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先后发表各类科研论文20篇,参编教材或专著1部,授权或申请发明专利9项。发表的主要学术论文有:[1]Zhang Huitu Tian Y Wang J Li Y Wang H Mao S Liu X Wang C Bie S Lu F. Construction of engineered Arthrobacter simplex with improved performance for cortisone acetate biotransformation. APPL MICROBIOL BIOTECHNOL. 2013 Nov 97(21): 9503-9514.[2] Lu H Zhang Huitu Shi P Luo H Wang Y Yang P Yao B. A family 5 β-mannanase from the thermophilic fungus Thielavia arenaria XZ7 with typical thermophilic enzyme features. APPL MICROBIOL BIOTECHNOL. 2013 Sep 97(18): 8121-8128. (通讯作者)[3] Simkhada D Zhang Huitu Mori S Williams H Watanabe CM. Activation of cryptic metabolite production through gene disruption: Dimethyl furan-2 4-dicarboxylate produced by Streptomyces sahachiroi. BEILSTEIN J ORG CHEM. 2013 Aug 9:1768-1773.[4] Cao Y He S Zhou Z Zhang M Mao W Zhang Huitu Yao B. Orally administered thermostable N-acyl homoserine lactonase from Bacillus sp. strain AI96 attenuates Aeromonas hydrophila infection in zebrafish. APPL ENVIRON MICROBIOL. 2012 Mar 78(6):1899-1908.[5] Junqi Zhao1 Pengjun Shi1 Yingguo Bai1 Huoqing Huang1 Huiying Luo1 Huitu Zhang2 * Donghao Xu1 Yaru Wang1 Bin Yao1.*A thermophilic cellulase complex from phialophora sp. G5 showing high capacity in cellulose hydrolysis. APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 2012 166 (4) 952-960. (通讯作者).[6] Guanglin wang1 Huitu Zhang1 Guizhi Sun2 Linzhuan Wu2 Jinchi Zhang1and Yiguang Wang. A new method for rapid identification of ansamycin compounds by inactivatingKLMgene clusters in potential ansamycin-producing actinomyces. JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY (3区,IF 2.8). 2011 112(2) 353-362.[7] Jennifer Foulke-Abel Gilbert T. Kelly Huitu Zhangand Coran Watanabe. Characterization of AziR a resistance protein of the DNA cross-linking agent azinomycin B. MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS. 2011 7(9) 2563-2570.[8] Foulke-Abel J Agbo H Huitu Zhang Mori S Watanabe CM. Mode of action and biosynthesis of the azabicycle-containing natural products azinomycin and ficellomycin. NATURAL PRODUCT REPORTS. 2011 28(4) 693-704.[9]Huitu Zhang Wu linzhuan Liu Aiming Sun Guizhi Han Feng Xia Huanzhang Gao Qunjie Yonggang Wangiguang.PCR screening of 3-amino- 5-hydroxybenzoic acid synthase gene leads to identification of ansamycins and AHBA related antibiotic producers inActinomycetes. JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY. 2009 106(3) 755-763.