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  姓名:潘峡   性别:男  职称:副教授  
  学院:岭南学院   最后学历:工学硕士

Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Rhode Island, USA


Jarrett, J., Pan, X., Chen, S.K. (2009) “Do the Chinese Bourses (Stock Markets) Predict Economic Growth?” International Journal of Business and Economics, Vol . 8, No. 3.

Jarrett, J. & Pan, X.. (2009). “Multivariate process control chart and their use in monitoring output quality: A perspective,” International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 4(5), 471-482.

Pan, X. (2009). “Comparing two multivariate EWMA schemes,”. Communications in Statistics--Simulation and Computation, 38(6), 1235-1243.

Jarrett, J. & Pan, X. (2009) “Estimating sigma with RWAV for normal and nonormal processes” Quality Engineering, 21(1), 72-78.

Jarrett, J. & Pan, X. (2008) “Alternative Factors for Control Chart Construction”. Communications in Statistics--Simulation and Computation, vol. 37(10), 2096- 2105.

Pan, X. (2008) “Platinum ratio search versus golden ratio search,” Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, 36, pp. 1053-1056

Pan, X. (2007) “The linear dependence and feedback spectra between stock markets and economy,” International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.437-447

Pan, X. & Jarrett, J. (2007) “Using Vector autoregressive model to monitor multivariate serially correlated production processes,” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 106, Issue 1, pp.204-216.

Jarrett, J. & Pan, X. (2007) “Monitoring Variability and Analyzing Multivariate Autocorrelated Processes” Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol.34, No. 4, 459 – 469.

Pan, X. (2006) “Cross-country barometer effect: Evidence from U.S and Japan,” Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp.255-261

Jarrett, J. and Pan, X. (2007) “The quality control chart for monitoring multivariate autocorrelated processes,” Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51, pp.3862-3870.

Pan, X. (2006) "Computer-Aided SPC: The Cybernetic View on Quality Control,” International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 23, Issue 9, pp. 1192-1203.

Pan, X., Gunasekaran, A. & McGaughey, R. (2006) "Global e-Business: Firm Size, Credibility, and Modes of Payment,” International Journal of Business Information Systems, Vol. 1, Issue 4, pp. 426 - 438

Pan, Xia. (2006) "A simple method using Cuscore to monitor and detect coefficient changes in ARMA residuals,” Communications in Statistics--Simulation and Computation, Vol. 35, Issue 2. pp. 515 – 530

Pan, Xia. (2005) “Notes on Shift Effects of T2-type Charts for Residuals of Multivariate ARMA Processes,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 49, No. 3. pp.318-352

Pan, Xia. (2005) “An Alternative Approach to Multivariate EWMA Chart,” Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 32, Issue 7, pp.695-705.

Pan, Xia & Jeff Jarrett. (2004) “Applying State Space into SPC: Monitoring Multivariate Time Series,” Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 31 Issue 4, pp.397-418


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