科院上海植生所 合作科研
02/1997-11/1997 香港中文大学生物化学系 访问学者
11/1997-08/2000 兰州大学生物学流动站 工作
05/1999-12/2002 兰州大学生命科学学院 副教授
07/2004–今 兰州大学生命科学学院 教授
11/2003–今 兰州大学生命科学学院 博士生导师
10/2000-03/2001 香港中文大学生物系 合作科研
07/2003-01/2004 香港科技大学生物系 合作科研
10/2004–今 兰州大学生命科学学院 植物及植物生理研究所所长
02/2007-11/2007 香港科技大学生物系 合作科研
Ping Li, Chengzhou Zhao, Yongqiang Zhang, Xiaomin Wang, Jianfeng Wang, Feng Wang, Yurong Bi*, Silicon enhances the tolerance of Poa annua to cadmium by inhibiting its absorption and oxidative stress, Biol Plantarum 2017, 61 (4): 741-750.
Feng Wang, Xiaomin Wang, Chengzhou Zhao, Jianfeng Wang, Ping Li, Yanqin Dou, Yurong Bi*, Alternative pathway is involved in the tolerance of highland barley to the low-nitrogen stress by maintaining the cellular redox homeostasis, Plant Cell Report, 2016, 35: 317-328.
Chengzhou Zhao, Xiaomin Wang, Xiaoyu Wang, Kunlun Wu, Ping Li, Ning Chang, Jianfeng Wang, Feng Wang, Jiaolong Li, Yurong Bi*, Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and alternative oxidase are involved in the cross tolerance of highland barley to salt stress and UV-B radiation, Jounal of Plant Physiology, 2015, 181: 83-95.
Jianfeng Wang, Yongqiang Zhang, Ying Li, Xiaomin Wang, Wenbin Nan, Yanfeng Hu, Hong Zhang, Chengzhou Zhao, Feng Wang, Ping Li, Hongyong Shi, Yurong Bi*, Endophytic microbes Bacillus sp. LZR216-regulated root development is dependent on polar auxin transport in Arabidopsis seedlings, Plant Cell Report, 2015, 34(6): 1075-1087.
Ping Li, Chengzhou Zhao, Yongqiang Zhang, Xiaomin Wang, Xiaoyu Wang, Jianfeng Wang, Feng Wang, Yurong Bi*, Calcium alleviates cadmium-induced inhibition on root growth by maintaining auxin homeostasis in Arabidopsis seedlings, Protoplasma, 2015, 253(1): 185-200.
Xiaolei Liang, Huahua Wang, Yanfeng Hu, Lina Mao, Lili Sun, Tian Dong, Wenbin Nan, Yurong Bi*, Silicon does not mitigate cell death in cultured tobacco BY-2 cells subjected to salinity without ethylene emission, Plant Cell Report, 2015, 34: 331-343.
Wenbin Nan, Xiaomin Wang, Lei Yang, Yanfeng Hu, Yantao Wei, Xiaolei Liang, Lina Mao, Yurong Bi*i, Cyclic GMP is involved in auxin signalling during Arabidopsis root growth and development, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2014, 65:1571-1583.
Yanfeng Hu, Jiaolong Li, Lijing Yang, Wenbin Nan, Xiaoping Cao, Yurong Bi*, Inhibition of root growth by narciclasine is caused by DNA damage-induced cell cycle arrest in lettuce seedlings, Protoplasma, 2014, 251:1113–1124.
Xiaomin Wang, chen Hou, Jie Liu, Wenliang He, Huiling Gong, chengyuan Shi, Yurong Bi*, Hydrogen peroxide plays a role in the regulation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) tolerance to salt stress, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2013, 35(3): 891-900.
Jie Liu, Xiaomin Wang, Yanfeng Hu, Wei Hu, Yurong Bi*, Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase plays a pivotal role in tolerance to drought stress in soybean roots, Plant Cell Report, 2013, 32: 415-429.
Lei Zhang, Jie Liu, Xiaomin Wang, Yurong Bi*i, Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase cooperated act as a regulator of cell redox balance in rice suspension cells under salt stress, Plant Growth Regulation, 2013, 69: 139-148.
Yinggao Liu, Qi Wan, Ruru Wu, Xiaomin Wang, Yurong Bi*, Role of hydrogen peroxide in regulating glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase expression and activity under salt stress, Biol Plantarum, 2012, 56 (2): 313-320.
Huiling Gong, Guishen Chen, Fengjuan Li, Xiaomin Wang, Yanfeng Hu, Yurong Bi*, (2012) Involvement of G6PDH in regulation of heat stress tolerance in the calli from Przewalskia tangutica and tobacco, Biol Plantarum, 2012, 56(3): 422-430.
Yanfeng Hu, Lijing Yang, Xiaofan Na, Xiaolei Liang, Xiaomin Wang, Yurong Bi*, Narciclasine inhibits responses of Arabidopsis roots to auxin, Planta, 2012, 236: 597-612.
Xiaolei Liang, Huahua Wang, Lina Mao, Yanfeng Hu, Tian Dong, Yongqiang Zhang, Xiaomin Wang, Yurong Bi*, Involvement of COP1 in ethylene- and light-regulated hypocotyl elongation, Planta, 2012, 236: 1791-1802.
Hongxia Lu, Qi Wan, Huahua Wang, Xiaofan Na, Xiaomin Wang Yurong Bi**, Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunctions are early events in narciclasine-induced programmed cell death in tobacco Bright Yellow-2 cells, Physiologia Plantarum 2012, 144: 48–58.
