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机械设计制造及其自动化 |
发布时间:2016-11-04 浏览次数: |
机械设计制造及其自动化培养方案 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation 一、培养目标 I、Educational Objectives 本专业培养具备机械、电子、控制与激光技术等学科的基本理论和基础知识,具备先进制造技术、机电一体化控制等专业能力,能够从事高端装备的设计与制造、先进制造工艺、制造过程自动化控制等工作,具有创新意识和创业精神的高素质应用型专门人才。 This program is designed to bring out versatile talents with the fundamental knowledge and application skills of mechanical design, electronic, control and laser technology. Students would graduated with innovative consciousness and entrepreneurial spirit as well as the ability of advanced manufacturing technology and mechanotronics, and can be engaged in the design and manufacture of high-end equipment, advanced manufacturing technics and automation control of manufacturing process. 二、基本要求及特色 II、Training Requirements and Characteristics 本专业以先进制造、智能制造技术为主线,突出激光技术、自动化技术以及信息技术在现代高端装备的设计、制造、运行、维护、管理及在制造业中的应用。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1.具有数学及其他相关的自然科学知识,具有机械工程科学的知识和应用能力; 2.具有制订实验方案,进行实验、处理和分析数据的能力; 3.具有设计机械系统、部件和工艺的能力; 4.具有对于机械工程问题进行系统表达、建立模型、分析求解和论证的初步能力; 5.初步掌握机械工程实践中的各种技术和技能,具有使用现代化工程工具的能力; 6.初步掌握先进制造技术、智能制造技术在现代制造业中的应用; 7.具有社会责任感和良好的职业道德; 8.具有团队合作精神和较强的交流沟通能力; 9.具有国际视野、终身教育的意识和继续学习的能力。 This program bases the advanced manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing technology as the main line, and highlights the laser technology, automation technology and information technology in the design, manufacture, operation, maintenance, management and application of modern high end equipment. Students of this degree will acquire: 1. Students will havethe knowledge in mathematics and natural science, as well as the basic knowledge and application ability of mechanical engineering; 2. Students will have the knowledge of experimental scheme drafting, operating and data analysis; 3.Students will be able to design of mechanical parts, systems and processes; 4. Students will have the knowledge of systematic presentation, modeling, analyzing and demonstration of mechanical engineering problems; 5. Students will preliminary understanding and using of technology, ability and modern tools in mechanical engineering practices; 6. Students will preliminary grasp of advanced manufacturing technology, intelligent manufacturing technology in the application of modern manufacturing. 7.Students will graduate with social obligation and professional ethics; 8. Students will graduate with the spirit of team work and strong communication skills; 9. Students will graduate with international vision, awareness of lifelong education and the ability of lifelong learn. 三、学制与学位 III、Length of Schooling and Degree 修业年限: 4年 Duration:4 years 授予学位:工学学士学位 Degrees conferred:Bachelor of Engineering 四、主干学科 IV、Major Disciplines 机械工程Mechanical Engineering 五、核心课程 V、Core Courses 机械制图、理论力学、材料力学、机械原理、机械设计、互换性与技术测量、机械制造技术基础、计算机辅助设计与制造、电工电子技术、控制工程基础、机电传动控制、激光基础与应用、激光加工系统与装备等。 Mechanical Drawing, Theoretical Mechanics, Material Mechanics, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Machine Design, Interchangeability and Technical Measurement, Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology, Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Electrical and Electronic Technology, Fundamentals of Engineering Control, Mechanical & Electrical Transmission Control, Laser fundamentals and Applications, Laser Processing System and Equipment. |