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合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院导师:郭忠义的内容如下,更多考研资讯请关注我们考研派网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。或下载我们的考研派APP和考研派微信公众号(里面有非常多的免费考研资源可以领取哦)[合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院导师:翟华] [合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院导师:曾亿山] [合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院导师:严正峰] [合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院导师:王勇] [合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院导师:王旭迪] [合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院导师:王健强]


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姓名 郭忠义 性别
出生年月 1981.02 最终学位 博士
毕业学校 哈尔滨工业大学
从事专业   职务  
所属院系 计算机与信息学院 通信工程系
所属科室(研究所) 通信研究所 职称 教授


  1999-2003 哈尔滨工业大学 学士
  2003-2005 哈尔滨工业大学 硕士
  2005-2008 哈尔滨工业大学 博士
  2008.08-2009.09 哈尔滨 哈尔滨工业大学 讲师
  2009.09-2011.05 韩国 汉阳大学 博士后
  2011.05-2011.09 香港 香港理工大学 博士后
  2011.10-至今 合肥 合肥工业大学 教授/黄山青年学者



  1.山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖 三等奖 2006.11
  2.威海市科学技术奖 二等奖 2008.08
  3.威海市第九届自然科学优秀学术成果奖 一等奖 2009.09
  4.威海市第十届自然科学优秀学术成果奖 二等奖 2011.12

