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  教授,博士生导师, 浙江大学生物医学工程与仪器科学学院院长助理。中国生物医学工程学会医学物理分会医学影像物理专业委员会常务理事,中华医学会数字医学分会青年委员,中国医院协会信息管理专业委员会青年委员,《中国生物医学工程学报》、《中国医疗器械杂志》审稿专家。


  浙江中程信达科技有限公司, 2002.2-2005.61.基于知识发现技术的智能医疗信息集成平台及应用系统设计与实现
  杭州众合科技有限公司, 2004.12-2008.121.数字医疗研发平台及应用示范系统
  杭州维科软件工程有限责任公司, 2005.10 -2015.101.基于城乡医疗资源共享的多功能电子病历和远程诊疗平台
  浙江省科技厅重大项目, 2006.12 -2008.121.工作流引擎软件
  深圳市迈科龙电子有限公司, 2007.6 -2008.7
  [if !supportLists]-->1、 Zhengxing Huang, W.M.P. van der Aalst, Xudong Lu*, Huilong Duan, Reinforcement learning based resource allocation in business process management, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol 70(1), 2011, pp.127-145.
  [if !supportLists]-->2、 Zhengxing Huang, Xudong Lu*, Huilong Duan, “Context-aware recommendation using rough set model and collaborative filtering”, Artificial Intelligence Review, 2011, ,Vol35(1),pp85-99.
  [if !supportLists]-->3、 Zhengxing Huang, Xudong Lu*, Huilong Duan, Mining association rules to support resource allocation in business process management, Expert Systems with Applications, 2011,V38(8), pp9483-9490.
  [if !supportLists]-->4、 Zhengxing Huang, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, Variation prediction in clinical processes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, Vol6747,pages286-295
  [if !supportLists]-->5、 Ling Zheng, Li Wang, Da Wang, Ning Deng, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, A Clinical Omics Database Integrating Epidemiology, Clinical, and Omics Data for Colorectal Cancer Translational Research, 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2011,pp2049-2053
  [if !supportLists]-->6、 Hushan Chen, Jiye An, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, A Problem-Snapshot View of Patient History Data for Cardiac Preoperative Evaluation, 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2011,pp1921-1925
  [if !supportLists]-->7、 Wu Fan, Xudong Lu, Zhengxing Huang, Weifei Yu, Huilong Duan, Constructing clinical pathway ontology to incorporate patient state, intervention and time, 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2011,pp1714-1718
  [if !supportLists]-->8、 Yang Liu, Jinliang Wang, Chenhui Zhao, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, Xing Yao, Weiqing Xu, Enhancing Interoperability of ECG Machine to Support ECG Telediagnosis Service, 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2011,pp1104-1107
  [if !supportLists]-->9、 Huicui Ding, Chenhui Zhao, Yinsheng Zhang, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, ECG Information System Based on AHA/ACC/HRS Electrocardiography Diagnostic Statement List, 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2011,pp1946-1949
  [if !supportLists]-->10、 [endif]-->Shicai Xu, Huilong Duan, Xudong Lu, Zhengxing Huang, Chenjiao Wu, Ying Fang, A RFID-based tracking system of endoscopes, 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2011,pp1926-1930
  [if !supportLists]-->11、 [endif]-->Xudong Lu, Zhengxing Huang, Huilong Duan, Supporting adaptive clinical treatment processes through recommendations, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2010, doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2010.12.005.
  [if !supportLists]-->12、 [endif]-->Jiye An, Zhe Wu, Hushan Chen, Xudong Lu*, Huilong Duan, “Level of Detail Navigation and Visualization of Electronic Health Records”. 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2010). Yantai China, 2010.10. pp2516-2519.
  [if !supportLists]-->13、 [endif]-->Qin Zhu, Hongchao Nie, Xudong Lu*, Huilong Duan. “Radiology Workflow-Based Monitoring Dashboard in a Heterogeneous Environment”. 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2010). Yantai China, 2010.10. pp2494-2498.
  [if !supportLists]-->14、 [endif]-->Zhengxing Huang, Xudong Lu*, Huilong Duan, Using recommendation to support adaptive clinical pathways, Journal of Medical Systems, 2011, doi: 10.1007/s10916-010-9644-3.
  [if !supportLists]-->15、 [endif]-->Yibao Wang, Yang Liu, Xudong Lu, Jiye An*,Huilong Duan ”A General-purpose Representation of Biosignal Data Based on MFER and CDA”, 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2010). Yantai China, 2010.10. pp689-693.
  [if !supportLists]-->16、 [endif]-->朱琴,聂鸿超,吕旭东,段会龙,祝跃明,“工作流管理技术在医疗中的应用”,中国生物医学工程年会2010
  [if !supportLists]-->17、 [endif]-->吴哲 安继业 吕旭东 段会龙,“基于Google Earth的电子病历渐进导航与可视化方法”,中国生物医学工程年会2010
  [if !supportLists]-->18、 [endif]-->周小甲 李昊旻吕旭东 段会龙,“中文医学病历文本中的时间表达分类与识别” ,中国生物医学工程年会2010
  [if !supportLists]-->19、 [endif]-->Jinyan Zhang, Xudong Lu, Hongchao Nie, Zhengxing Huang, and Wil van der Aalst, "Radiology information system: a workflow-based approach," International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2009, 4(5), pp509-516.
  [if !supportLists]-->20、 [endif]-->Zhen Hou, Huilong Duan, Xudong Lu. “Design of ECG Workflow Integration Profile”. The 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2009). Tianjin China, 2009.10. pp1803-1806.
