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姓名:杨春华 性别:女 政治面貌:中国共产党党员
硕导批准时间:2002 指导硕士生总数:17 已获硕士总数:10
博导批准时间:2007-6 指导博士生总数:1 已获博士总数:0
联系电话:0835-2885812 电子信箱:ychh@sicau.edu.cn
职称:教授 最高学位:农学博士 所属学院:动物科技学院
1. Chunhua Yang, Xianglin Li,Jianguo Han, Lingzhe Chen, Feng He. Mixtures of whipgrass wigh cool-season annual forages to extend the forage production season in south-west China. Tropical Grasslands,2010, 44: 47 -54.
2. Yang Chunhua, Zhang Xinquan, Cheng Lingzhi, Liu Lin, and Tang Zhinsong. An overview of whipgrass breeding efforts in Sichuan agricultural university. New paradigm for diversity of forage production in the east Asian region, Proceedings of the 3rd Korea-China-Japan Symposium on Grassland Agriculture and Livestock Production:164-165 ,August 10-14,2009.
3. Yang Chunhua , Zhang Xinquan, Liuwei, Mao Xiao. Breeding Whipgrass for Low Maintenance Turf. [J]. Acta Horticulturae, 2008, 783:283-290.(ISTP收录)
4. Yang Chunhua, Fu Xiantao, Chen Lingzhi, Tang Zhisong, Huang Huijun. Overseeding whipgrass with Cool-Season Annuals to increase yield and quality in a hay field in southwest China. Multifunctional Grasslands in a changing world, International Grassland Congress XXI and International Rangeland Congress Ⅷ. Volume Ⅱ:252.
5. 杨春华,李向林,张新全. 扁穗牛鞭草组织浸出液对潜在混生种萌发及幼苗的影响. 草业学报,2006,(5):38-44.
6. Yang Chunhua, Zhang Xinquan. Hemarthria compressa: Growth behavior and multipurpose usages . Acta Prataculturae Sinica,2006,(Suppl.):215-216.
7. 杨春华,李向林,张新全. 扁穗牛扁草+红三叶混播草地生物量及种间竞争的动态研究. 四川农业大学学报, 2006, 24(1):33-36.
8. 杨春华,杨兴霖,左艳春. 不同含水量多花黑麦草青贮效果研究. 四川草原, 2006,124(3):1-3.
9. 杨春华,黄闵杰. 中美草坪管理专业联合办学的探索与实践. 草原与草坪, 2007,(2):80-82.
10. 陈灵鸷,杨春华,傅鲜桃,等.扁穗牛鞭草光合特性研究[J].四川农业大学学报,2007,25(4):484-488. (通讯作者)
11. Chen Lingzhi, Yang Chunhua, Tang Zhisong, Huang Huijun and Zhang Wenjun. Investigation on ploidy level and reproductive characteristic of Whipgrass. New paradigm for diversity of forage production in the east Asian region,Prceedings of the 3rd Korea-China-Japan Symposium on Grassland Agriculture and Livestock Production: 82-83 ,August 10-14,2009.(通讯作者)
12. Zhang Wenjun,Yang Chunhua,Zhang Xinquan, Cheng Linzhi, and Sun Shiming. Tillage and overseeding pasture for winter forages production in lowland areas of south-west china. New paradigm for diversity of forage production in the east Asian region,Prceedings of the 3rd Korea-China-Japan Symposium on Grassland Agriculture and Livestock Production: 54-55 ,August 10-14,2009.(通讯作者)
13. 陈灵鸷,杨春华,张文君,等.扁穗牛鞭草花粉活力及柱头可授性研究[J].中国草地学报,2009,31(6):59-63.(通讯作者)
14. 陈灵鸷,杨春华,黄慧君.扁穗牛鞭草花粉生活力检测方法的比较[J].实验技术与管理,2009,1:39-41. (通讯作者)
15. 傅鲜桃,杨春华,陈灵鸷,等.‘广益’扁穗牛鞭草花粉特性及结实性研究[J].草业学报,2008,2:61-67. (通讯作者)
16. 傅鲜桃,杨春华,陈灵鸷.扁穗牛鞭草草地高效饲草生产系统研究[J].热带亚热带植物学报,2008,16(2):134-139. (通讯作者)
17. LingZhi Chen,Chunhua Yang,Xiantao Fu,Fang Li,Xinquan Zhang. Photosynthesis and Productivity of New Lines and Released Cultivars Whipgrass in Southwest China Environment. Multifunctional Grasslands in a changing world, International Grassland Congress XXI and International Rangeland Congress Ⅷ. Volume Ⅱ:365. (通讯作者)
18. Xiantao Fu, Chunhua Yang *, Lingzhi Chen , Xinquan Zhang, Ke Ma. Study on the Pollen Morphologies and Seed Setting Rate of Hemarthria compressa. Multifunctional Grasslands in a changing world, International Grassland Congress XXI and International Rangeland Congress Ⅷ. Volume Ⅱ:577. (通讯作者)
19. Zhisong Tang,Chunhua Yang,Xiantao Fu,Lingzhi Chen,Huijun Huang. Yield and Quality of Whipgrass Mixed with Different Levels of White Clover. (通讯作者)Multifunctional Grasslands in a changing world, International Grassland Congress XXI and International Rangeland Congress Ⅷ. Volume I:244. (通讯作者)
20. Huijun Huang Chunhua Yang* LingZhi Chen Xiantao Fu Zhisong Tang. The Photosynthetic Characteristics of Hemarthria compressa in Different Seasons. Multifunctional Grasslands in a changing world, International Grassland Congress XXI and International Rangeland Congress Ⅷ. Volume I:203. (通讯作者)
21. 左艳春,杨春华,杨颖慧.刈割次数、施氮量和混播比例对混播草地的产量和群落组成的影响.安徽农业科技, 2006, 12(34):2383-2385. (通讯作者)
22. 左艳春,杨春华.扁穗牛鞭草对白三叶的化感作用初探.草原与草坪,2005,(3):24-26. (通讯作者)
23. 参编普通高等教育十五规划教材《草产品加工》,中国农业出版社出版,2005.
24. 主编《草地建植与利用》,中国农业出版社,2010