  Zhongyi Guo,Lingling Ran,Yanhua Han,Shiliang Qu,Shutian Liu,Holographic fabrication of periodic microstructures by interfered femtosecond laser pulses,the 10th chapter to the book of “Laser Pulse-Theory,Technology,and Applications”,(2012).Edited by Igor Peshko.
  Zhongyi Guo,Lingling Ran,Shiliang,Qu and Shutian Liu,Several Diffractive Optical Elements Fabricated by Femtosecond Laser Pulses Writing Directly,the 26th chapter to the book of “Coherence and Ultrashort Pulse Laser Emission”,(2010).Edited by F.J.Duarte.
  卢志茂,冯进玫,陈丽娟,郭忠义,《光纤通信》 北京大学出版社,2010.(副主编:具体负责书中第五章(光源与光发送机)、第六章(光检测器与光接收机)的编写工作)
  Guanghua Fan,Shoutian Ren,Shiliang Qu,Zhongyi Guo,Qiang Wang,Yanshen Wang,Renxi Gao,Mechanisms for fabrications and nonlinear optical properties of Pd and Pt nanoparticles by femtosecond laser,Optics Communications,295,2013,219-225
  Guanghua Fan,Shiliang Qu,Zhongyi Guo,Qiang Wang,and ZhongGuo Li,Size dependence of nonlinear absorption and refraction in Ag nanoparticles excited by femtosecond laser,Chinese Physics B,21 047804,2012.
  Yoon-Ho Nam,Han-Don Um,Kwang-Tae Park,Sun-Mi Shin,Jong-Wook Baek and Min-Joon Park,Jin-Young Jung,Keya Zhou,Sang-Won Jee,Zhongyi Guo,and Jung-Ho Lee,Multi-layer Coating of SiO2 Nanoparticles To Enhance Light Absorption by Si Solar Cells,Journal of the Korean Physical Society,60,2012,1944∼1948.
  Zhongyi Guo,Jinmei Feng,Keya Zhou,Yanjun Xiao,Shiliang Qu and Jung-Ho Lee,The formation of different structures in the interaction between the single femtosecond laser pulse and a thin Au film,Applied Physics A,108,2012,639-644.
  Keya Zhou,Zhongyi Guo,Xiaopeng Li,Jin-Young Jung,Sang-Won Jee,Kwang-Tae Park,Han-Don Um,Ning Wang,and Jung-Ho Lee,The tradeoff between plasmonic enhancement and optical loss in silicon nanowire solar cells integrated in a metal back reflector,Optics Express Vol.20,Iss.S5,pp.A777–A787 (2012)
  Yanjun Xiao,Xiaopeng Li,Han-Don Um,Xuejiao Gao,Zhongyi Guo,Jung-Ho Lee,Controlled exfoliation of a heavily n-doped porous silicon double layer electrochemically etched for layer-transfer photovoltaics,Electrochimica Acta,74,2012,93-97.
  Lingling Ran,Zhongyi Guo,Shiliang Qu,Rotation of optically trapped microscopic particles by vortex femtosecond laser,Chinese Physics B,21,2012,104206.
  Xiaopeng Li,Zhongyi Guo,Yanjun Xiao,Han-Don Um,Jung-Ho Lee,GaAs pores and wires prepared on both smooth and textured surfaces by electrochemical etching in KOH electrolyte,Electrochimica Acta,56,(2011),5071-5079.
  Kwang-Tae Park,Zhongyi Guo,Han-Don Um,Jin-Young Jung,Sang-Won Jee,Jun Mo Yang,and Jung-Ho Lee,Optical properties of Si microwires combined with small nanoneedles for flexible thin film photovoltaics",OPTICS EXPRESS,19(101),(2011),A41-A50.
  Jin-Young Jung,Keya Zhou,Han-Don Um,Zhongyi Guo,Sang-Won Jee,Kwang-Tae Park and Jung-Ho Lee,An effective method to extract optical bandgaps in Si nanowire arrays,Optics.Letter.36,2011,2677-2679.
  Han-Don Um,Sang-Won Jee,Kwang-Tae Park,Jin-Young Jung,Zhongyi Guo,and Jung-Ho Lee,Epitaxial Insertion of Gold Silicide Nanodisks During the Growth of Silicon Nanowires,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,11,(2011),1–4.
  Keya Zhou,Sang-Won Jee,Zhongyi Guo,Shutian Liu,Jung-Ho Lee,Enhanced absorptive characteristics of metal nanoparticle-coated silicon nanowires for solar cell applications,APPLIED OPTICS,50(31),(2011),G63-G68
  Yan Li,Shiliang Qu,Zhongyi Guo,Fabrication of microfluidic devices in silica glass by water-assisted ablation with femtosecond laser pulses,J.Micromech.Microeng.21 (2011),075008
  Lingling Ran,Shiliang Qu,Zhongyi Guo,Surface mico-structures on amorphous alloys induced by vortex femtosecond laser pulses,Chinese physics B,19(3),2010,034204.
  Keya Zhou,Zhongyi Guo,Weiqiang Ding,and Shutian Liu,Analysis on volume grating induced by femotosecond laser pulses,Opt.Express 18(13),2010,13640-13646.
  Lingling Ran,Zhongyi Guo,Shiliang Qu,Self-organized periodic surface structures on ZnO induced by femtosecond laser,Applied physics A,100(2),2010,517-521;DOI:10.1007/s00339-010-5846-2.
  Zhongyi Guo,Shiliang Qu,Shutian Liu,and Jung-Ho Lee,Periodic microstructures induced by interfered femtosecond laser pulses,Proc.of SPIE Vol.7657 76570K-1,2010.
  Keya Zhou,Zhongyi Guo,Ashfaq Muhammad,and Shutian Liu,Excitation of defect modes from the extended photonicband-gap structures of 1D photonic lattices,Chinese physics B,19(1),2010,014201.
  Jinpeng Ma,Zhengjun Liu,Zhongyi Guo,and Shutian Liu,Double image sharing encryption based on associated fractional Fourier transform and gyrator transform,Chinese Optics Letters,8(3),2010,290-292.
