发布时间:2020-06-02 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:

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Curriculum for Undergraduate of Environmental Engineering Major
I.Training objectives
This major trains undergraduate students to be high-quality applied talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetics and labor, who have the ability of engineering practice and innovation. Students need to grasp basic theoretical knowledge, skill and specialized knowledge of environmental engineering. With the innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, practical ability and international vision, students will be qualified for design and operation of pollution control engineering, environmental assessment, environmental management, education and research etc. in environmental protection and related fields. Graduates of this major are supposed to achieve the following aims in about five years:
1.Having good humanistic quality and excellent moralities, good language expression and communication skills, team spirit and cooperation spirit.
2.Mastering basic theory and professional knowledge of environmental engineering, and acquiring the skills of environmental engineering design, engineering drawing, engineering construction, product exploitation, operation and management of environmental protection facilities.
3.The abilities of monitoring and analysis of pollutant, environmental assessment, planning and management. Be willing to make innovation practice and having an ability to serve for the society.
4.Having a sense of lifelong learning and the ability to keep on learning and adapting to development.
5. Having certain international vison and good ability to use foreign language.
1.Engineering knowledge: grasping mathematics, natural science, engineering basic and professional knowledge, and using them to solve complex problems of environmental engineering.
2.Problem analysis: being able to use the fundamentals of mathematics, natural science and engineering science to identify and analyze complex environmental engineering problems by literatures and acquire valid conclusions.
3.Designing and exploiting solution: being able to use the fundamentals and technological means of environmental engineering to design solution of complex problems with consciousness of innovation. Considering the factors of society, health, safety, law, culture and environment et al. in the processing.
4.Experimental design and information processing: being able to study complex environmental engineering problems with scientific principle and method, including experiment design, data analysis and explanation, and acquire valid conclusion by synthetical information.
5.Application of modern tools: being able to develop, choose and use proper technology, resources, modern engineering tool and information technology tool to solve complex environmental engineering problems, including forecast and simulation of the problems, and understand their limitation.
6.The social responsibility awareness of engineer: being able to analyze and assess the influence of solution of environmental engineering practice and complex problems on society, health, safety, law and culture based on environmental background knowledge, and understand the responsibilities.
7.Environment and sustainable development: being able to understand and assess the influence of environmental engineering practice on environmental and social sustainable development.
8.Professional moral and standard: having humanistic social and scientific literacy and social responsibility. Being able to understand and obey professional ethics and standard of environmental engineering.
9.Teamwork: being able to be individual, team member and manager in a group with multidisciplinary background.
10.Communication: being able to communicate complex environmental engineering problems with public, including report writing, manuscript design and statement. Having an international view and being able to communicate in cross-cultural fields.
11.Project management: having the ability of organization and management. Being able to understand and master principle of engineering management and economic decision-making method, and use them.
12.Lifelong learning: having the awareness of self-study and lifelong study, and the ability of continuous learning and adapting development.
