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  姓名:崔霞  性别:女  职称:讲师  学院:数学与计算科学学院 

September, 2003 — June, 2008: Doctoral degree of Science in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, School of Mathematics, Shandong University, P. R. C.
Thesis: Statistical analysis for two types of complex data and the associated models.
September, 1999 — June, 2003: Bachelor degree of Science in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, School of Mathematics, Shandong University, P. R. C.
Thesis: The evolutive history of set theory.

August, 2009 — : Lecturer, School of Mathematics & Computational Science, Sun Yat-sen University.
August, 2008 — July, 2009: Postdoctoral research, Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University.

a. Nonparametric and semiparametric inference: empirical likelihood, estimating equations, nonparametric smoothing.
b. Robust statistics: statistical depth.

[1] Lin, L., Zhang, Q., Li, F. and Cui, X. (2011). Simulation-based two-stage estimation for multiple nonparametric regression. Comput. Stat. Data. An. 55(3), 1367-1378.
[2] Cui, X., Hardle, W. and Zhu, L. X. (2010). The EFM approach for single-index models. Ann. Statist. (accepted)
[3] Zhu, L., Lin, L. Cui, X. and Li, G. R. (2010). Bias-corrected empirical likelihood in a multi-link semiparametric model. J. Multivariate Anal. 101, 820-868.
[4] Li, F., Lin, L. and Cui, X. (2010). Covariate-adjusted partially linear regression models. Commun. Stat-Theor. M. 39(6), 1054-1074.
[5] Cui, X., Guo, W. S., Lin, L. and Zhu, L. X. (2009). Covariate-adjusted nonlinear regression. Ann. Statist. 37(4), 1839-1870.
[6] Lin, L., Cui, X. and Zhu, L. X. (2009). An adaptive two-stage estimation method for additive models. Scand. J. Statist. 36(2), 248-269(22)
[7] Cui, X., Lin, L. and Yang, G. R. (2008). An Extended Projection Data Depth and Its Applications to Discrimination. Commun. Stat-Theor. M. 37(14), 2276-2290.
[8] Lin, L. and Cui, X. (2006). Stahel-Donoho kernel estimation for fixed design nonparametric regression models. Sci. China. Ser. A. 49(12), 1879-1896.

[1] Responsible for the project of EducationMinistry of Guangdong province, “The Recognition and Elimination for Confounding Factors in Regression Models” (from 2010).
[2] Responsible for NSF Tianyuan project “Estimation and Hypothesis Test for Covariate-adjusted Regression” (No. 11026194, from 2011).
[3] Responsible for doctoral new teachers project of Ministry of Education“Some Studies on Covaraite-adjusted Discriminant Analysis” (No. 20100171120042 from 2011)
[4] Responsible for the project sponsored by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities “Covariate-adjustment and inference for the related models” (from 2011).



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