中国科学技术大学数学学院导师:徐岩的内容如下,更多考研资讯请关注我们考研派网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。或下载我们的考研派APP和考研派微信公众号(里面有非常多的免费考研资源可以领取哦)[中国科技大学合肥微尺度物质实验室导师:孙治湖] [中国科学技术大学数学学院导师:夏银华] [中国科学技术大学数学学院导师:王毅] [中国科学技术大学数学学院导师:童伟华] [中国科学技术大学数学学院导师:宁吴庆] [中国科学技术大学数学学院导师:刘利刚]
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徐岩教授 | |
所在系 | 计算与应用数学系 |
研究方向 | 科学计算 |
办公室 | 1213 |
办公电话 | 0551-63607151 |
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徐岩,江苏徐州人。2005年于中国科学技术大学数学系获计算数学博士学位,导师舒其望教授。2005年7月留校,曾先后到荷兰Twente大学、美国Brown大学、德国Freiburg大学、香港城市大学等访问工作。主要从事间断有限元算法的研究工作,主持Alexander von Humboldt研究基金、 国家自然科学基金、中科院、教育部基金、霍英东基金会等多项科学基金项目的研究。2008年获全国优秀博士学位论文奖。2009年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。2007年12月晋升为副教授,2010年5月起担任博士生导师,2012年6月晋升为教授。
2005.7-2007.12 中国科学技术大学数学系 讲师
2007.12-2012.6 中国科学技术大学数学科学学院 副教授
2010.5-至今 中国科学技术大学数学科学学院 博士生导师
2012.6-至今 中国科学技术大学数学科学学院 教授
2005.2-2005.3 荷兰Twente大学应用数学系 访问学者
2006.7-2006.8 美国Brown大学应用数学系 访问学者
2005.8-2007.7 荷兰Twente大学应用数学系 博士后
2009.1-2009.2 美国Brown大学应用数学系 访问学者
2009.7-2010.8 德国Freiburg大学应用数学系 洪堡学者
2010.1-2010.2 美国Brown大学应用数学系 访问学者
2011.1-2011.2 香港城市大学数学系 访问学者
Mini-Symposium on ``Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Theory and Applications'',at Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with the Second Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics,Beijing,China,Sept.5--10,2004.
Mini-Symposium on ``High order numerical methods for convection dominated problems and applications'',Second International Conference on Scientific
Computing and Partial Differential Equations and First East Asia SIAM Conference (SCPDE05) ,Hong Kong Baptist University,December 12-16,2005.
Mini-Symposium on ``Discontinuous Galerkin Methods'',at Seven World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VII) ,Los Angeles,California,July 16 - 22,2006.
Workshop on discontinuous Galerkin method and its applications,Beijing International Center for Computational Physics,June 13-17,2007,Beijing,P.R.China.
Mini-Symposium on ``High order discontinuous Galerkin methods and application'',International Conference On Spectral and High Order Methods (ICOSAHOM07) ,Institute of Computational Mathematics Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,P.R.China June 18- 22,2007.
The 8th Congress on Computational Mathematics of China ,Sichuan University,Sichuan Chengdu,P.R.China,Oct.25-29,2007.
Seminar of scientific computing group,University of Science and Technology of China,Anhui,Hefei,P.R.China,Nov 23,2007.
Workshop: Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Partial Differential Equations ,Banff International Research Station,Banff,AB,Canada,Nov 25-30,2007.International Conference on Applied Mathematics: Modeling,Analysis and Computation,June 1-5,2008,City University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong.
2008 Frontiers of computational and applied mathematics ,July 19-22,2008,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei,China.
International Conference on Approximation in Scientific Computing (ICASC08) ,Oct.26-30,2008,Beijing,China.
A Workshop on Modern Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics,Dec.26--28,2008,Capital Normal University,Beijing,China.
Seminar of scientific computing group,Brown University,Providence,RI,USA,Feb.6,2009.
Seminar of Institute of Applied Mathematics,Freiburg University,Freiburg,Germany,Dec.8,2009.
Seminar of scientific computing group,Brown University,Providence,RI,USA,Feb.19,2010.
Minisymposium on "Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Partial Differential Equations",Joint SIAM/RSME-SCM-SEMA Meeting: Emerging Topics in Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations (DSPDEs'10) ,May 31st--June 4th,2010,Barcelona,Spain.
