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姓名: 赵培标 | 性 别:男 | 出生年月: 1964-8-6 | |||||||
职称: 教授 | 办公电话: 84315877 | 导师类别: 博士生导师 | |||||||
电子邮件: pbzhao@njust.edu.cn | |||||||||
工作单位: 理学院 | |||||||||
最后学历: 研究生毕业 | 最后学位: 博士 | ||||||||
最后毕业学校: | 毕业专业: | 毕业时间: | |||||||
◇ 主学科研究方向: | |||||||||
二级学科名称(主): 应用数学 博士学科 | 学科代码: 070104 | ||||||||
A.基础数学: 1)微分几何; 2)流形上的几何分析。 B.应用数学: 1)金融数学; 2)黎曼几何及其在外汇定价中的应用。 |
◇ 学术任职: | |||||||||
1.《Practical Ideas in Economics and Finance》期刊编委 2.《Communications in Mathematical Finance》期刊编委 3.《Journal of Applied Mathematics & Bioinformatics》期刊编委 4.《Journal of Business and Economic Management》特约审稿人 5.《Journal of Mathematical Physics 》特约审稿人 6.《Filomat》特约审稿人 7.《Chinese Annals of Mathematics》特约审稿人 8.《Universal J.of Marketing and Business Research》特约审稿人 9.《Issues in Business Management and Economics》特约审稿人 10.《Herald Journal of Economics and Finance》特约审稿人 11. 美国数学会《Mathematical Reviews》特约评论员 12. 德国European Mathematical Society《Zentralblatt MATH》特约评论员, 13. 中国工业与应用数学学会会员, 14. 江苏省工业与应用数学学会学术委员会委员, 15. 中国兵工学会理事, 16. 江苏省数学会理事. |
◇ 学术成就: | |||||||||
1. Han Y.,H.Yun,Zhao P.,Some invariants of quarter-symmetric metric connections under the projective transformation, Filomat, 27(4), 2013(SCI) 2. Liu T.,Zhao J.,Zhao P.,Portfolio problems based on jump-diffusion models, Filomat, 26(3), 2012(SCI) 3. Fu F.,Yang X.,Zhao P.,Geometrical and physical characteristics of a class of conformal mappings, J of Geometry Physics,62(6),2012(SCI) 4. Wang S.,Yang X.,Zhang Y.,Zhao P.,The amendment and empirical test of arbitrage pricing models, J.of Appl.Finance & Banking, 2011 5. Ding L.,Zhao P.,Learning with varifold Laplacians,Neurocomputing,73,2010(SCI) 6. Cai Q.,Zhao P.,On stability of Ricci flows based on bounded curvatures, Balkan J.of Geometry and Its Application,15,2010(SCI) 7. Fu F.,Zhao P.,A property on geodesic mappings of pseudosymmetric Riemannian manifolds, Bull.Malaysian Math.Sci.Soc.,35,2010(SCI) 8. Bao F.,Zhu P.,Zhao P.,Portfolio selection based on fuzzy interval numbers under Minimax rules, Int.J.of Math.Anal.,4,2010 9. Wu X.,Xia M.,Zhao P.,The generalized no-arbitrage analysis of frictional markets, Adv.Appl.Stat.Sci.,2009 10.Hou B.,Liu J.,Zhao P.,The evaluation of the policy of portfolio problems,Appl.Math.Sci.,2009 11.Deng X.,Zhang Y.,Zhao P.,Portfolio optimization based on spectral risk measures, Int.J.of Math.Anal.,2009 12.Zhao P.,Cai Q.,Stability of Ricci flows based on Killing conditions,J.of Korean Math.Soc.,2009(SCI) 13.Zhao P.,Yang X.,Recifiability properties of Brakke flows in the sense of varifolds, Int.J.Contemp.Math.Sci.,2008 14.Yang C.,Zhao P.,The portfolio problem under the variable rate of transaction costs, FE J.of Appl.Math.,31,2008 15.Pan L.,Zhao P.,Dynamic portfolio choice problem with the non-monotone utility functions, Appl.Math.Sci.,3,2008 16.Zhao P.,Yang X.,Rectifiability properties of varifolds in l^3_{\infty}, Bull.Korean Math.Soc.44,2007(SCI) 17.Jiao L.,Zhao P.,Conformal transformations on Carnot-Caratheodory spaces,Nihonkai Math.J.,17,2006 18.Zhao P.,Yang X.,On stationary hypersurfaces in Euclidean spaces,Acta Math.Scientia,26,2006(SCI) |
◇ 目前从事的研究内容、承担和科研项目及经费: | |||||||||
I.研究内容: 1.金 融 学:渐近无套利分析与投资组合;公司理财与金融风险管理。 2.应用数学:基于黎曼几何的外汇定价;保险精算; 3.基础数学:次黎曼流形上的几何分析。 II.承担项目: 1.基金:国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、教育部高校博士点基金; 2.项目:国家烟草专卖局科研基金、江苏省研究生教育教学改革研究与实践课题、江苏省优秀研究生课程等。 |