  [if !supportLists]-->21、 [endif]-->Jinyan Zhang, Xudong Lu* Huilong Duan, Hongchao Nie “Process-Driven Data Communication in Healthcare”. The 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2009). Tianjin China, 2009.10. pp1812-1816.
  [if !supportLists]-->22、 [endif]-->Hongchao Nie, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, Jinyan Zhang “Integration of IHE-based Systems with Petri Net Workflow Management Systems”. The 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2009). Tianjin China, 2009.10. pp1788-1792.
  [if !supportLists]-->23、 [endif]-->Xudong Lu, Hongchao Nie, Zhengxing Huang, Jinyan Zhang, W.M.P. van der Aalst , “Radiology Information System: a Workflow-Based Approach”, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2009). Berlin Germany, 2009.6.
  [if !supportLists]-->24、 [endif]-->Yinyao Zhu, Peipei Jia, Huilong Duan, Xudong Lu, “Integration of Medical Information Systems Based on Virtual Database and Web Services” The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. Beijing China, 2009.6.(ICBBE2009).
  [if !supportLists]-->25、 [endif]-->ZHANG Jin-yan, LU Xu-dong *, DUAN Hui-long, NIE Hong-chao, “A Medical Information System Architecture Based on Workflow Technology” 2009 IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine & Education(ITME2009).Jinan China, 2009.8.
  [if !supportLists]-->26、 [endif]-->周群一、郭玮、 吕旭东、段会龙,“数字化临床指南的可视化表达”,生物医学工程学杂志,2009,26(2),pp239-243
  [if !supportLists]-->27、 [endif]-->杨艳’,吴彬飞 ,叶枫“,吕旭东,“基于SAGE的医学知识模型的设计与应用”中国医疗器械杂志.2009,33(1), pp27-30
  [if !supportLists]-->28、 [endif]-->叶 枫 周根贵 南 山 吕旭东 段会龙, 老年痴呆症诊断临床决策支持系统设计与评估.2009,28(6), pp872-877
  [if !supportLists]-->29、 [endif]-->赵晨晖, 薛万国,史洪飞,刘济全,吕旭东,段会龙. “医疗信息系统集成研究与实践”, 中国数字医学,2009,4(1),pp22-25
  [if !supportLists]-->30、 [endif]-->王丽琴,吕旭东,张金艳,邓宁,安继业,段会龙,“DICOM标准中的增强型信息对象(二)”,中国医疗器械杂志,2008,32(1),pp71-77
  [if !supportLists]-->31、 [endif]-->王丽琴,吕旭东,张金艳,邓宁,安继业,段会龙,“DICOM标准中的增强型信息对象(三)”,中国医疗器械杂志,2008,32(2),pp147-151
  [if !supportLists]-->32、 [endif]-->吕旭东,“一种电子病历系统体系结构及其关键技术 ”,中国生物医学工程学报,2008.2, 27(2),199~205
  [if !supportLists]-->33、 [endif]-->吕旭东,段会龙,王曦,“现有系统扩展IHE集成功能的设计方法”,中国生物医学工程学报,2008,27(1),2008.2,pp76-81
  [if !supportLists]-->34、 [endif]-->李昊旻,段会龙,吕旭东,黄正行,“结构化电子病历数据录入方法”,浙江大学学报(工学版),2008,42(10),pp1693-1696
  [if !supportLists]-->35、 [endif]-->李昊旻,李莹,段会龙,吕旭东,“中文病历文档的术语提取和否定检出方法”,中国生物医学工程学报, 2008.10 pp
  [if !supportLists]-->36、 [endif]-->李昊旻,薛万国,段会龙,吕旭东,史洪飞,欧阳亚迪,“电子病历与标准化和结构化”,中国数字医学,2008,3(10),pp9-12
  [if !supportLists]-->37、 [endif]-->安继业,薛万国,史洪飞,李昊旻,赵晨晖,刘济全,周群一,吕旭东,欧阳亚迪,王进亮,段会龙。“临床数据中心构建方法探讨”,中国数字医学,2008,3(10),pp13-16
  [if !supportLists]-->38、 [endif]-->Liu Jiquan, Deng Wenliang, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, “A Term-mapping Framework for Data Mining in Heterogeneous Medical Data Sources”, The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE 2008). Shanghai China, 2008.5. pp767-770
  [if !supportLists]-->39、 [endif]-->Binfei Wu, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, “An Automatic Knowledge Acquisition Mechanism for Independent Inference Engine Module of CDSS”,The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE 2008). Shanghai China, 2008.5. pp1293-1296
  [if !supportLists]-->40、 [endif]-->Jiye An, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan. “Integrated Visualization of Multi-modal Electronic Health Record Data”.The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE 2008). Shanghai China, 2008.5. pp640-643.
  [if !supportLists]-->41、 [endif]-->Chenhui Zhao, Huilong Duan, Xudong Lu, “An Integration Approach of Healthcare Information System”, The First International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2008), 2008.5. pp606-609
  [if !supportLists]-->42、 [endif]--> Ying Li, Junjie, Huilong Duan, Xudong Lu, “Structuralization of Digestive Endoscopic Report Vased on NLP”, The First International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2008), 2008.5. pp920-923
  [if !supportLists]-->43、 [endif]-->Liqin Wang, Jiye An, Xudong Lu, etc. A viewer for DICOM enhanced information objects. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2008). Barcelona Spain, 2008. Int. J CARS (2008) 3 (Suppl 1):S169-S170.
  [if !supportLists]-->44、 [endif]-->Huang Zhengxing, Lu Xudong


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