发布时间:2020-05-02 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:

泉州师范学院外国语学院商务英语专业介绍的内容如下,更多考研资讯请关注我们考研派网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。或下载我们的考研派APP和考研派微信公众号(里面有非常多的免费考研资源可以领取哦)[泉州师范学院海洋与食品学院师资力量介绍] [泉州师范学院海洋与食品学院联系方式] [泉州师范学院海洋与食品学院简介] [泉州师范学院资源与环境科学学院(旅游学院)地理科学(师范] [泉州师范学院资源与环境科学学院(旅游学院)人文地理与城乡] [泉州师范学院资源与环境科学学院(旅游学院)环境科学介绍]



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Business English Department
Focusing on the primary strategic needs of China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone and the building of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Core Area, in order to match the society's demand for business English talents, the School of Foreign Languages set up Business English Department based on the previous foundation of English(Economics and Trade) with the approval of the Ministry of Education in September 2015. The program is designed to cultivate excellent application-oriented business talents who have a solid foundation of English and practical skills and will serve the regional economic and social development based on the local and national condition. This interdisciplinary program integrates foreign language and literature, applied economics, business administration, international business law and so forth. It highlights the characteristics of business language application, business knowledge and practice, and cross-cultural business communication skills. It aims at cultivating application-oriented talents with global vision and good humanity accomplishment who have international business abilities of English application, business practice, cross-cultural communication, critical thinking and innovation, autonomous learning ability by learning systematically the basic theory and knowledge of linguistics, economics, management, international commercial law, etc. The core task is to develop students’ intercultural communication competence and business English communication and practice abilities, therefore they will graduate as advanced talents capable of working on foreign trade, finance, management, especially foreign affairs of foreign-related private enterprises in Quanzhou and international trade, cross-border e-commerce, international conventions and exhibitions and so forth.
The teaching abd learning in Business English  satisfies the needs of regional economic and social development, affixing great value to the applicability.
On the basis of national standard (draft) for Business English education, the talent training platform, consisting of four curriculum modules (language, business, intercultural communication, humanity and other interdisciplinary knowledge), a training center, and a practice base (for training, novitiate and internship), is under construction and improvement. The platform focuses on the training and practice of professional skills and aims at bringing up international compound and applied talents with specialty, capability and knowledge. It diversifies modes of talents training and improves the practical and innovative ability of students. In the talent training plan, the ratio of practical courses is increased, especially courses concerned with intercultural communication and business practice. On the training platform of business English, students have their practical skill greatly strengthened with intensified pre-job training. It provides a good grounding for talent training, and guarantees the implementation of many practical moves. The contestants comprising of the Business English juniors won the first prize in the 2019 Yixue Cup National Business English Practice Contest (Regional Final in Fujian). The enrichment of the major’s content, together with a full understanding of its own features and the trend of social development, contributes to the extension of students’ career development and the enhancement of their competitiveness and social reputation. Graduates have been well-equipped for the needs of market and society with knowledge, specialty and capability, in service of the region, field and enterprise development.
With great support from the University in the past four years, the Major has invested 3,000,000 yuan in the construction of training platform, practice base and teaching staff. The ever-growing input on the running of Business English is intended for a prominent applied talent training base of business English in Fujian Province, in accordance with the needs of national and provincial strategies like the construction of the China Pilot Free Trade Zone and Core Areas of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.
