天津工业大学研究生导师纺织工程教授--李嘉禄的内容如下,更多考研资讯请关注我们考研派网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。或下载我们的考研派APP和考研派微信公众号(里面有非常多的免费考研资源可以领取哦)[天津工业大学纺织学院研究生导师李婷婷介绍] [天津工业大学纺织学院研究生导师陈磊介绍] [天津工业大学纺织学院研究生导师姜茜介绍] [天津工业大学纺织学院研究生导师吴利伟介绍] [天津工业大学纺织学院研究生导师张淑洁介绍] [天津工业大学纺织学院研究生导师吴宁介绍]
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- 纺织复合材料的结构和性能
- 三维纺织材料和复合材料的制造技术
- 三维纺织复合材料
- 三维纺织材料和复合材料的制造技术
- 1982年毕业于天津纺织工学院纺织工程专业,获学士学位
- 1984年毕业于天津纺织工学院纺织工程专业,获硕士学位
- 1986年-1993年,讲师
- 1993年-1996年,副教授
- 1996年-现在,教授
- 中国复合材料学会,理事
- 复合材料学报、纺织学报,编委
- 两项国家科技进步二等奖,2001, 2007.
- 一项天津市技术发明一等奖,2003.
- 三项天津市科技进步二等奖2000, 2004, 2006.
- 两项中国纺织工业协会科技进步一等奖,2006, 2010.
- 两项中国纺织工业协会科技进步二等奖,2004, 2008.
- Xiaoyuan Pei, Jialu Li, KuiFu Chen, Vibration modal analysis of three-dimensional and four directional braided composites. Composites Part B. 2015, 69: 212-221.
- Wei Fan, Jia-lu Li*, Yuan-yuan Zheng, Improved thermo-oxidative stability of three-dimensional and four-directional braided carbon fiber/epoxy hierarchical composites using graphene-reinforced gradient interface layer. Polymer Testing, 2015,44: 177-185.
- Wei Fan, Jialu Li, Huan Wang and Dan-dan Guo, Influence of thermo-oxidative aging on the impact property of conventional and graphene-based carbon fabric composites. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 2014, 34: 116-130.
- Yexiong Qi, Jialu Li, Liangsen Liu, Tensile properties of multilayer-connected biaxial weft knitted fabric reinforced composites for carbon fibers. Materials and Design, 2014, 54, pp. 678-685.
- Fan, Wei; Li, Jialu; Rapid evaluation of thermal aging of a carbon fiber laminated epoxy composite. POLYMER COMPOSITES, 2014, 35: 975-984.
- Pei,Xiaoyuan;Wang, Haijia Li, Jialu; Ding, Gang, Effects of temperature on compressive properties of three-dimensional and five-directional braided composite. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications, 2014, 8: 1164-1175.
- Qi-wei Guo, Guo-li Zhang and Jia-lu Li, Kinetic study of a bismaleimide resin curing process by differential scanning calorimetry and rheological analysis. Journal of Reinforced Plastic and Composites, 2013, 33(18): 1733-1742.
- Guo, Qiwei; Zhang, Guoli; Li, Jialu . Process parameters design of a three-dimensional and five-directional braided composite joint based on finite element analysis. Materials and Design, 2013, 46: 291-300.
- Gao, Yan ; Li, Jialu, Effects of braiding angle on modal experimental analysis of three-dimensional and five-directional braided composites. Composites Part B, 2012, 43: 2423-2428.
- Song, Leilei; Li, Jialu, Effects of heat accelerated aging on tensile strength of three dimensional braided/epoxy resin composites. Polymer Composites, 2012, 33: 1635–1643.