发布时间:2021-10-25 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:

华中农业大学植物科技学院导师:李再云的内容如下,更多考研资讯请关注我们考研派网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。或下载我们的考研派APP和考研派微信公众号(里面有非常多的免费考研资源可以领取哦)[华中农业大学植物科技学院导师:彭少兵] [华中农业大学植物科技学院导师:黄见良] [华中农业大学植物科技学院导师:曾汉来] [华中农业大学植物科技学院导师:彭良才] [华中农业大学植物科技学院导师:刘安国] [华中农业大学植物科技学院导师:王学奎]


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  姓名: 李再云 出生年月: 1962.1
  性别: 男 硕/博导: 博导
  民族: 汉 开设课程: 植物科学技术
  职称: 教授 研究方向: 现主要从事油菜远缘杂交及细胞遗传学研究,特种作物的遗传研究
  学位: 理学博士


  李再云,男,1962年1月出生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为植物细胞与分子细胞遗传学。分别于1983, 1988,1992在西南农学院(现为西南大学),南京农业大学, 四川大学获学士,硕士和博士学位。1992.10—至今,华中农业大学作博士后研究与工作。曾在瑞典,意大利和日本进行合作研究。
   1. 油菜与荠菜杂交,创造新双低油菜及研究荠菜的染色体组结构, 国家自然科学基金, 2008—2010
   2. 油菜与菘蓝的族间杂交及新材料创建, 国家自然科学基金, 2006—2008
   3. 芸苔属二倍体种与诸葛菜杂种及后代的遗传分析,教育部高等学校博士点基金, 2004—2006
   4. 高羟基脂肪酸资源Lesquerella fendleri 的引进及利用,农业部”948”引进项目,2006-2008
   5. 油菜与近缘植物属间新材料的创造及应用研究, 教育部跨世纪优秀人才基金项目,2004-2006
   6. 高蓄能油菜资源创建 科技部”863” 2007-2010 主持
   7. 油菜与荠菜和菘蓝的远缘杂交, 创造新的抗(耐)菌核病材料 农业部 2007-2010 主持
  李再云,刘焰,吴建国,刘后利,罗鹏.芸苔属栽培种与诸葛菜属间杂种的遗传遗传规律及新材料创造. 2003年度教育部提名国家自然科学奖一等奖。
   1. Yao XC, Ge XH, Chen JP, Li ZY. Intra- and intergenomic relationships in interspecific hybrids between Brassica (B. rapa, B. napus) and a wild species B. maurorum as revealed by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Euphytica, 2010, 173:113-120.
   2. Yao XC, Du XZ, Ge XH, Chen JP, Li ZY. Intra- and intergenomic chromosome pairings revealed by dual-color GISH in trigenomic hybrids of Brasscia juncea and B. carinata with B. maurorum. Genome, 2010, 53: 14-22.
   3. Tu YQ, Sun J, Liu Y, Ge XH, Zhao ZG, Yao XC, Li ZY. Production and genetic analysis of partial hybrids from intertribal sexual crosses between Brassica napus and Isatis indigotica and progenies. Genome, 2010, 53: 146-156
   4. Ge XH, Wang J, Li ZY. Different genome-specific chromosome stabilities in synthetic Brassica allohexaploids revealed by wide crosses with Orychophragms. Ann Bot, 2009, 104: 19-31.
   5. Tu Y, Sun J, Ge X, Li ZY. Chromosome elimination, addition and introgression in intertribal partial hybrids between Brassica rapa and Isatis indigotica. Ann Bot, 2009, 103: 1039-1048.
   6. Chen HF, Ge XH, Du XZ, Zhao ZG, Li ZY. Genetic and histological characterization of a novel recessive genic male sterile line of Brassica napus derived from a cross with Capsella bursa-pastoris. Euphytica, 2009, 167: 31-37.
   7. Du XZ, Ge XH, Yao XC, Zhao ZG, Li ZY. Production and cytogenetic characterization of intertribal somatic hybrids between Brassica napus and Isatis indigotica. Plant Cell Rep, 2009, 28:1105-1103.
   8. Du XZ, Ge XH, Zhao ZG, Li ZY. Chromosome elimination and fragment introgression and recombination producing intertribal partial hybrids from Brassica napus x Lesquerella fendleri crosses. Plant Cell Rep, 2008, 27: 261-271.
   9. Tu YQ, Sun J, Liu Y, Ge XH, Zhao ZG, Yao XC, Li ZY. Production and characterization of intertribal somatic hybrids of Raphanus sativus and Brassica rapa with dye and medicinal plant Isatis indigotica. Plant Cell Rep, 2008, 27: 873-883.
