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1. 不确定理论
2. 优化方法
2007年9月-2012年7月 清华大学数学系运筹学与控制论专业研究生,获理学博士学位
2003年9月-2007年7月 清华大学数学系数学与应用数学专业本科学生,获理学学士学位
2012年7月至今 中央财经大学统计与数学学院
[1] Zixiong Peng and Kakuzo Iwamura, A sufficient and necessary condition of uncertainty distribution, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Vol.13, No.3, 277-285, 2010.
[2] Peng Z, A sufficient and necessary condition of product uncertain null set, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, Kunming, China, July 20-28, 2009, 798-801.
[3] Peng Z and Samarjit Kar, Uncertain second-order logic, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Uncertainty Theory, Urumchi, China, August 11-19, 2010, 259-263.
[4] Gholamreza Hesamian, Zixiong Peng and Xiaowei Chen, Goodness of Fit Test: A Hypothesis Test in Uncertain Statistics, Proceedings of the Twelfth Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, Beijing, China, October 14-16, 2011, 978-982.
[5] Youlei Xu, Kai Yao and Zixiong Peng, Single-Object Auctions under Uncertain Environment, Proceedings of the Twelfth Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, Beijing, China, October 14-16, 2011, 1014-1017.
[6] Zixiong Peng and Kakuzo Iwamura, A Sufficient and Necessary Condition of Uncertain Measure, Information: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, to be published.
[7] Zixiong Peng, Uncertainty Distribution of Functions of Uncertain Variables, http://orsc.edu.cn/online/090606.pdf.
[8] Zixiong Peng and Xiaowei Chen, Uncertain Systems Are Universal Approximators, http://orsc.edu.cn/online/100110.pdf.
[9] Xiaosheng Wang, Zixiong Peng, Method of Moments for Estimating Uncertainty Distributions, http://orsc.edu.cn/online/100408.pdf.
[10] Zixiong Peng, An Estimation for the Weight of a Watermelon using uncertain statistics, http:/orsc.edu.cn/online/101001.pdf.
[11] Shengwei Han, Zixiong Peng, The Maximum Flow Problem of Uncertain Network, http://orsc.edu.cn/online/101228.pdf.
[12] Kai Yao, Zixiong Peng, Uncertain Logic with Multiple Predicates, http://orsc.edu.cn/online/101221.pdf.
[13] Zixiong Peng, Uncertain Simulation, http://orsc.edu.cn/online/081229.pdf.
[14] 李亚日,彭子雄. 不确定随机环境下基于违约损失风险的商业银行中小企业贷款组合优化模型研究,第十一届中国不确定系统年会、第十五届中国青年信息与管理学者大会论文集,邯郸,2013.7.27-31, 30-37页.
1. 实变函数(本科生)
2. 离散数学(本科生)
3. 微积分(本科生)
4. 概率论与数理统计(本科生)