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Tenure-track Associate Professor

(86-21) 54742996

Brief Introduction

Prof. Hong got his bachelor degree in physics from University of Science and Technology of China in 2004. Then, he went to Chinese University of Hong Kong to pursue a Master degree also in physics, where he got intensively exposed to scientific research in the areas of synthesizing semiconducting nano-materials and characterizing their optical and structural properties. Two years later, he got admitted to the PhD program in polymer science at the University of Akron, where he worked with Prof. Alexei P. Sokolov on the topic of glass transition in polymers and small molecule systems. He got his PhD diploma in three and a half years and then went over to Oak Ridge National lab to work with Prof. Jeremy C. Smith as a Postdoc on the projects of combining computer simulation and neutron scattering to study protein dynamics, structure and function. He joined Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) to be a tenure-track faculty in Institute of Natural Science & School of Physics and Astronomy in the end of 2014 and built up his own research group. Liang’s group uses various experimental techniques (neutron, synchrotron X-ray and single molecule FRET,etc.) and simulation tools to study dynamics and structures of biomolecules and interfacial water. Prof. Hong and his group published more than 30 papers on the topic of dynamics of polymer, glass, proteins and interfacial water, including 13 high-profile publications (1 Nature physics; 8 Physical Review Letters, 1 Nature Communications; 1 Science advances; 1 Annual Review of Biophysics, 1 Journal of the American Chemical Societies).

Research Interests

Dynamics in Soft-condensed Matters including Polymers, Proteins, Biomass and Bio-membranes

Selected Publications

  • X. Hu, L. Hong, M. Smith, T. Neusius, X. Cheng, and J.C. Smith “The Dynamics of Single Protein Molecules is Nonequilibrium and Self-Similar over Thirteen Decades in Time.” Nature Physics 12, 171–174 (2016).
  • L. Hong, N. Smolin and J. C. Smith “De Gennes Narrowing Describes the Relative Motion of Protein Domains”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 112, 158102 (2014).
  • L. Hong, D.C. Glass, J.D. Nickels, Z. Yi, T. Madhusudan, H. O’Neill, A. P. Sokolov and J.C. Smith “Elastic and conformational softness of a globular protein”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 028104 (2013).
  • Y.L. Miao, Z. Yi, D.C. Glass, L. Hong, M. Tyagi, J. Baudry, N. Jain and J.C. Smith. “Temperature-Dependent Dynamical Transitions of Different Classes of Amino Acid Residue in a Globular Protein”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 19576 (2012).
  • L. Hong, X. Cheng, D.C. Glass, and J.C. Smith. “Surface hydration amplifies single-well protein atom diffusion propagating into the macromolecular core”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 238102 (2012).
  • L. Hong, N. Smolin, B. Lindner, A.P. Sokolov, and J.C. Smith. “Three classes of motion in the dynamic neutron scattering susceptibility of a globular protein”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 148102 (2011).
  • L. Hong, B. Begen, A. Kisliuk, S. Pawlus, M. Paluch, and A.P. Sokolov. “Influence of pressure on quasielastic scattering in glasses: Relationship to the boson peak”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 145502 (2009).


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