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  1988.08~1993.07 清华大学 机械设计与制造专业 本科
  1995.08~1997.07 清华大学 机械设计与制造专业 硕士
  2002.02~2005.03 日本秋田县立大学 机械工程专业 博士
  2007.10~2009.10 湖南大学 机械与运载工程学院 教授
  2009.11~ 浙江科技学院 机械与汽车工程学院 教授


  玻璃透镜非球面热模压成形技术(GMP:Glass Molding Press),将在成形工艺参数诸如压力、模压时间、模压温度、加热时间及取出时间等进行研究和工艺优化,提高光学元件的成品率和效率。

  2.湖南省科技计划项目,微小光学玻璃非球面透镜模具批量制造关键技术研究,立项号:2009GK3086 ,3万,2010.1-2011.12,排名1

  1.Y.Wu, Y.Fan, T.Tachibana and M.Kato, Effect of Ultrasonic Elliptic Vibration on Friction Between Shoe and Workpiece in Ultrasonic Elliptic-Vibration Shoe Centerless Grinding, Key Engineering Materials, Vol.291-2, (2005), pp.33-38.ISSN 1013-9826,Impact Factor 0.224, SCI、EI收录
  2.Y.Wu, J.Wang, Y.Fan and M.Kato, Determination of Waviness Decrease Rate by Measuring the Frequency Characteristics of the Grinding Force in Centerless Grinding, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.170, No.3 (2005), pp.563-569.ISSN 0924-0136, Impact Factor 0.592, SCI、EI收录
  3.Y.Wu, Y.Fan and Masana Kato, Controlling the Workpiece Rotation Speed with an Ultrasonic Regulator in Microscale Centerless Grinding, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in the 21st Century (LEM21), Oct., 19-22, (2005), pp.1223-1228.(Nagoya, Japan).
  4.Jiwang YAN, Yufeng Fan, Nobuhito Yoshihara, Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa and Shoji Yokoyama: Numerical Simulation and Prediction of Surface Heterogeneity in Diamond Turning of Single-Crystalline Germanium, International Symposium on Advances of Abrasive Technology, Dalian, China, (2006).
  5.Y.Wu, Y.Fan and M.Kato, A Feasibility Study of Microscale Fabrication by Ultrasonic-Shoe Centerless Grinding, Precision Engineering (the Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology), Vol.30, No.2, (2006), pp.201-210.ISSN: 0141-6359, Impact Factor 0.829, SCI、EI收录
  6.Y.Wu, Y.Fan and M.Kato, Microscale Fabrication of Pin-shaped Machine Parts by a New Centerless Grinding Technique, International Journal of NanoManufacturing, Vol.1, No.1, (2006), pp.3-16.ISSN:1746-9392
  7.Jiwang Yan, Yufeng Fan, Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa and Nobuhito Yoshihara.Improving the Profile Integrity of Germanium Fresnel Lenses in Micro Grooving Processes.Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21),2007,759-764
  8.Yufeng fan, Jiwang Yan, Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa.Ultra-precision cutting of Fresnel lenses on single crystal germanium –adopting a novel process steps to avoid the microcrack to the edge region, The 4th International Symposium on Mechanical Science based on Nanotechnology, 2007-02, Sendai, Japan
  9.Yufeng Fan, Jiwang Yan, Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa.Study on the Ultra-precision Cutting of Fresnel Lens on Single Crystal Germanium,2007先进制造与数据共享国际研讨会论文集,pp.124-132, 2007.10,北京
  10.Jiwang YAN, Yufeng Fan, Nobuhito Yoshihara, Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa, Shoji Yokoyama, Numerical Simulation and Prediction of Surface Heterogeneity in Diamond Turning of Single-Crystalline Germanium.Key Engineering Materials, 329, (2007), 397-402, ISSN:1013-9826, Ei收录
  11.Yufeng Fan, Xianju Tang, Shaohui Yin,Yongjian Zhu,Application of Ultrasonic Vibration Shoe Centerless Grinding Technique to Micro-Scale Parts Fabrication,Advanced Materials Research Vols.97-101 (2010) , pp 2518-2522, , EI收录
  12.Yufeng Fan, Yongjian Zhu, Shaohui Yin; Optimum Geometrical Arrangement of Workpiece in the Ultrasonic Vibration Shoe Centerless Grinding, Advanced Materials Research; Vols.97-101 (2010), pp.4100-4105, EI收录
  13.范玉峰,唐 昆,尹韶辉,朱勇建,吴勇波; 新型超声椭圆振动无心磨削技术的开发, 纳米技术与精密工程(已采纳)
  14.Yufeng Fan, Yongjian Zhu, Weiqing Pan, Ultra-precision Cutting of Fresnel lenses on Single Crystal Germanium and the machining processing analysis,SPIE Vol.7655,第五届国际先进光学制造与检测学术会议(AOMATT 2010),2010.4,大连
  15.Yongjian Zhu, Weiqing Pan, Yufeng Fan;A novel optical design for car-camera lenses,Proceedings Vol.7787,Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XIII,ISBN: 9780819482839,2010.8,美国
  16.Weiqing Pan, Yongjian Zhu, Yufeng Fan, and Haitao Lang;One-shot in-line digital holography based two-dimensional Hilbert demodulation technique, ,Proceedings Vol.7787,Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XIII,ISBN: 9780819482839,2010.8,美国
  17.Yufeng Fan, Yongjian Zhu, Weiqing Pan, Ultra-precision Cutting of Fresnel lenses on Single Crystal Germanium and the machining processing analysis,SPIE Vol.7655,第五届国际先进光学制造与检测学术会议(AOMATT 2010),2010.4,大连。



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