发布时间:2020-06-12 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:

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作者: 发布时间:2020-05-26 浏览次数: 25
A Brief Introduction to College of International Education
Founded in May 26th, 2004, College of International Education (CIE) is directly subordinate to Zhongyuan University of Technology (ZUT), which aims to implement the strategy for international education cooperation and development. CIE undertakes 13 undergraduate and specialized education projects, by introducing the high-quality education and teaching resources,such as advanced educational philosophy, teachers, teaching content of the world-famous University of Manchester, and Significant characteristic universities like the Unitec Institute of Technology, Manchester Metropolitan University and Keimyung University of Korea.All of the projects have passed the formal evaluation of the Ministry of Education.A total of more than 8,700 high-quality graduates have been trained through these projects.With the help of the project platform, more than 80 teachers and more than 350 students went to foreign cooperation universities to carry out exchanges and further study, which has played an important role in supporting the university's Provincial honor of “Advanced Collective of Introducing Foreign Intelligence” and the good reputation of being the third in Henan province in the ranking of the international competitiveness of Chinese universities published by Entrepreneurial Times Internet.