The thirteenth International Conference on "Hyperbolic Problems: Theory,Numerics and Applications" (HYP2010) ,June 15--June19,2010,Beijing,China.
Colloquium of Institute for Mathematics,Wuerzburg University,Wuerzburg,Germany,July 9,2010.
International Conference on Scientific Computing in Aerodynamics,Beihang University,Beijing,China,November 26 - 28,2010.
Seminar on Applied Mathematics,Department of Mathematics,The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Hong Kong,January 18,2011.
Minisymposium on ``discontinuous Galerkin method'',International Conference on Interdisciplinary Applied and Computational Mathematics(ICIACM) ,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,China,June 17-21,2011.
Minisymposium "Discontinuous Galerkin method for PDEs",7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - (ICIAM 2011),Vancouver,BC,Canada,July 18-22,2011.
The 1st "Symposium on Computational Science,Engineering and Finance" ,Kunming,China,July 28-31,2011.
The fifth Workshop on Young Chinese Computational Mathematicians ,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai,China,August 13-14,2011.
USTC/NUS Mathematical Workshop,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei,Anhui,China,September 19-21,2011.
Cross-Strait Conference on integrable systems and related topics,Changshu,Jiangsu,China,October 4-8,2011.
The 11th Congress of Chinese Mathematical Society ,Sichuan,Chengdu,China,November 13-17.
International Conference on Applied Mathematics (ICAM2012) ,May 28-June 1,2012,City University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong.
The Second International Conference on Scientific Computing in Aerodynamics ,October 18-20,2012,Beihang University,Beijing.
The 8th International Conference on Computational Physics (ICCP8) ,January 7-11,2013,Hong Kong Baptist University,Hong Kong.
The sixth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM) ,July 14-19,2013,National Taiwan University,Taipei.
31th Conference of the Dutch-Flemish Numerical Analysis Communities,Woudschoten,Zeist,the Netherlands,October 11-13,2006.
International Workshop on Scientific Computing,on the occasion of Zhong-Ci Shi's 70th birthday,Institute of Computational Mathematics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,P.R.China,December 5--6,2003.
International Conference on Frontiers of Applied Mathematics,Morningside Center of Mathematics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,P.R.China,June 14--17,2004.
Summer School on Multiscale Modelings and Simulations,Morningside Center of Mathematics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,P.R.China,June 10 -- August 9,2004.
Workshop on Adaptive Method for Compressible Flows,University of Science and Technology of China,Anhui,Hefei,P.R.China,June 28 -- July 2,2004.
International Conference on Control,Partial Differential Equations and Scientific Computing,dedicated to late Professor J.-L.Lions,Beijing,P.R.China,September 13--16,2004.
30th Conference of the Dutch-Flemish Numerical Analysis Communities,Woudschoten,Zeist,the Netherlands,October 12-14,2005.
34th VKI CFD Lecture Series Very-High Order Discretization,Von Karman Institute For Fluid Dynamics,Brussels,Belgium,November 14-18,2005
International Workshop on Scientific Computing,ON THE OCCASION OF Cui Jun-zhi's 70 TH BIRTHDAY ,Institute of Computational Mathematics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China,June 7-8,2008.
Advances in Mathematics and Its Applications,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei,China,July 17-18,2008.
Workshop Adaptive Finite Elements: Analysis and Application,Kirchzarten,Germany,September 7-11,2009.
Workshop: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations on Surfaces,Department of Applied Mathematics,University of Freiburg,Freiburg,Germany,September 14-17,2009.
Chinese-German Workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics 2009 (3rd Workshop),University of Heidelberg,Heidelberg,Germany,September 28 - October 2,2009.
The fourth Russian-German advanced research workshop on computational science and high performance computing,Department of Applied Mathematics,University of Freiburg,Freiburg ,Germany,October 12-16,2009.
Network Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,Heidelberg,Germany,November 24-26,2009.
Annual Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,Berlin,Germany,June 21-23,2010.
Workshop on Computational Mathematics and Scientific Computing,Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing,Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science,Beijing,China,September 9 - 11,2010.
International conference on the computational Sciences,July 16-20,2012,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai.
