合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院导师:谷雨的内容如下,更多考研资讯请关注我们考研派网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。或下载我们的考研派APP和考研派微信公众号(里面有非常多的免费考研资源可以领取哦)[合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院导师:翟华] [合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院导师:曾亿山] [合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院导师:严正峰] [合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院导师:王勇] [合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院导师:王旭迪] [合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院导师:王健强]
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姓名 | 谷雨 | 性别 | 男 |
出生年月 | 1986.1 | 最终学位 | 博士 |
毕业学校 | 中国科学技术大学 | ||
从事专业 | 无线通讯;情感计算 | 职务 | |
所属院系 | 计算机与信息学院 | ||
所属科室(研究所) | 情感计算研究所 | 职称 | 教 授 |
TPC member for
->IEEE WCNC 2011/2012/2013.Session:Network Track.
->IEEE VTC 2010-Fall.Session:Wireless Networks.
->IEEE GLOBECOM 2012/2013.Session:Wireless Networking Symposium.
->IEEE EIDWT 2012.
Reviewer for
->IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology/Mobile Computing/Wireless Communications,TPDS.
->IEEE INFOCOM 07 08 09 10 11 12,ICC 07 08 09 10 11 12,WCNC 07 09 10 11 12,
->Wiley's Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,Computer Journal,Journal of Computer Science,Computer Communications,Ad hoc Networks.
Research Topic:sink mobility problem in WSN
We proved that the problem of scheduling multiple mobile sinks among limited locations with the objective to maximize network lifetime belongs to class NP-complete and developed an exponential-time enumeration based algorithm,which guarantees an optimal solution and serves as an upper bound.
Research Topic:target coverage problem in WSN
We developed a lifetime upper bound via a linear programming (LP) formulation by relaxing coverage constraints for this problem.Then we utilized a column generation (CG) based approach to find a feasible schedule to approach this upper bound.Numerical results demonstrate that our CG based approach constantly yields optimal or near-optimal solutions and thus provides a critical performance benchmark when evaluating other heuristic algorithms.
Research Topic:target tracking problem in WSN
We built a prediction model to predict the Potential Future Area (PFA) a target may present based on previously collected information,like moving direction,moving speed,etc.The key idea is clear:to save energy by turning on only sensor nodes in PFA.This scheme outperforms other similar mechanism in terms of total energy consumption and communication bandwidth requirement,proved by not only theoretical analysis but also simulation results.
first author,Excellent Paper Award,IEEE ScalCom 2009.
l Journal Papers
[11] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Jie Li,Fuji Ren,Baohua Zhao,EMS:Efficient Mobile Sink Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks,Ad Hoc Networks (ELSEVIER),accepted.(SCI,Impact Factor 2012:2.110).Available online:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1570870512002132
[10] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Jie Li,Fuji Ren,Baohua Zhao,ESWC:Efficient Scheduling for the Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks with Delay Constraint,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,accepted for publication.(SCI,Impact Factor 2012:1.992)
[9] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Jie Li,Baohua Zhao,"Covering Targets in Sensor Networks:From Time Domain to Space Domain," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,vol.23,no.9,pp.1643-1656,Sept.2012,doi:10.1109/TPDS.2012.99.(SCI,Impact Factor 2012:1.992)
[8] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Jie Li,Baohua Zhao,Towards an Optimal Lifetime in Heterogeneous Surveillance Wireless Sensor Networks,EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking,accepted for publication.(SCI,Impact Factor 2012:0.87)
[7] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Jie Li,Baohua Zhao,An Optimal Algorithm for Solving Partial Target Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks,Wiley's Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,accept for publication,DOI:10.1002/wcm.1173 (extended paper of WCNC 2010).(SCI and EI,Impact Factor 2009:1.016)
[6] Hongyang Chen,Bin Liu,Pei Huang,Junli Liang,Yu Gu.Mobility-Assisted Node Localization Based on TOA Measurements without Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks.ACM Mobile Networks and Applications,Doi:10.1007/s11036-010-0281-3.(SCI,Impact Factor 2009:1.103)
[5] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Jie Li,Baohua Zhao.Theoretical Treatment of Target Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks.Journal of Computer Science and Technology,Vol.26,No.1,pp.117-129,Jan,2011 (extended paper of Globecom 2009).(SCI,Impact Factor 2011:0.632)
[4] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Jie Li,Baohua Zhao.Using Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks:Computational Complexity and A Theoretical Bound.Chinese Journal of Electronics,Vol.20,No.1,pp.147-150.(SCI,Impact Factor 2009:0.192)
[3] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Hongyang Chen,Baohua Zhao.Tapeman:Towards an Optimal Data Gathering Mechanism in Wireless Sensor Networks.Chinese Journal of Electronics,Vol.19,No.4,pp.594-598,Oct,2010 (extended paper of APSCC 2007).(SCI,Impact Facto 2009:0.192)
[2] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Baohua Zhao,Jie Li,QoS-aware Target Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks,Wiley's Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,Vol.9,No.12,pp.1645-1659,2009 (extended paper of IPC 2007).(SCI and EI,Impact Factor 2009:1.016)
[1] Yu Gu,B.H.Zhao.A Power Control Scheme for Target Localization in WSN,Chinese Journal of Electronics,Vol.3,pp.443-448,2008 (extended paper of EUC 2005).(SCI,Impact Factor:0.192,IDS Number:340ZR;EI,Accession number:083511482031)
l Conference Papers
[20] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Fuji Ren,Jie Li.Network Lifetime Optimization in Wireless Healthcare Systems:Understanding the gap between Online and Offline Scenarios,accepted by IEEE ICC 2013,Budapest,Hungary,June 9-13,2013.(Full version pdf)
[19] Hao Zhou,Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Baohua Zhao.Network Coding Based SVC Multicast Over Broadband Wireless Networks,accepted by IEEE LCN 2012,Florida,USA,October 22-25,2012.
