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  1996年和1999年分别获浙江大学工程力学系学士和硕士学位。1999年至2003年就读于澳大利亚悉尼大学,于2004年获博士学位,导师先后为Nhan Phan-Thien教授和Roger I. Tanner教授。2003年至2006年先后在荷兰Twente大学和法国石油学院(IFP)作博士后,在荷兰博士后导师John F. Brady教授安排下于2003年12月访问了其加州理工的科研组。2006年到浙大力学系工作,并晋升副教授。


  1.Shi, Y., Yu, Z., Shao, X. Combination of the direct-forcing fictitious domain method and the sharp interface method for the three-dimensional dielectrophoresis of particles. Powder Technology 210 (2011) 52-59.
  2. Wu, T., Shao, X., Yu, Z. Fully resolved numerical simulation of turbulent pipe flows laden with large neutrally-buoyant particles. Journal of Hydrodynamics 23 (2011), 21-25.
  3. Shi, Y., Yu Z., Shao, X. Combination of direct-forcing fictitious domain method and sharp interface method for dielectrophoresis of particles. Particuology 8 (2010), 351-359.
  4. Yu, Z., Shao, X. Direct numerical simulation of particulate flows with a fictitious domain method. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 36(2010), 127-134.
  5. Yu, Z., Shao, X., Lin, J. Numerical computations of the flow in a finite diverging channel. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A 11(1) (2010), 50-60.
  6. Shao, X., Pan, D., Deng, J., Yu, Z. Hydrodynamic performance of a fishlike undulating foil in the wake of a cylinder. Phys. Fluids 22 (2010), 111903.
  7. Shao, X., Pan, D., Deng, J., Yu, Z. Numerical studies on the propulsion and wake structures of finite-span flapping wings with different aspect ratios. Journal of Hydrodynamics 22(2010), 147-154.
  8. Yu, Z., Shao, X. A three-dimensional fictitious domain method for the simulation of fluid-structure interactions. Journal of Hydrodynamics 22(5) SUPPL. (2010), 178-183.
  9. Sun, B., Yu, Z., Shao, X. Inertial migration of a circular particle in nonoscillatory and oscillatory pressure-driven flows at moderately high Reynolds numbers, Fluid Dynamics Research 41 (2009), 05501.
  10.Shao, X., Yu, Z., Sun, B. Inertial migration of spherical particles in circular Poiseuille flow at moderately high Reynolds numbers. Phys. Fluids 20 (2008), 103307.
  11. Yu, Z., Shao, X. A direct-forcing fictitious domain method for particulate flows. Journal of Computational Physics 227 (2007), 292-314.
  12.Yu, Z., Phan-Thien, N. & Tanner, R.I. Rotation of a spheroid in a Couette flow at moderate Reynolds numbers. Physical Review E 76 (2007), 026310.
  13.Yu, Z., Wachs, A. A fictitious domain method for dynamic simulation of particle sedimentation in Bingham fluids. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 145 (2007), 78-91.
  14. Yu, Z., Shao, X. & Tanner, R.I. Dynamic simulation of shear-induced particle migration in a two-dimensional circular couette device, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 15 (2007), 333-338.
  15.Deng, J., Shao, X., Yu, Z. Hydrodynamic studies on two traveling wavy foils in tandem arrangement, Physics of Fluid 19 (2007), 113104.
  16. Yu, Z., Shao, X. & Wachs, A. A fictitious domain method for particulate flows with heat transfer. Journal of Computational Physics 217 (2006), 424-452.
  17.Yu, Z. , Wachs, A. & Peysson Y. Numerical simulation of particle sedimentation in shear-thinning fluids with a fictitious domain method. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 136 (2006), 126-139.
  18.Yu, Z. A DLM/FD method for fluid/flexible-body interactions. Journal of Computational Physics 207 (2005), 1-27.
  19.Shao, X., Liu, Y. & Yu, Z. Interactions between two sedimenting particles with different sizes. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 26 (2005), 407-414.
