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姓名:王勤 性别:女 出生年月:1974年7月
职称:副教授 学院:地球科学与工程学院
研究方向:岩石的地震波速度和各向异性、超高压变质岩和橄榄岩的组构、含水量和变形机制、不同构造环境下的上地幔流变学性质、华北克拉通岩石圈的物质组成和破坏机制 简历
社会任职:中国矿物岩石地球化学学会 会员、美国地球物理联合会(AGU) 会员、美国地质学会(GSA)会员
Member of the Education and Outreach Committee of the AGU-VGP session (2009-)
(3)主持美国杜邦公司“青年教授奖”项目,《Petrophysical Study of Fluid Stability and Distribution in Sedimentary Rocks》 (2009.1-2011.12);
(4)主持Sino-Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation project,《Petrofabrics and physical anisotropies of peridotites from the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terranes》(No. EG 39-032010, 2011);
1. Wang, Q., 2010. A review of water contents and ductile deformation mechanisms of olivine: implications for the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary of continents. Lithos 120, 30-41.
2. Wang, Q., Burlini, L., Mainprice, D., Xu, Z.Q., 2009. Geochemistry, petrofabrics and seismic properties of eclogites from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling boreholes in the Sulu UHP terrane, eastern China. Tectonophysics, 475, 251-266.
3. Xu, Z.Q., Wang, Q., Tang, Z.M., Chen, F.Y., 2009. Fabric kinematics of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from the main borehole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project: implications for continental subduction and exhumation. Tectonophysics, 475, 235-250.
4. Xu, Z.Q., Yang, W.C., Ji, S.C., Zhang, Z.M., Yang, J.S., Wang, Q., Tang, Z.M., 2009. Deep root of a continent–continent collision belt: Evidence from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) deep borehole in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (HP–UHP) metamorphic terrane, China. Tectonophysics, 475, 204-219.
5. Ji, S.C., Wang, Q., Xu, Z.Q., 2007. Reply to the comments of S. Karato on “Petrofabrics and seismic properties of garnet peridotites from the UHP Sulu terrane (China)”. Tectonophysics, 429, 291-296.
6. Xu, Z.Q., Wang, Q., Ji, S.C., Chen, J., Zeng, L.S., Yang, J.S., Chen, F.Y., Liang, F.H., Wenk, H.R., 2006. Petrofabrics and seismic properties of garnet peridotite from the UHP Sulu terrane (China): Implications for olivine deformation mechanism in a cold and dry subducting continental slab. Tectonophysics, 421, 111-127.
7. Wang, Q., Ji, S.C., Salisbury, M., Xia, B., Pan, M., Xu, Z.Q., 2005. Shear wave properties and Poisson’s ratios of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt, China: implications for the crustal composition. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, doi:10.1029/2004JB003435.
8. Wang, Q., Ji, S.C., Salisbury, M., Pan, M., Xia, B., Xu, Z.Q., 2005. Pressure dependence and anisotropy of P-wave velocities in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt (China): implications for seismic properties of subducted slabs and origin of mantle reflections. Tectonophysics, 398, 67-99.
9. Ji, S.C., Wang, Q., Xia, B., Marcotte, D., 2004. Mechanical properties of multiphase materials and rocks: a phenomenological approach using generalized means. Journal of Structural Geology, 26, 1377-1390.
10. Ji, S.C., Wang, Q., Xia, B. 2003. P-wave velocities of polymineralic rocks: comparison of theory and experiment and test of elastic mixture rules. Tectonophysics,366, 165-185.
11. 许志琴,王勤,梁凤华,陈方远,许翠萍,2009. 电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术在大陆动力学研究中的应用.岩石学报, 25(7), 1721-1736.
12. 朱蓓蓓,王勤,王良书,陈立辉,张宏福,2009. 河北阳原新生代玄武岩中橄榄岩捕虏体的含水量研究. 高校地质学报, 15(2), 263-272.
13. 王勤,嵇少丞,许志琴,2007. 橄榄石的晶格优选定向、含水量与地震波各向异性:对大陆俯冲带变形环境的约束. 岩石学报, 23, 3065-3077.
14. 嵇少丞,王茜,王勤,许志琴,2007. 苏鲁-大别超高压变质岩的弹性力学性质与密度的关系. 岩石学报, 23, 3054-3064.
15. 王勤,2007. 岩石地震波性质的理论与实验研究. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 26, 118-126.
16. 许志琴,王勤,陈方远,梁凤华,唐哲民,2006. 榴辉岩组构运动学与大陆深俯冲——中国大陆科学钻探主孔榴辉岩的EBSD研究. 岩石学报, 22, 1799-1809.
17. 王勤, 嵇少丞, 许志琴, Salisbury, M. H.,夏斌,潘明宝,2005. 榴辉岩的地震波性质:对苏鲁超高压变质带地壳成分和折返机制的约束. 岩石学报, 21, 451-464.
18. 许志琴,陈晶,王勤,曾令森,杨经绥,陈方远,李天福,梁凤华,2005. 南苏鲁芝麻房石榴石橄榄岩中橄榄石的“C”类组构及其形成条件探讨. 岩石学报, 21, 389-398.
19. 王勤,卢华复,王良书,徐鸣洁,胡德昭,嵇少丞,2004. 库车前陆盆地的二维重力模拟与综合解释. 高校地质学报, 10, 227-238.
20. 王勤,徐鸣洁,贺绍英,王良书,李成,李华,2000. 库车-塔中-塔南剖面磁异常反演与塔里木盆地基底演化. 高校地质学报, 6, 34-39.
专著: Ji, S.C., Wang, Q., Xia, B. 2002. Handbook of Seismic Properties of Minerals, Rocks and Ores. Polytechnic International Press, Montreal, Canada, 630 pp.
2006.7:北京,AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting,口头报告“Petrofabric and seismic properties of eclogites from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling borehole in the Sulu UHP terrane”;
2006.7:新加坡,AOGS 3rd Annual Meeting, 口头报告“C-type olivine fabric in the Zhimafang garnet peridotite from the Sulu UHP terrane: Implications for water in continental subduction zone”;
2008.8:挪威Oslo,33rd International Geological Congress, 分会邀请报告 “Lattice-preferred orientation, water content and seismic anisotropy of olivine: implications for the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary of continents”,口头报告“Fabric kinematics of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from the main borehole of the Chinese continental scientific drilling project: implications for continental subduction and exhumation”;
2008.12:美国旧金山,2008 AGU Fall Meeting, 口头报告“Interseismic activity and coseismic activity of the Longmen Shan in the late Cenozoic: New insights from the Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008”;
2009.12:美国旧金山,2009 AGU Fall Meeting, Poster "Deformation mechanism maps of olivine and rheology of the continental upper mantle", chair of poster session V43D “New Insight Into Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism and Rheology in Collisional Orogenic Belts”.