2007.9 -- 2008.1 数学分析 (辅导) 数学系本科生 120人 周六 120学时
2008.2 -- 2008.7 计算方法 (主讲) 2006级9系 97人 周二 40学时
2008.2 -- 2008.7 偏微分方程初值问题的差分方法 (主讲) 数学系研究生 20人 周四 80学时
2008.9 -- 2009.1 非线性双曲方程的数值方法 (主讲) 数学系研究生 周四 80学时
2009.2 -- 2009.7 计算方法 (主讲) 2006级计算机系 123人 周二 40学时
2009.2 -- 2009.7 计算方法 (主讲) 2007级工程系 85人 周二 40学时
2011.2 -- 2011.6 偏微分方程数值方法 (主讲) 数学系研究生 19人 周四 80学时
2011.9 -- 2012.1 单变量微积分 (主讲) 2011计算机学院本科生 65人 周六 120学时
2012.2 -- 2012.6 数值分析(主讲) 数学系本科生 77人 周四 60学时
2012.2 -- 2012.6 非线性方程数值方法选讲 (主讲) 数学系研究生 6人 周四 80学时
2010.9 -- 2011.1 单变量微积分 (主讲) 2010生命科学学院本科生 107人 周六 120学时
2012.9 -- 2013.1 单变量微积分 (主讲) 2012计算机学院本科生 周六 120学时
2013.2 -- 2013.6 数值分析 (主讲) 数学系本科生 周四 60学时
2013.2 -- 2013.6 多尺度建模选讲 (主讲) 数学系研究生 周四 80学时
2013.9 -- 2014.1 单变量微积分 (主讲) 2013物理学院本科生 周六 120学时
国家自然科学面上基金(10971211) 2010.1—2012.12 25万元 主持
教育部优博专项资金 2009.1—2013.12 50万元 主持
霍英东青年教师基础研究课题 2012.1—2014.12 2万美金 主持
教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 2010.1—2012.12 50万元 主持
国家自然科学基金重点项目 2011.1—2014.12 140万元 独立参加人
国家自然科学青年基金(10601055) 2007.1—2009.12 16万元 主持
中科院优博专项资金 2008.1—2010.12 20万元 主持
中科院优博专项资金 2009.1—2011.12 20万元 主持
留学回国人员科研启动基金 2008.1—2011.12 2万元 主持
中央高校基本科研专项资金 2010.1—2011.12 10万元 主持
博士生 季良月(2012.7毕业),目前职位:Dunham Jackson Assistant Professor,University of Minnesota.
博士生 郭瑞晗
博士生 江金凤
博士生 郭莉
博士生 鲁仲杰
硕士生 李振宇
硕士生 赵建丽
MathSciNet Index
Google Scholar Citations
1.Y.Xu,The convergence and stability of difference solutions for Burgers-KdV equation (in Chinese),Journal ofTianjinNormalUniversity(Natural Science Edition),22 (2002),pp.33-37.
2.Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for three classes of nonlinear wave equations,Journal of Computational Mathematics,22 (2004),pp.250-274.
3.Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for nonlinear Schrodinger equations ,Journal of Computational Physics,205 (2005),pp.72-97.
4.Y.Xu,The convergence and stability of difference solutions for a class of coupled KdV equation (in Chinese),Journal of Engineering Mathematics,22(2005),pp.47-52.
5.Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for two classes of two dimensional nonlinear wave equations ,Physica D,208 (2005),pp.21-58.
6.Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equations and the Ito-type coupled KdV equations ,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,195 (2006),pp.3430-3447.
7.Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Error estimates of the semi-discrete local discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear convection-diffusion and KdV equations,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,196 (2007),pp.3805-3822.
8.J.J.W.van der Vegt and Y.Xu,Space-time discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear water waves,Journal of Computational Physics,224 (2007),pp.17-39.
9.Y.Xia,Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Efficient time discretization for local discontinuous Galerkin methods,Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B,8 (2007),pp.677-693.
10.Y.Xia,Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Cahn-Hilliard type equations,Journal of Computational Physics,227 (2007),pp.472-491.
11.Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,A local discontinuous Galerkin method for the Camassa-Holm equation,SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,46 (2008),pp.1998-2021.