Jisheng Li, Xiaomin Wang, Yanli Zhang, Honglei Jia, Yurong Bi*, cGMP regulates hydrogen peroxide accumulation in calcium-dependent salt resistance pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana roots, Planta, 2011, 234: 709-722.
Zeyong Zhang, Huahua Wang, Xiaomin Wang, Yurong Bi*, Nitric oxide enhances aluminum tolerance by affecting cell wall polysaccharides in rice roots, Plant Cell Report, 2011, 30: 1701-1711.
Xiaofan Na, Yanfeng Hu, Kun Yue, Hongxia Lu, Pengfei Jia, Huahua Wang, Xiaomin Wang, Yurong Bi*, Narciclasine modulates polar auxin transport in Arabidopsis roots, Journal of Plant Physiology, 2011, 168(11): 1149-1156.
Xiaofan Na, Yanfeng Hu, Kun yue, Hongxia Lu, Pengfei Jia, Huahua Wang, Xiaomin Wang, Yurong Bi*, Narciclasine affects the coordination between cell division and differentiation in Arabidopsis root tip, BMC Plant Biology, 2011, 11: 184.
Yongqiang Zhang, Sheng Zheng, Zhongjuan Liu, Liguang Wang, Yurong Bi*, HY5 and HYH are both necessary regulators for low temperature-induced anthocyanin accumulation in Arabidopsis seedlings, Journal of Plant Physiology 2011, 168:367-374.
Yongqiang Zhang, Zhongjuan Liu, Rongzhi Liu, Liguang Wang, Yurong Bi*, Gibberellins negatively regulate light-induced nitrate reductase activity in Arabidopsis seedlings, Journal of Plant Physiology 2011, 168: 2161-2168.
Zhongjuan Liu, Yongqiang Zhang, Rongzhi Liu, Hualing Hao, Zhi Wang, Yurong Bi*, Phytochrome interacting factors (pifs) are necessary regulators for sucrose-induced hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Physiology, Journal of Plant Physiology 2011, 168:1771-1779.
Huahua Wang, Junjun Huang, Xiaolei Liang, Yurong Bi*, Involvement of hydrogen peroxide, calcium and ethylene in the induction of the alternative pathway in chilling-stressed Arabidopsis callus, Planta 2011, 235:53-67.
Xiao fan Na, Yanfeng Hu, Kun Yue, Hongxia Lu, Pengfei Jia, Huahua Wang, Xiaomin Wang, Yurong Bi*, Narciclasine affects the coordination between cell division and differentiation in Arabidopsis root tip, BMC Plant Biol 2011, 11:184.
Xiaomin Wang, Jisheng Li, Jie liu, Wenliang He, Yurong Bi*, Nitric oxide increases mitochondrial respiration in the cGMP-dependent manner in the callus from Arabidopsis, Nitric Oxide, 2010, 23: 242-250.
Lijun Ling, Yanzhuo Yang, Yurong Bi*, Expression and characterization of two domains of Pinellia ternate agglutinin (PTA), a plant agglutinin from Pinellia ternate with antifungal activity, World J Microbiol Biotechnol 2010, 26:545–554
Wang HH, Liang XL, Huang JJ, Zhang DK, Lu HX, Liu ZJ, Yurong Bi*, Involvement of ethylene and hydrogen peroxide in induction of alternative respiratory pathway in salt-treated Arabidopsis calluses, Plant Cell Physiol 2010, 51: 1754-1765
Yongqiang Zhang, Zhongjuan Liu, Liguang Wang, Sheng Zheng, Jiping Xie, Yurong Bi*, Sucrose-induced hypocotyl elongation of Arabidopsis seedlings in darkness depends on the presence of gibberellins. Journal of plant physiology 2010, 167(14):1130-1136
Huahua Wang, Xiaolei Liang, Qi Wan, Xiaomin Wang, Yurong Bi*, Ethylene and nitric oxide are involved in maintaining ion homeostasis in Arabidopsis callus under salt stress, Planta 2009, 230: 293-307
Xiaomin Wang, Yuanyuan Ma, Chenghong Huang, Qi Wan, Ning Li, Yurong Bi*, Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase plays a central role in modulating reduced glutathione levels in reed callus under salt stress, Planta, 2008, 227:611-623.
Yingguao Liu, Ruru Wu, Qi Wan, Yurong Bi*, Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase plays a pivotal role in nitric oxide-involved defense against oxidative stress under salt stress in red kidney bean roots, Plant Cell Physiollogy 2007,48:511-522
Mingguang Zhao, Yinggao Liu, Lixin Zhang, Lin Zhen, Yurong Bi*, Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on the activity and expression of alternative oxidase in red kidney bean leaves, Journal of Integrative Plant Biol 2007, 49 (9): 1320–1326
植物呼吸代谢, 植物抗性生理,植物化学及生物活性物质的生理生化活性的研究。
1. 《植物愈伤组织呼吸代谢研究》,获1987年甘肃省科技 进步三等奖;
2. 《植物发育的物质代谢与有关酶的调节研究》,分别获 1990年甘肃省教委科技进步一等奖和甘肃省科委科技进步二等奖(6/6);
3. 《植物呼吸代谢多条途经运行的调节及其生理意义》获 1997年教育部科技步二等奖(3/5);
4. 《植物主要膜系统电子传递生理功能与活性调节》,获 2004年教育部科技步二等奖(11/11);
5. 参加《植物生理学学习指导与题解》一书编写,华中科技大学出版社,2003,2007年再版;
6. 2009年被评为兰州大学“巾帼标兵”。