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  1. Xiaohui Zhu, Xiaoxu Deng, Honggen Li, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Wei Wei, and Feng Liu. “Simultaneous evaluation of the linear and quadratic electro-optic coefficients of the nonlinear optical polymer by attenuated-total-reflection technique.” Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 103105 (2011)
  2. Kankai Pan, Xiaoxu Deng, Honggen Li, Wen Yuan, Wei Wei and Feng Liu, “Experimental investigation of first hyperpolarizability by a prism coupling waveguide method.” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 49, 062501(2010)
  3. Xiang Zheng, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Honggen Li, Wei Wei and Feng Liu, “The dispersion measurement of quadratic electrooptic effect of a linear conjugated polymer.” IEEE Journal of quantum electronics. 45, 542(2009)
  4. Xiaohui Zhu, Xiaoxu Deng, Xiang Zheng, Zhuangqi Cao, Honggen Li, Qishun Shen, Wen Yuan, Wei Wei and Feng Liu, “A further exploitation of the attenuated-total-reflection technique to measure the complex second hyperpolarizability for quadratic electro-optic effect of linear conjugated polymer.” Europhysics Letters. 87, 24003 (2009)
  5. Kaisheng Chen, Xiaoxu Deng, Xiang Li, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen and Honggen Li, “Investigation of the influence of photobleaching process on the thermo-optic coefficient of disperse red 1/poly(methl methacrylate) film.” Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 47, 708 (2009)
  6. Xiang Zheng, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Honggen Li, Wei Wei, and Feng Liu, "Measurement of the second hyperpolarizability of linear conjugated polymer based on attenuated-total-reflection technique," Opt. Lett. 33, 887 (2008)
  7. Xiaoxu Deng, Pingping Xiao, Xiang Zhang, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Kun Zhu, Honggen Li, Wei Wei, Shixiang Xie and Zhijian Zhang, “An electro-optic polymer modulator based on the free-space coupling technique.” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 10, 015305(2008)
  8. Jianda Xie, Lihua Hu, Wenfang Shi, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao and Qishun Shen, “Synthesis and nonlinear optical properties of hyperbranched polytriazole containing second-order nonlinear optical chromophore.” Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 46,1140(2008)
  9. Xiaoxu Deng, Xiang Zheng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, and Honggen Li, “Fast speed electro-optic polymer variable optical attenuator based on cascaded attenuated-total-reflection technique.” Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 151124 (2007)
  10. Jianda Xie, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Wenquan Zhang and Wenfang Shi, “Synthesis and second-order nonlinear optical properties of hyperbranched polymers containing pendant azobenzene chromophores.” Polymer. 48, 5988(2007)
  11. Wenquan Zhang, Jianda Xie, Wenfang Shi, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao and Qishun Shen, “Second-harmonic properties of dendritic polymers skeleton-constructed with azobenzene moiety used for nonlinear optical materials.” Eur.Polym.J. 44, 872(2007)
  12. , , , , , and , “Wavelength sensing with subpicometer resolution using ultrahigh order modes.” J.Lightwave.Technol. 25, 539(2007)
  13. Pengyi Su, Zhuangqi Cao, Kaisheng Chen, Xiaoxu Deng, Chunxiang Liu, and Qishun Shen, "Explicit expression of light reflection from inhomogeneous planar structures," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 24, 3077 (2007)
  14. Jianhong Zhou, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao and Qishun Shen, “New scheme of two-channel WDM modulation with cascaded attenuated-total-reflection modulators.” Optics & Laser Technology. 39, 946(2007)
  15. Jianhong Zhou, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Wei Wei, Zhijian Zhang and Shixiang Xie, “Determination of dc Kerr coefficients of polymer films with prism-optical waveguide configuration.” Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 021106 (2006)
  16. Kaisheng Chen, Xiaoxu Deng, Feng Wang, Zhuangqi Cao, and Qishun Shen, "Investigation of second-order nonlinearity in poled-polymer during photobleaching," Opt. Exp. 14, 2791 (2006)
  17. Jianhong Zhou, Zhuangqi Cao, Xiaoxu Deng, Qishun Shen, Wei Wei, Zhijian Zhang and Shixiang Xie, “An attenuated total internally reflected light modulator utilizing quadratic electro-optic polymer film.” J.Opt.A: Pure.Appl.Opt. 8, 996(2006)
  18. , , , and , “Polarization-independent and tunable comb filter based on a free-space coupling technique.”Opt. Lett. 31, 86(2006)
  19. Fan Chen, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Xiaoxu Deng, Biming Duan, Wen Yuan, Minghuang Sang, and Shengqian Wang, “Nanoscale displacement measurement in a variable-air-gap optical waveguide.” Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 161111 (2006)
  20. Xiangmin Liu, Pengfei Zhu, Zhuangqi Cao, Xiaoxu Deng, Qishun Shen and Jialin Chen, “Spectral shaping of femtosecond pulses with a prism-waveguide coupler.”J.Opt. A:Pure Appl.Opt. 8, 454(2006)


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