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  1. F. Ye, D. Mihalache, B. Hu, N.-C. Panoiu, “Sub-wavelength plasmonic lattice solitons in arrays ofmetallic nanowires,” Phys. Rev. Lett.104, 106802(2010).
  2. F. Ye, Y. Kartashov, B. Hu, L. Torner,  “Twin-vortex solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media,”   Opt. Lett.35, 628-630(2010). [Highlighted in Nature Photonics 4, 197(2010)].
  3. Y. Xue,F. Ye, D. Mihalache, N. C. Panoiu,X. Chen,“Plasmonic lattice solitons beyond the coupled-mode theory”, Laser & Photonics Review 8, L52-L57(2014).
  4. C. Huang, X. Chen, Abiola O. Oladipo, Nicolae Panoiu,F. Ye,“Generation of subwavelength plasmonic nanovortices via helically corrugated metallic nanowires”, Scientific Reports  5, 13089 (2015).
  5. C. Huang, F. Ye,  Y. Kartashov, B. Malomed, X. Chen, "PT symmetry in optics beyond paraxial approximation," Opt.  Lett.39, 5443 (2014). [Top downloaded articles on diffraction and grating in Optics Letters].
  6. H. Deng, F. Ye,  B. Malomed, X. Chen, N. C. Panoiu, “Optically and electrically tunable Dirac points and Zitterbewegung in graphene-based photonic superlattices", Phys. Rev. B 91,201402 (Rapid Communication).
  7. C. Huang,F. Ye, X. Chen,“Mode pairs in PT-symmetric multimode waveguides”, Phys Rev A 90, 043833(2014).
  8.  X. Shi, X. Chen, B. Malomed, N. C. Panoiu, F. Ye, “Anderson localization at the subwavelength scale for surface plasmonic polaritons in disordered arrays of metallic nanowires”, Phys. Rev. B 89, 195428(2014).
  9.  C. Li, R. Cui,F. Ye,  Y. Kartashov, L. Torner, X. Chen, “Self-deflecting plasmonic lattice solitons and surface modes in chirped plasmonic arrays,”  Opt.  Lett. 40, 898 (2015).
  10.  H. Deng, X. Chen, B, Malomed, Nicolae Panoiu, and F. Ye, "Transverse Anderson localization of light near Dirac points of photonic nanostructures,"  Scientific Reports X, XXXXX (2015).



Book Chapter

  1.  F. Ye,  B. A. Malomed, D. Mihalache, L. Dong, B.Hu, “Elliptic vortices in self-attractive Bose-Einstein condensates,” chapter in book:“Bose-Einstein Condensates: Theory, Characteristics and Current Research,” pp115-123, Nova Publisher, Hauppauge, New York.
  2. Y. Chen, F. Ye, “Independently tunable multichannel filters based on fractal multilayers,” chapter in book:“Handbook on the Classification and Application of Fractals,” pp 235-244Nova Publisher, Hauppauge, New York(2012).
  3. Y. He, B. Malomed, F. Ye, J. Dong et al, “Transformation of optical beams into arrays of dissipative spatial solitons in material and virtual photonic-crystal structures,”  chapter in book: “Photonic crystals: Optical Properties, Fabrication and Applications,” pp109-130, Nova Publisher, Hauppauge, New York.
  4. F. Ye, D. Mihalache, N.-C. Panoiu, “Sub-wavelength plasmonic solitons in 1D and 2D arrays of coupled metallic nanowires,” chapter in book: “Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Self-Trapping, and Josephson Oscillations,”pp 357-375, Springer Publishers, Berlin, German.


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