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姓名 齐洁
出生年月 11/1972
职称 副教授
联系电话: 0532-82031986
2009.5-2010.9 美国Scripps Florida 博士后
2007.9 -2009.4 美国哈佛医学院 博士后
2006.1 -至今 中国海洋大学 副教授
2002. 7 -2005. 12 中国海洋大学 讲师
1999.9 -2002.7 山东农业大学 博士
1996.9 -1999.7 吉林农业大学 硕士
1992.9 -1996.7 吉林农业大学 本科
研究方向: 鱼类发育和遗传育种
1.国家自然科学基金 “鲆鲽胚胎发育过程中克氏泡纤毛及其摆动形成的nodal胞液流和Nodal信号途径与体态不对称之间的关系”(31072204)主持(在研);
2.国家自然科学基金“MRC19基因在鲆鲽鱼体态偏转中的作用” (30600455)主持(已结题);
3.山东省优秀青年科学家奖励基金 “石鲽变态相关基因的筛选与克隆(2006BS07006)” 主持;
4.“863” 课题 “名贵海水鱼类苗种规模化繁育(2006AA10A 414)”子课题负责人;
5.“973”项目“重要养殖鱼类品种改良的遗传和发育基础研究” 子课题负责人
1. Eriko Koshimizu, Shintaro Imamura, Jie Qi, Jamal Toure, Delgado M. Valdez Jr.,Christopher E. Carr, Jun-ichi Hanai, Shuji Kishi. Embryonic Senescence and Laminopathies in a Progeroid Zebrafish Model,PLOS ONE. 2011,6(3): e17688
2. Chen Yanjie, Zhang Quanqi, Qi Jie, Wang xubo, Sun Yeying, Zhong Qiwang, Li Shou, Li Chunmei, Cloing CK-M1gene and stage-specific expression during metamorphosis of Janpanese flounder Paralichtys olivaceus, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2010, 28(3):558- 564.(通讯作者)
3. Fan Y, Li S, Qi J, Zeng L, Zhing Q, Zhang Q. Cloning and characterization of type II Interleukin-1 receptor cDNA from Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. 2010, 157(1):59-65.
4. Sun Y, Yu H, Zhang Q, Qi J, Zhong Q, Chen Y, Li C. Molecular characterization and expression pattern of two zona pellucida genes in half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis). Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. 2010, 155(3):316-21.
5. Sun Y, Zhang Q, Qi J, Chen Y, Zhong Q, Li C, Yu Y, Li S, Wang Z. Identification of differential genes in the oveary relative to the testis and their expression patterns in half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) J Genet Genomics. 2010, 37(2):137-45.
6. Li Shuo, Qi Jie, Wang Zhigang, Fan Yuding, Li Chunmei, Liu Zhipeng, Zhang Quanqi. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of fibrinogen β gene from Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Uniersitatis Sunyatseni. 2009,48: 89-94.
7. Xu J, Zhang Q, Xu X, Wang Z, Qi J. Intragenomic variablity and pseudogenes of ribosomal DNA in stone flounder (Kareius biocoloratus). Mol Phylogenet Evol. 2009, 52(1):157-66.
8. WANG Xubo, ZHANG Quanqi, CHEN Yanjie, QI Jie, WANG Zhigang, WANG Xinglian, Cytogenetic characterization of olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus: DNA content, karyotype, AgNORs and location of major ribosomal genes. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2009, 28(4): 72-77.
9. Chunmei Li, Quanqi Zhang, Jie Qi, Zhigang Wang. Summary of studies on major histocompatibility complex genes in fish. Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology. 2009,4: 39-50.
10. Wang X, Zhang Q, Sun X, Chen Y, Zhai T, Zhuang W, Qi J, Wang Z. Fosmid library construction and initial analysis of end sequences in female half-smooth tongue sole(Cynoglossue semlaevis).Mar Biotechnol. 2009, 11(2):236-42.
