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  Coventry University, 博士.
  Loughborough University, 博士后.
  BSc, Ocean University of Qingdao, Applied Mathematics Department,China.
  MSc, Nanyang Technological University, Mathematics Division, Singapore.
  PhD, Coventry University, Control Theory and Applications Centre, U.K.
  Research Associate, Loughborough University,Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering Department, U.K.
  Associate Professor, Management Science and Engineering Department,Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

  Research Interests:
  Risk and Reliability Assessment, Fault Tree Analysis using Binary Decision Diagrams, Fault Detection for nonlinear system
  Selected Publication:
  1. S. Du and Y. Sun, “A Novel Ordering Method of Binary Decision Diagram”, Proc. of  International Conference on Management Science & Engineering’07, Volume 1, pp. 299-304, 2007.
  2. S. Du and Y. Sun, “Comparison of Progressive Variable Ordering methods with Fixed ordering heuristics for Binary Decision Diagrams”, Proc. of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Volume 1, pp. 4581-4584, 2007.
  3. L.M.Bartlett, S. Du, ‘New Progressive Variable Ordering for Binary Decision Diagram Analysis of Fault Trees,' in Quality and Reliability Engineering International Journal,vol.21, no.4, pp.413-425, JUN 2005.
  4. D.N.Shields, S. Du, ‘Fault detection observers for continuous non-linear polynomial systems of general degree,’ published in International Journal of Control, vol.76, no.5, pp.437-452, 2003.
  5. D.N.Shields, S. Du, ‘A Fault Detection Method for a Three Tank System’ published in Systems Science Vol.26, 2000, presented at the 14th International Conference on Systems Engineering (ICSE 2000), 486-491, held at Coventry University, Coventry, UK. Proc. ICSE 2000 (vol. 2), September 2000.
  6. D.N.Shields, S. Du, ‘An Assessment of Fault Detection Methods for a Benchmark System’ presented at the 4th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, 937-942, held at Budapest, Hungary. Proc. SAFEPROCESS ’2000, June 2000.
  7. D.N.Shields, S.Du, E.Gaura, ‘Detecting Faults in a Hydraulic System Using Neural Network and Observer Approaches’, published in Systems Science Vol.28, n.1, 2002, presented at the 14th System Science Conference, held at Wroelaw, Poland, Vol 3, 192-199, September 2001.

  Applied Statistics
  operations research


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