  20. Lin, J., Wang, Y. & Yu, Z. The stress-microstructure relationship in an evolving mixing layer of fiber suspensions. Acta Mechanica Sinica 21 (2005), 16-23.
  21. Yu, Z., Phan-Thien, N. & Tanner, R.I. Dynamic simulation of sphere motion in a vertical tube. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 518 (2004), 61-93.
  22.Yu, Z. & Phan-Thien, N. Three-Dimensional rollup of a viscoelastic mixing layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 500 (2004), 29-53.
  23. Shao, X. & Yu Z. Sedimentation of circular particles in Oldroyd-B fluid, Journal of Hydrodynamics 16 (2004), 254-259.
  24.Shao, X., Lin, J. & Yu, Z. Sedimentation of a single particle between two parallel walls. Journal of Zhejiang University: Science 5 (2004), 111-116.
  25.Lin, J., Yu, Z. & Shao, X. Coherent structures in the mixing layers of a non-Newtonian fluid. Journal of Turbulence 5 (2004), Art. No. 039.
  26. You, Z., Lin, J. & Yu, Z. Hydrodynamic instability of fiber suspensions in channel flows. Fluid Dynamics Research 34 (2004), 251-271.
  27. Lin, J., Zhang, W. & Yu, Z. Numerical research on the orientation distribution of fibers immersed in laminar and turbulent pipe flows. Journal of Aerosol Science 35 (2004), 63-82.
  28.Lin, J., Shao, X., Shi, X. & Yu, Z. Study on the interaction of sedimenting cylindrical particles in still fluid. Acta Mechanica Sinica 20 (2004), 32-45.
  29.Shao, X., Lin, J. & Yu, Z. Direct numerical simulation of the motion of circular pollutant particles in Newtonian fluid. Journal of Environmental Science 15 (2003), 685-690.
  30.Lin, J., Shi, X. & Yu, Z. The motion of fibers in an evolving mixing layer. International Journal of Multiphase flow 29 (2003), 1355-1372.
  31.Shi, X., Lin, J. & Yu, Z. Discontinuous Galerkin spectral element lattice Boltzmann method on triangular element. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 42 (2003), 1249-1261.
  32. Lin, J., Zhang, Z. & Yu, Z. Investigation of the interactions between two contact fibers in the fiber suspensions. Journal of Materials Science 38 (2003), 1499-1505.
  33. Yu, Z., Phan-Thien, N., Fan, Y. & Tanner, R.I. Viscoelastic mobility problem of a system of particles. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 104 (2002), 87-124.
  34. Lin, J., Yu, Z. & Shao, X. Numerical research on the coherent structures in a mixing layer with cross-shear. Journal of Fluids and Structures 16 (2002), 487-495.
  35. Lin, J., Wang, Y., Wang, W. & Yu. Z. Numerical simulation of the sedimentation of cylindrical pollutant particles in fluid. Journal of Environmental Science 14 (2002), 433-438.
  36. Lin, J., Shi, X., Yu, Z. & Shao, X. Three-dimensional pairing of coherent structures in a plane mixing layer. Journal of Hydrodynamics 14 (2002), 1-6.
  37.Shao, X., Lin, J. & Yu, Z. Research on coherent structures in a mixing layer of the FENE-P polymer solution. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 22 (2001), 304-311.
  38.Lin, J., Shi, X & Yu, Z. Research on the effect of particle of two-dimensional shear flow. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 21 (2000), 855-860.
  39. Yu, Z., Lin, J. & Fan, X. Numerical simulation of interactions between rigid rod-like polymers and coherent structures in a mixing layer. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 83 (1999), 1-18.
  40. Yu, Z. & Lin, J. Formation and evolution of the streamwise vortices in mixing layers. Acta Mechanica Sinica 15 (1999), 15-22.
  41. Yu, Z. & Lin, J. Numerical research on the coherent structure in the visco-elastic second-order mixing layers. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 19 (1998), 717-723.
  42. Lin, J., Yu, Z. & Shao, X. Numerical flow visualization of a mixing layer. Journal of Hydrodynamics 10 (1998), 45-53.



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