   10. Zhao ZG, Hu TT, Ge XH, Du XZ, Ding L, Li ZY. Production and characterization of intergeneric somatic hybrids between Brassica nausa and Orychophragms violaceus and their backcrossing progenies. Plant Cell Rep, 2008, 27:1611-1621.
   11. Zhang ZL, Qiu FZ, Liu YZ, Ma KJ, Li ZY, Xu SZ. Chromosome elimination and in vivo haploid production induced by Stock 6-derived inducer in maize (Zea mays L.). Plant Cell Rep, 2008, 27:1851-1860.
   12. Zhao ZG, Ma N, Li ZY. Alteration of chromosome behavior and synchronization of parental chromosomes after successive generations in Brassica napus × Orychophragmus violaceus hybrids. Genome, 2007, 50:226-233.
   13. Liu M, Li ZY. Genome doubling and chromosome elimination with fragment recombination leading to the formation of Brassica rapa-type plants with genomic alterations in crosses with Orychophragmus violaceus. Genome, 2007, 50:985-993.
   14. Ge XH, Li ZY. Intra- and intergenomic homology of B-genome chromosomes in trigenomic combinations of the cultivated Brassica species revealed by GISH analysis. Chromosome Res, 2007, 15:849-861.
   15. Li ZY, Ge XG. Unique chromosome behavior and genetic control in Brassica × Orychophragmus wide hybrids: a review. Plant Cell Rep, 2007, 26:701-710
   16. Xu CY, Zeng XY, Li ZY. Establishment and characterization of Brassica juncea– Orychophragmus
   violaceus additions, substitutions and introgressions. Euphytica, 2007, 156:203-211.
   17. Xu CY, Li ZY. Origin of new Brassica types from single intergeneric hybrid between B. rapa and Orychophragmus violaceus by rapid chromosome evolution and introgression. J Genet, 2007, 86: 249-257.
   18. Ma N, Li ZY. Development of Novel Brassica napus lines with canola quality and higher levels of oleic and linoleic acids derived from intergeneric hybrids between B. napus and Orychophragmus violaceus. Euphytica, 2007, 157:231-238.
   19. Chen HF, Wang H, Li ZY. Production and genetic analysis of partial hybrids in intertribal crosses between Brassica species (B. rapa, B. napus) and Capsella bursa-pastoris. Plant Cell Rep, 2007, 26:1791-1800.
   20. Ma N, Li ZY, Cartagena JA, Fukui K.GISH and AFLP analyses of novel Brassica napus lines derived from one hybrid between B. napus and Orychophragmus violaceus. Plant Cell Rep, 2006, 25:1089-1093.
   21. Ge XH, Li ZY. Extra divisions and nuclei fusions in microspores from Brassica allohexaploid (AABBCC) × Orychophragmus violaceus hybrids. Plant Cell Rep, 2006, 25:1075-1080.
   22. Hua YW, Liu M, Li ZY. Parental genome separation and elimination of cells and chromosomes revealed by GISH and AFLP analysis in intergeneric hybrids between Brassica carinata and Orychophragmus violaceus. Ann Bot, 2006, 97:993-998.
   23. Hua YW, Li ZY. Genomic in situ hybridization analysis of intergeneric hybrids between Brassica napus and Orychophragmus violaceus and production of B. napus aneuploids. Plant Breed, 2006, 125:144-149.


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