武汉大学信息管理学院图书馆学系简介的内容如下,更多考研资讯请关注我们考研派网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。或下载我们的考研派APP和考研派微信公众号(里面有非常多的免费考研资源可以领取哦)[武汉大学工程科学研究院简介] [武汉大学水利水电学院水文与水资源工程简介] [武汉大学水利水电学院港口航道及海岸工程简介] [武汉大学水利水电学院水利水电工程简介] [武汉大学水利水电学院农业水利工程简介] [武汉大学水利水电学院联系方式]
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图书馆学系的前身为1920年创办的武昌文华图专,是中国图书馆学教育的发源地。2001年以来,图书馆学先后入选国家重点学科、全国高等学校特色专业建设点、图书情报核心课程国家级教学团队、教育部专业综合改革试点、湖北省高等学校本科品牌专业、武汉大学哲学社会科学优势和特色学术领域建设项目。在历次教育部组织的学科评估中,“图书情报与档案管理”一级学科列全国第一。图书馆学专业现有在职教师16人,其中教授(博士生导师)8人,副教授6人,各类高层次人才16人。近5年承担国家社科基金重大项目、一般与青年项目、国家自科基金各类项目、国家科技支撑计划项目、教育部重大及面上项目以及南方电网等横向项目近100项,荣获国家与省部级教学科研奖励20余项。该系主要在图书馆学理论、目录学、文献学、信息资源建设、知识组织与知识管理、信息检索与服务、信息资源知识产权等领域开拓创新,保持其优势与鲜明特色。The predecessor of Department of Library Science was the Boone Library of Boone University at Wuchang, the cradle of library science education of China. Since 2001, this program has been selected as a key discipline at the state level, a demonstration of National College Specialty Construction, a teaching group of core curriculum of library and information science at the state level, a demonstration of MOE professional reform, a brand department of undergraduate education of Hubei province and Wuhan University philosophy and social sciences academic construction projects. In all curriculum assessments organized by the MOE, the Library, Information, and Archives Management, as a primary subject, ranked first at the state level. The Department now has 16 faculty members, among them there are 8 full professors(doctoral supervisors), 6 associate professors, 1 Senior Professor in humanities and social sciences, 16 kinds of high-level talent. In the recent five years, faculty members of Library Science has undertaken about 100 projects, including key projects, general and young projects of the National Social Science Fund, National Natural Science Fund projects, National Science and Technology support projects, MOE key projects, China Southern Power Grid projects and so on. Meanwhile, the department has won over 20 awards of academic research at both state and provincial level. The research fields include theory of library science, bibliography, information resources construction, knowledge organization and knowledge management, information retrieval and service, intellectual property of information resources and so on.
主 任:周力虹
副主任:吴 钢
陈传夫 洪亮 黄如花 黄 颖 李明杰 陆颖隽 彭敏惠 冉从敬 司莉 唐义 吴丹 吴钢 吴志强 肖希明 杨思洛 周力虹