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企业管理学科现有教学科研人员13人,其中教授4人,副教授3人,博士(含在读)7人,硕士生导师7人。近年来学科点的教师承担各级各类课题20余项,其中在研国家自然科学基金2项,国家社科基金1项,教育部人文社科基金3项。近年来获得江西省社科一等奖1项,三等奖3项,公开发表论文130余篇Business Management subject has 13 teaching and research staffs, including 4 professors, 3 associate professors, 7 doctors (including PHD candidates) and 7 master tutors. In recent years, the teachers undertake more than 20 subjects at all levels of the projects, which including currently in development of 2 items of National Natural Science Fund, 1 item of National Social Science Fund, 3 items of the Ministry of education of Humanities and social sciences. In recent years, this team won one first prize in Jiangxi Province Social Sciences, three third prizes and published over 130 papers.