12.Y.Xu,J.J.W.van der Vegt and O.Bokhove,Discontinuous Hamiltonian finite element method for bilinear Poisson brackets,Journal of Scientific Computing,35 (2008),pp.241-265.
13.Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Local discontinuous Galerkin method for the Hunter-Saxton equation and its zero-viscosity and zero-dispersion limit,SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,31 (2008),pp.1249-1268
14.Y.Xia,Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Application of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for the Allen-Cahn/Cahn-Hilliard system,Communications in Computational Physics,5 (2009),pp.821-835.
15.Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Local discontinuous Galerkin method for surface diffusion and Willmore flow of graphs,Journal of Scientific Computing,40 (2009),pp.375-390.
16.Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for high-order time-dependent partial differential equations,Communications in Computational Physics,7 (2010),pp.1-46.
17.Y.Xia,Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for the generalized Zakharov system,Journal of Computational Physics,229(2010),pp.1238-1259.
18.Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Dissipative numerical methods for the Hunter-Saxton equation ,Journal of Computational Mathematics,28(2010),pp.606-620.
19.L.Ji and Y.Xu,Optimal error estimates of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for Willmore flow of graphs on Cartesian meshes,International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling,8(2011),pp.252-283.
20.Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Degasperis-Procesi equation,Communications in Computational Physics,10(2011),pp.474-508.
21.Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Optimal error estimates of the semi-discrete local discontinuous Galerkin methods for high order wave equations,SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,50(2012),pp.79-104.
22.L.Ji and Y.Xu,Optimal error estimates of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for surface diffusion of graphs on Cartesian meshes,Journal of Scientific Computing,51(2012),pp.1-27.
23.X.Z.Li,Y.Xu and Y.S.Li,Investigation of multi-soliton,multi-cuspon solutions and their interaction of the Camassa-Holm equation,Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B,33B(2012),pp.225-246.
24.L.Ji,Y.Xu and J.K.Ryan,Accuracy-enhancement of discontinuous Galerkin solutions for convection-diffusion equations in multiple-dimensions,Mathematics of Computation,81(2012),pp.1929-1950.
25.L.Ji,Y.Xu and J.K.Ryan,Negative order norm estimates for nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws,Journal of Scientific Computing,54(2013),pp.531-548.
26.R.Guo and Y.Xu,Efficient solvers of discontinuous Galerkin discretization for the Cahn-Hilliard equations,Journal of Scientific Computing,to appear.
27.L.Guo and Y.Xu,Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for the 2D simulation of quantum transport phenomena,Communications in Computational Physics,to appear.
28.Y.Xu and C.-W.Shu,Preliminary results in local discontinuous Galerkin methods for two classes of 2D nonlinear wave equations (Abstract),in Abstracts of the Papers Presented at the Minisymposia Sessions of the Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with the Second Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics,Z.H.Yao,M.W.Yuan and W.X.Zhong,editors,Tsinghua University Press Springer,2004,p.212.
29.Y.Xu and J.J.W.van der Vegt,Space-time discontinuous Galerkin method for large amplitude nonlinear water waves,Computational Fluid Dynamics 2006: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics,ICCFD,Ghent,Belgium,July 10-14,2006,H.Deconinck and E.Dick,(Eds.),Springer,2009,pp.53-58.
30.Y.Xia and Y.Xu,Conservative local discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Schödinger-KdV system,submitted to Communications in Computational Physics.
31.L.Tian,Y.Xu,J.G.M.Kuerten and J.J.W.Van der Vegt,A local discontinuous Galerkin method for the propagation of phase transition in solids and fluids,submitted to Journal of Scientific Computing.
32.J.Jiang,Y.Xu,D.Dai,A dissipation-rate reserving DG method for wave catching-up phenomena in a nonlinearly elastic composite bar,submitted to Journal of Computational Physics.
33.R.Guo,L.Ji and Y.Xu,Numerical simulation and Error Estimates of the Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Allen-Cahn Equation,submitted to Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.
34.R.Guo and Y.Xu,Fast solver for the local discontinuous Galerkin discretization of the KdV type equations,submitted to Journal of Scientific Computing.
35.R.Guo,Y.Xu and Z.Xu,Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for the functionalized Cahn-Hilliard equation,submitted toApplied Numerical Mathematics.