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姓名:刘登才 性别:男 政治面貌:中国共产党党员
硕导批准时间:2000 指导硕士生总数:8 已获硕士总数:6
博导批准时间:2004 指导博士生总数:4 已获博士总数:3
联系电话:13880561283 电子信箱:dcliu7@yahoo.com
职称:研究员 最高学位:农学博士 所属学院:小麦所
(1). Zhong-Wei Yuan, Qi-Jiao Chen, Lian-Quan Zhang, Ze-Hong Yan, You-Liang Zheng and Deng-Cai Liu*. Molecular characterization of two silenced y-type genes for Glu-B1 in Triticum aestivum ssp. yunnanese and ssp. tibetanum. Journal of Integrative Plant Biolog, 2009,51(1): 93-99
(2). Qi-Jiao Chen, Zhong-Wei Yuan, Lian-Quan Zhang, Ze-Hong Yan, Zhi-Guo Xiang, Yong-Fang Wan, You-Liang Zheng, Deng-Cai Liu*. Molecular characterisation and comparative analysis of four new genes from Sec2 locus encoding 75K r-gamma secalins of rye species. Journal of Cereal Science, 2008, 48: 111-116
(3). Qijiao Chen, Lianquan Zhang, Zhongwei Yuan, Zehong Yan, Youliang Zheng, Genlou Sun,Dengcai Liu*. Empirical verification of heterogeneous DNA fragments generated from wheat genome-specific SSR primers. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2008, 88:1065-1071.
(4). Lianquan Zhang, Zehong Yan, Shoufen Dai, Qijiao Chen, Zhongwei Yuan, Youliang Zheng, Dengcai Liu*. The crossability of Triticum turgidum with Aegilops tauschii. Cereal Research Communication. 2008, 37(3):417-427
(5). Lianquan Zhang, Dengcai Liu*, Xiujin Lan, Youliang Zheng, Zehong Yan, A synthetic wheat with 56 chromosomes derived from Triticum turgidum and Aegilops tauschii. Journal of Applied Genetics, 2008, 49(1): 41-44
(6). Lianquan Zhang, Qijiao Chen, Zhongwei Yuan, Zhiguo Xiang, Youliang Zheng, Dengcai Liu*, The production of aneuhaploid and euhaploid sporocytes by meiotic restitution in fertile hybrids of durum wheat Langdon lines with Aegilops tauschii. Journal of genetics and Genomics, 2008, 35: 617-623
(7). Lian-Quan Zhang, Yang Yen*, You-Liang Zheng, Deng-Cai Liu*. Meiotic restriction in emmer wheat is controlled by one or more nuclear genes that continue to function in derived lines. Sexual Plant Reproduction, 2007, 20: 159-166
(8). Lianquan Zhang, Genlou Sun, Zehong Yan, Qijiao Chen, Zhongwei Yuan, Xiujin Lan, Youliang Zheng, Dengcai Liu*, Comparison of newly synthetic hexaploid wheat with its donors on SSR products with emphasis on the utilization of SSR markers. Journal of genetics and Genomics, 2007, 34 (10): 939-946
(9). Zhang Lian-quan, Liu Deng-cai*, Yan Ze-hong, Zheng You-liang, Alien DNA introgression and wheat DNA rearrangements in a stable wheat line derived from the early generation of distant hybridization. Science in China Ser. C Life Scinece, 2005, 48(5): 424-433
(10). Zhang Lian-quan, Liu Deng-cai*, Yan Ze-hong, Lan Xiu-jin, Zheng You-liang, Zhou You-hong, 2004. Rapid changes of microsatellite flanking sequence in the allopolyploidization of new synthesized hexaploid wheat. Science in China Ser. C Life Scinece, 47(6): 553-561
科研项目及获奖(近五年):(专业、新品种) 获国家自然科学奖二等奖1项、四川省科技进步一等奖2项、教育部新世纪优秀人才、四川省有突出贡献的优秀专家、四川省学术带头人、四川省十佳青年教师。