西南民族大学经济学院导师:蒲成毅的内容如下,更多考研资讯请关注我们考研派网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。或下载我们的考研派APP和考研派微信公众号(里面有非常多的免费考研资源可以领取哦)[西南民族大学经济学院导师:伍艳] [西南民族大学经济学院导师:王永莉] [西南民族大学经济学院导师:蒲成毅] [西南民族大学经济学院导师:潘久艳] [西南民族大学经济学院导师:毛瑞华] [西南民族大学经济学院导师:马江]
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姓名:蒲成毅 性别:男
职称:教授 学院:经济学院
The Economics School,Southwest University for Nationalities, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, PRC. 610041
E-mail: puchengyi2002@126.com.com
Education Background
Doctoral Candidate: 9/2002-7/2005
Department of Risk Management & Insurance, Nankai University,Ph.D. in Risk Management & Insurance.
Postgraduate: 9/1997-7/2000
School of Economics and Management, Southwestern university, M.S in Finance
Undergraduate: 9/1985-7/1989
Department of Agrinomy, Southwestern university, B.S in Agrinomy
Working Experience
9/2009-present Southwest University for Nationalities. Chief Professor in Insurance
8/2008-8/2009 University of International Business and economics. Associated Professor in Insurance
10/2006 HongKong Baptist university, Visiting Scholar program in RM
9/2005-12/2007 Southwestern university of finance and economics, Postdoctoral program in RM
8/2000-8/2002 ChongQing Technology and Business University. Associated Professor in Insurance
7/1989-7/2000 Southwest University. Associated Professor. Teaching assistants, Lecturer
Project and Research Experiences
9/2011-12/2013:To Disperse and Alleviate Natural Risk in minority area in WC. Program Manager
10/2010-4/2011: Institution of Public Service Development in Chinese minority area, Participant
9/2006-10/2010: Actuarial Simulation of Frequency and Degree of the Loss of Tobacco Hailstorm, PM
8/2008-12/2009: On Chinese Insurance Market Structure and Performance PM
1/2007-8/2008: On the Renovation of Development in Agricultural Insurance PM
5/2007-8/2010: Agricultural Risk Management and Insurance Technology Innovation PM
1/2006-9/2007: Institution Construction and Mode of China's Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance, PM
1/2005-6/2007: NCD`s Actuarial Simulation on Vehicles Based on the method of Monte-Carlo, PM
[1] Pu Cheng-yi,Pan Xiao-jun,Zhang Gong-gen ,On Actuarial Simulation of Frequency and Degree of the Pu Loss of Tobacco Hailstorm in Chongqing Southeast National Regions,2010(12)
[2] Pu Cheng-yi,Sao Quan-quan, On the Relationship of Chinese Insurance Market Structure and Performance,2009(5)
[3] Pu Cheng-yi,Pan Xiao-jun,On the Renovation of Development in Agricultural Insurance,2008(2)
[4] Pu Cheng-yi,Bo Pang-tuo, On the Optimum Growth of Insurance Industry with Consideration of Nonrenewable Insurance Resources,2008(7)
[5] Pu cheng-yi,Wang wen,On the traits & trends of the Evolution of Chinese Insurance Industry,2008(12)
[6] Pu Cheng-yi,Pan Xiao-jun,The Relationship Between Insurance Varieties Structure and Consumers Satisfaction Index,2008(10)
[7] Pu Cheng-yi,On Comparison of the Evolution of the Structure of Insurane Industry Between the World and China,2007(7)
[8] Pu Cheng-yi,On the Impact of Behavior & consciousness of Insurance lines Consumption on the Growth of Insurance Industry,2007(2)