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  1.Weidong Zhou, Kexue Li, Qinmei Shen, Qiaoling Chen and Jingming Long, Optical emission enhancement using laser ablation combined with fast pulse discharge, Optics Express, 18: 2873, 2010
  2.Kexue Li, Weidong Zhou,, Qinmei Shen, Jie Shao, Huiguo Qian,Signal enhancement of lead and arsenic in soil using laser ablation combined with fast electric discharge, Spectrochimica Acta Part B 65 (2010) 420–424
  3.Kexue Li, Weidong Zhou, Qinmei Shen, Baojing peng, Zhijun Ren, Fast pulse discharge assisted laser induced breakdown spectroscopy on soil sample,Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 25: 1475 - 1481, 2010
  4.Weidong Zhou, D.J. Collins, R.Y.L. Chim, and R.P. Tuckett ,Threshold photoelectron–photoion coincidence study of the fragmentation of valencstates of CHF2–CH3+ in the range 12-25 eV, Int. J.Mod. Phys. B, 23:3073, 2009
  5.Weidong Zhou, D.J. Collins, R.Y.L. Chim, and R.P. Tuckett, Threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence study of the fragmentation of valence states of CH2F-CH3+, New J. Phys. 2007, 9: 114
  6.Shiping Chen, Weidong Zhou, Jingsong Zhang. “Vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation of SH radical at 121.6 nm”, Chem. Phys. Lett, 2006 ,418:328
  7.Weidong Zhou, Yan Yuan, Shiping Chen, Jingsong Zhang. “Photddissociation dynamics of the SH radical ” J. Chem. Phys. 2005,123: 054330
  8.Weidong Zhou, D.J. Collins, R.Y.L. Chim, D.P. Seccombe and R.P. Tuckett, Threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence study of the fragmentation of valence states of CF3-CH3+ and CHF2-CH2F+ in the range 12-24 eV, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2004, 6: 3081-3091
  9.Weidong Zhou, Yan Yuan, Jingsong Zhang, “State to state photodissociation dynamics of OH radical vi a the A2S+ state: fine-structure state distributions of the O(3PJ) products”, J. Chem. Phys. 2003 119(19): 9989-9992
  10.Weidong Zhou, YuanYan, Zhang, Jingsong. “Photodissociation dynamics of 1propanol and 2propanol at 193.3 nm”, J. Chem. Phys., 2003 ,119: 7179
  11.Weidong Zhou, Dominic.P.Seccombe, R. P. Tuckett, “Fragmentation of valence electronic states of CH2FCF3 and CHF2CHF2 in the range 12-25 eV ” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2002, 4: 4623-4633.
  12.Weidong Zhou, Dominic.P.Seccombe, R. P. Tuckett, “Fragmentation of valance electronic states of CHF2CF3+ studied by TPEPICO techniques in the photon energy range 12—25 eV” Chem. Phys. 2002, 283:419-431.
  13.R.Y.L.Chim, R.A.Kennedy, R.P.Tuckett, Weidong Zhou et.al “Fragmentation of State-Selectd SF5CF3+ Probed by Threshold Photoelectron Photoion Coincidence Spectroscopy: The Bond Dissociation Energy of SF5--CF3, and its Atmospheric Implication.” J. Phys. Chem. A . 2001, 105: 8403



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