  Keya Zhou,Zhongyi Guo,and Shutian Liu,Position dependent splitting of bound states in periodic photonic lattices,Journal of the Optical Society of American B,27(5):2010,1099-1033.
  Keya Zhou,Zhongyi Guo,and Shutian Liu,Rotary Dynamics of Solitons in radially periodic optical lattices,Chinese Optics Letters,8(8),2010,791-794.
  Keya Zhou,Zhongyi Guo,Jicheng Wang,and Shutian Liu,Defect modes in defective PT symmetric periodic complex potentials,Optics.Letter,35(17),2010,2928-2930.
  Jin-Young Jung,Zhongyi Guo,Sang-Won Jee,Han-Don Um,Kwang-Tae Park,Hong-Seok Seo,Jong-Yeoul Ji,Chung-Tae Kim,and Jung-Ho Lee,A strong antireflective solar cell prepared by tapering silicon nanowire,Optics Express 18(13),2010,13640-13646.
  Jin-Young Jung,Zhongyi Guo,Sang-Won Jee,Han-Don Um,Kwang-Tae Park,Chung-Tae Kim,and Jung-Ho Lee,A waferscale Si wire solar cell using radial and bulk p–n junctions,Nanotechnology 21(44),2010,445303;doi:10.1088/0957-4484/21/44/445303.
  Zhongyi Guo,Jin-Young Jung,Sang-won Jee,S.A.Moiz,and Jung-Ho Lee,Research on optical properties of silicon nanowires array fabricated by metal-assisted electroless etching,Proc.SPIE,Vol.7772,77721C (2010);doi:10.1117/12.860397.
  Zhongyi Guo,Haifeng Wang,Zhengjun Liu,Shiliang Qu,Jingmin Dai,and Shutian Liu,Realization of holographic storage on metal film by femtosecond laser pulses micromachining,Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials,18(4),2009,617-623.
  Zhongyi Guo,Weiqiang Ding,Shiliang Qu,Jingmin Dai,and Shutian Liu,Self-assembled volume grating in silica glass induced by a tightly focused femtosecond laser pulses,Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials,18(4),2009,625-632.
  Yanhua Han,Shiliang Qu,Qiang Wang,Zhongyi Guo,and Xiangjun Chen,Controllable grating fabrication by three interfering replicas of single femtosecond laser pulse,Chinese physics B,18(12),2009,5331-5335.
  Zhongyi Guo,Shiliang,Qu,Lingling Ran,Yanhua Han,and Shutian Liu,Formation of two-dimensional periodic microstructures by a single shot of three interfered femtosecond laser pulses on the surface of silica glass," Optics.Letter.33,2008,2383-2385.
  Zhongyi Guo,Shiliang,Qu,Zhenghe Sun,and Shutian Liu,Superposition of orbit angular momentum of photons by combined computer-generated hologram fabricated in silica glass with femtosecond laser pulses,Chinese physics B,17(11),2008,4199-4205.
  Zhongyi Guo,Shiliang Qu,Yanhua Han,Shutian Liu,Multi-photon fabrication of two-dimensional periodic structure by three interfered femtosecond laser pulses on the surface of the silica glass,Optics Communications,280,2007,23-26.
  Zhongyi Guo,Shiliang Qu,Lingling Ran,Shutian Liu,Modulation grating achieved by two interfered femtosecond laser pulses on the surface of the silica glass,Applied Surface Science,253,2007,8581-8583.
  Zhongyi Guo,Shiliang Qu,Shutian Liu,Generating optical vortex with computer-generated hologram fabricated inside glass by femtosecond laser pulses,Optics Communications,273,2007,286-289.
  会议报告列表 (节选)
  Zhongyi Guo,Haifeng Wang,Zhengjun Liu,Shiliang Qu,Jingmin Dai,and Shutian Liu,Realization of holographic storage on metal film by femtosecond laser pulses micromachining,Nanophotonics 2009,Harbin,China.Oral
  Zhongyi Guo,Weiqiang Ding,Shiliang Qu,Jingmin Dai,and Shutian Liu,Self-assembled volume grating in silica glass induced by a tightly focused femtosecond laser pulses,Nanophotonics 2009,Harbin,China.Oral
  Zhongyi Guo,Shiliang Qu,Shutian Liu,and Jung-Ho Lee,Periodic microstructures induced by interfered femtosecond laser pulses,SPIE,2010,Dalian,China.Oral
  Zhongyi Guo,Jin-Young Jung,Sang-won Jee,S.A.Moiz,and Jung-Ho Lee,Research on optical properties of silicon nanowires array fabricated by metal-assisted electroless etching,SPIE,2010,San Diego.Post
  Zhongyi Guo,Keya Zhou,Yanjun Xiao,Jin-Young Jung,Handon Um,S.A.Moiz,Shiliang Qu,Shutian Liu,Jung-Ho Lee,Silicon nanostructures fabricated via femtosecond laser writing assisted with electrochemical etching,PVSV in Seattle,USA,2011.Post
  Zhongyi Guo,Keya Zhou,Jin-Young Jung,Yanjun Xiao,S.A.Moiz,Shutian Liu,and Jung-Ho Lee,Optical properties of tapered silicon nanowires,The fifth international conference on nanophontonics,Shanghai,China,2011.Post
  Zhongyi Guo,Keya Zhou,Yanjun Xiao,S.A.Moiz,Shiliang Qu,Shutian Liu,and Jung-Ho Lee,Interaction between fs laser pulses and a thin Au film,The fifth international conference on nanophontonics,Shanghai,China,2011.Oral



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