[18] Hao Zhou,Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Baohua Zhao.A Resource Allocation Algorithm for SVC Multicast over Wireless Relay Networks based on Cascaded Coverage Problem,accepted by IEEE Globecom 2012,California,USA,December 3-7,2012.
[17] Hao Zhou,Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Baohua Zhao.Light-Weight Feedback Based SVC Multicast in Multi-carrier Wireless Data Systems,accepted by IWCMC 2012,Cyprus,August 27-31,2012.
[16] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Jie Li,Biao Han,Baohua Zhao.Delay-bounded Sink Mobility in Wireless Sensor Networks,in Proc of IEEE ICC 2012,Ottawa,Canada,June 10-15,2012.
[15] Yongsheng Liu,Yu Gu,Guolong Chen,Jie Li,Yusheng Ji.A Novel Accurate Forest Fire Detection System using Wireless Sensor Networks,in Proc of IEEE MSN 2011,Beijing,China,Dec 16-18,2011.
[14] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Hongyang Chen,Jie Li,Baohua Zhao,Athanasios V.Vasilakos.Scheduling Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks:Theoretic Analysis and An Optimal Algorithm,in Proc of IEEE ICC 2011,Kyoto,Japan,June 5-9,2011.
[13] Yu Gu,Baohua Zhao,Yusheng Ji,Jie Li.Scheduling Multiple Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks:A Column Generation Based Approach,in Proc of IEEE WCNC 2011,Cancun,Mexico,March 28 - 31,2011.
[12] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Hongyang Chen,Jie Li,Baohua Zhao,Fengchun Liu.Towards an Optimal Sink Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks,in Proc of IEEE ICC 2010,South Africa,May 23-27,2010.
[11] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Hongyang Chen,Jie Li,Baohua Zhao.Partial Target Coverage Problem in Surveillance Sensor Networks,in Proc of IEEE WCNC 2010,Sydney,Australia,Apr 18 - 21,2010.
[10] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Jie Li,Baohua Zhao.Fundamental Results on Target Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks,in Proc of IEEE GLOBECOM 09 (34.8%),Hawaii,USA,Nov 30- Dec 4,2009.
[9] Yu Gu,Jie Li,Baohua Zhao,Yusheng Ji.Target Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks:A Column Generation Based Approach,in Proc of IEEE MASS 2009 (62/245),Macau SAR,China,October 12 - 15,2009.
[8] Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Baohua Zhao.Maximize Lifetime of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks with Joint Coverage and Connectivity Requirement,in Proc of IEEE ScalCom 2009 (34/266,Excellent Paper Award),Sept.25-27,2009,Dalian,China.
[7] Wei Wei,Yong Qi,Wei Wang,Ruidong Li,Yi Shi,Yu Gu.Variant Rate Based Cross Layer Time Frame Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks,the 2008 IEEE Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (IEEE WTS 2008),Pomona,California,USA,April 24-26 ,2008.(EI,Accession number:083711546381)
[6] Yu Gu,Hengchang Liu,B.H.Zhao.Joint Scheduling and Routing for Lifetime Elongation in Surveillance Sensor Networks.The 2007 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2007),Tsukuba,Japan,December 11-14,2007.(SCI indexed,IDS Number:BHM80;EI,Accession number:083011395998)
[5] Yu Gu,Hengchang Liu,Fei Song,B.H.Zhao.Joint Sink Mobility and Data Diffusion for Lifetime Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks.The 2007 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2007),Tsukuba,Japan,December 11-14,2007.(SCI indexed,IDS Number:BHM80;EI,Accession number:083011395994)
[4] Peilong Li,Yu Gu,B.H.Zhao.A Global-Energy-Balancing Real-time Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks.The 2007 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2007),Tsukuba,Japan,December 11-14,2007.(SCI indexed,IDS Number:BHM80;EI,Accession number:083011395999)
[3] Yu Gu,B.H.Zhao.Target Coverage With QoS Requirements in Wireless Sensor Networks ,IEEE the 2007 International Conference on Intelligent Pervasive Computing (IEEE IPC 2007),pp.35-38,October,2007.(SCI,IDS Number:BHJ72;EI,Accession number:083611500222)
[2] Jing Li,Yu Gu,Wei Zhang and B.H.Zhao.MIMO Techniques in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks,The 8th Asia Pacific Web Conference 2006 (International Workshop on Sensor Networks,APWeb 2006,LNCS 3842,pp.291-296,2006.(SCI,IDS Number:BDV63;EI,Accession number:06279982265)
[1] Yu Gu,Wei Zhang,HengChang Liu,Baohua Zhao,Yugui Qu.Energy-efficient Target Localization Based on A Prediction Model,Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing - EUC 2005 Workshops.Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.3823 :1178-90,2005.(SCI and EI indexed,IDS Number:BDW22;EI,Accession number:06249936580)
l Workshop Papers
[1]Yu Gu,Yusheng Ji,Jie Li,Baohua Zhao.Theoretical Treatment of Sink Scheduling Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks,in Proc.of IEEE Infocom 2011 Workshop (WiSARN) ,April 10-15,2011.