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2009年--2011年:日本京都大学材料化学系 日本学术振兴会 JSPS博士后研究员。
1.S.Zhou, N.Jiang, K.Miura, S.Tanabe, M.Shimizu, M.Sakakura, Y.Shimotsuma, M.Nishi, J.Qiu and K.Hirao, “Simultaneous tailoring of the phase evolution and dopant distribution in glassy phase for controllable luminescence”, J.Am.Chem.Soc.132, 17945-17952 (2010)
2.S.Zhou, N.Jiang, B.Wu, J.Hao and J.Qiu, “Ligand-driven wavelength tunable and ultra-broadband infrared luminescence in single ion doped transparent hybrid materials”, Adv.Funct.Mater.19, 2081-2088 (2009)
3.S.Zhou, N.Jiang, B.Zhu, H.Yang, S.Ye, G.Lakshminarayana, J.Hao and J.Qiu, “Multifunctional Bi-doped nanoporous silica glass: from blue-green, orange, red and white light sources to ultra broadband infrared amplifiers”, Adv.Funct.Mater.18, 1407-1413 (2008)
4.S.Zhou, W.Lei, N.Jiang, J.Hao, E.Wu, H.Zeng and J.Qiu, “Space-selective control of luminescence inside the Bi-doped mesoporous silica glass by a femotosecond laser”, J.Mater.Chem.19, 4603-4608 (2009)
5.S.Zhou, G.Feng, B.Wu, N.Jiang, S.Xu and J.Qiu, “Intense infrared luminescence in transparent glass-ceramics containing β-Ga2O3:Ni2+ nanocrystals”, J.Phys.Chem.C111, 7335-7338 (2007)
6.S.Zhou, H.Dong, H.Zeng, G.Feng, H.Yang, B.Zhu and J.Qiu, “Broadband optical amplification in Bi-doped germanium silicate glass”, Appl.Phys.Lett.91, 061919 (2007)
7.S.Zhou, H.Dong, G.Feng, B.Wu, H.Zeng and J.Qiu, “Broadband optical amplification in silicate glass-ceramics containing β-Ga2O3:Ni2+ nanocrystals”, Opt.Express 15, 5477- 5481 (2007)
8.S.Zhou, N.Jiang, H.Dong, H.Zeng, J.Hao and J.Qiu, “Size-induced crystal field parameter change and tunable infrared luminescence in Ni2+-doped high-gallium nanocrystals embedded glass ceramics”, Nanotechnology 19, 015702 (2008)
9.S.Zhou, H.Dong, H.Zeng, B.Wu, B.Zhu, H.Yang, S.Xu, Z.Wang and J.Qiu, “Broadband near-infrared emission from transparent Ni2+-doped silicate glass-ceramics”, J.Appl.Phys.102, 063106 (2007)
10.S.Zhou, H.Dong, H.Zeng, J.Hao, J.Chen and J.Qiu, “Infrared luminescence and amplification properties of Bi-doped GeO2-Ga2O3-Al2O3 glasses”, J.Appl.Phys.103, 103532 (2008)
11.S.Zhou, W.Lei, J.Chen, J.Hao, H.Zeng and J.Qiu, “Laser-induced optical property changes inside Bi-doped glass”, IEEE.Photon.Technol.Lett.21, 386-388 (2009)
12.S.Zhou, J.Hao, and J.Qiu, “Laser-induced optical property changes inside Bi-doped glass”, IEEE.Photon.Technol.Lett.21, 386-388 (2009)
13.S.Zhou, G.Feng, J.Bao, H.Yang and J.Qiu, “Broadband near-infrared emission from Bi-doped aluminosilicate glasses”, J.Mater.Res.22, 1435-1438 (2007)
14.S.Zhou and J.Qiu, “Broadband optical amplification in novel Bi-doped glasses”, Chinese Optics 2007 (Invitation)
15.S.Zhou, J.Ruan and J.Qiu, “Infrared luminescence mechanism and broadband optical amplification in Bi-doped glasses”, Laser & Optoelectronics Progress 2009 (Invitation)
16.B.Wu, S.Zhou, J.Ruan, Y.Qiao, D.Chen, C.Zhu, and J.Qiu, “Enhanced broadband near-infrared luminescence from transparent Yb3+/Ni2+ codoped silicate glass ceramics”, Opt.Express 16, 1879-1884 (2008)