11. Yanjie Chen, Quanqi Zhang, Jie Qi, Yeying Sun, Qiwang Zhong, Xubo Wang, Zhigang Wang, Shuo Li, Chunmei Li, Screening of eye-position related genes with DD-RT-PCR and RA in the hybrids between Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and stone flounder Kareius bicoloratus. Chinese Journal of Oceanology Limnology, 2009, 27 (1):92-99
12. Shuji Kishi, Peter E. Bayliss, Junzo Uchiyama, Eriko Koshimizu, Jie Qi, Purushothama Nanjappa, Shintaro Imamura, Asiful Islam, Donna Neuberg, Adam Amsterdam, and Thomas M. Roberts. The Identification of Zebrafish Mutants Showing Alterations in Senescence-Associated Biomarkers. PLOS Genetics. 2008, 4(8): 1-18
13. Xubo Wang, Quanqi Zhang, Xiaohua Sun, Guoliang Yin, Jie Qi, Zhigang Wang And Xinglian Wang. Isolation and characterization of 64 novel microsatellite markers from a fosmid library of female half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis). Molecular Ecology Resources .2008,8: 1303–1306.
14. Yeying Sun, Quanqi Zhang, Jie Qi, Zhigang Wang, Yanjie Chen, Chunmei Li, Qiwang Zhong Cloning and Expression Analysis of DMRT 1 Gene in Cynoglossus semilaevis. Joural of Wuhan University (Natureal Science Edition), 2008, 54 (2): 221~226
15. Yeying Sun, Quanqi Zhang, Jie Qi, Yanjie Chen, Chunmei Li, Qiwang Zhong, Zhigang Wang Cloning,Characterization and Analysis of Survivin in Cynoglossus semilaevis. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2008,38(6):927-931
16. Xubo Wang, Quanqi Zhang, Jie Qi, Zhigang Wang, Xinglian Wang, Variation analysis of karyotypes of flounder Paralichthys olivaceus gill cell line, Journal of Fisheries Sciences of China, 2008, 15(3): 483-487
17. Dongyi Yu, Quanqi Zhang, Zhigang Wang, Jie Qi, Xinglian Wang, Characterization on the alternative splicing, expression and gene phylogenesis of PTPR4 family in Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Genes and Genetic Systems. 2008, 83(2), 189-197
18. Qiwang Zhong, Quanqi Zhang, Zhigang Wang, Jie Qi, Expression profiling and validation of potential reference genes during Paralichthys olivaceus embryogenesis. Marine Biotechnology. 2008, 10(3): 310-318
19. Qiwang Zhong, Quanqi Zhang, Yanjie Chen, Yeying Sun, Jie Qi, Zhigang Wang, Shuo Lia, Chunmei Lia and Xun Lan. The isolation and characterization of myostatin gene in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus): Ubiquitous tissue expression and developmental specific regulation) Aquaculture, 2008, 281 (1-4): 247-255.
20. Jie Qi, Shupeng Gai, Manru Gu and Huairui Shu, Identification of self- incompatibility genotypes of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) by S-allelic specific PCR analysis. Biotechnology Letters, 2005, 27(16): 1205 -1209
21. Hanyan Li, Jie Qi, Huairui Shu, Chengchao Zheng, and Yu Li, Isolation and Characterization of a Chitinase Gene VCH3 Promoter from Grapevine (Vitis amurensis). Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, 2005,31(5): 485-491
22. Jianpeng Xu, Quanqi Zhang and Jie Qi, Isozyme polymorphism of cultured populations of 5 species in Pleuronectiformes. 13th International Congress On Genes, Gene Families And Isozymes. 2005. September 17-21, Shanghai, China.
23. 戈文龙 张全启 齐洁 异源精子诱导牙鲆雌核发育二倍体中国海洋大学学报 2005,35(6): 121-124
24. 房新英,张全启,齐洁,包振民, 野生和养殖褐牙鲆遗传差异的RAPD和ISSR研究. 海洋与湖沼, 2005,37(2): 138-142
25. 陈微,张全启,于海洋,胡景杰,齐洁,包振民 牙鲆微卫星标记的筛选及群体多态性分析. 中国水产科学, 2005,12 (6): 683-687
26. 张全启 徐晓斐 齐洁 牙鲆野生群体与养殖群体的遗传多样性分析中国海洋大学学报 2004,34(5):816-819