17.B.Wu, S.Zhou, J.Ruan, Y.Qiao, D.Chen, C.Zhu, and J.Qiu, “Energy transfer between Cr3+ and Ni2+ in transparent silicate glass ceramics containing Cr3+/Ni2+ co-doped ZnAl2O4 nanocrystals”, Opt.Express 16, 2508-2513 (2008)
18.B.Wu, S.Zhou, J.Ruan, Y.Qiao, D.Chen, C.Zhu, and J.Qiu, “Enhanced near-infrared emission from Ni2+ in Cr3+/Ni2+ codoped transparent glass ceramics”, Appl.Phys.Lett.92, 151102 (2008)
19.J.Luo, S.Zhou, B.Wu, H.Yang, S.Ye, B.Zhu and J.Qiu, “Greatly enhanced broadband near-infrared emission due to energy transfer from Cr3+ to Ni2+ in transparent magnesium aluminosilicate glass ceramics”, J.Mater.Res.24, 310-315 (2009)
20.S.Zhang, B.Zhu, S.Zhou, S.Xu and J.Qiu, “Multi-photon absorption upconversion luminescence of a Tb3+-doped glass excited by an infrared femtosecond laser”, Opt.Express 15, 6883-6888 (2007)
21.G.Lin, B.Zhu, S.Zhou, H.Yang and J.Qiu, “Tunable luminescence of CaO-Al2O3-GeO2 glasses”, Opt.Express 15, 16980-16985 (2007)
22.B.Zhu, S.Zhang, S.Zhou, N.Jiang and J.Qiu, “Enhanced upconversion luminescence of transparent Eu3+-doped glass-ceramics containing nonlinear optical microcrystals”, Opt.Lett.32, 653-655 (2007)
23.H.Yang, G.Lakshminarayana, S.Zhou, Y.Teng and J.Qiu, “Cyan-white-red luminescence from europium doped Al2O3-La2O3-SiO2 glasses”, Opt.Express 16, 6731-6735 (2008)
24.S.Xu, W.Wang, S.Zhou, B.Zhu and J.Qiu, “Highly efficient red, green and blue upconversion luminescence of Eu3+/Tb3+-codoped silicate by femtosecond laser irradiation”, Chem.Phys.Lett.442, 492-495 (2007)
25.G.Lin, B.Zhu, S.Zhou, H.Yang and J.Qiu, “Multicolor luminescence in oxygen-deficient Tb3+-doped calcium aluminogermanate glass”, J.Mater.Res.23, 1890-1894 (2008)
26.S.M.Zhang, B.Zhu, S.Zhou and J.Qiu, “Orange-red upconversion luminescence of Sm3+-doped ZnO-B203-SiO2 glass by infrared femtosecond laser irradiation”, J.Soc.Inf.Display 17, 507-510 (2009)
27.B.Zhu, S.Zhang, G.Lin, S.Zhou and J.Qiu, “Enhanced multiphoton absorption induced luminescence in transparent Sm3+-doped Ba2TiSi2O8 glass-ceramics”, J.Phys.Chem.C.111, 17118-17121 (2007)
28.J.Ruan, E.Wu, H.Zeng, S.Zhou, G.Lakshminarayana and J.Qiu, “Enhanced broadband near-infrared luminescence and optical amplification in Yb-Bi codoped phosphate glasses”, Appl.Phys.Lett.92, 101121 (2008)
29.J.Luo, B.T.Wu, B.Zhu, S.Zhou, H.C.Yang, S.Ye, G.Lakshminarayana, J.Qiu, “Energy transfer between Cr3+ and Ni2+ in transparent glass ceramics containing beta-Ga2O3 nanocrystals”, J.Appl.Phys.106, 053527 (2009)
30.N.Jiang, D.Su, J.C.H.Spence, S.Zhou and J.Qiu, “Electron energy loss spectroscopy of Na in Na, Na2O, and silicate glass”, J.Mater.Res.23, 2467-2471 (2008)
31.B.Wu, J.Qiu, N.Jiang, S.Zhou, J.Ren, D.Chen, X.Jiang, and C.Zhu, “Optical properties of transparent alkali gallium silicate glass-ceramics containing Ni2+-doped β-Ga2O3 nanocrystals”, J.Mater.Res.22, 3410-3414 (2007)
32.B.Wu, J.Ruan, J.J.Ren, D.Chen, C.Zhu, S.Zhou and J.Qiu, “Enhanced broadband near-infrared luminescence in transparent silicate glass ceramics containing Yb3+ ions and Ni2+-doped LiGa5O8 nanocrystals”, Appl.Phys.Lett.92, 041110(2008)