发布时间:2020-07-18 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:

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  Master of Translation and Interpreting (MTI) M.A. Program The program aims to enhance students’ abilities of interpreting and translating, and train them in the use of modern technologies and methods such as digitalized simultaneous interpreting training system and translation software such as SDL Trados. MTI is a market-oriented program that enables students to take up interpreting, translating and other related tasks in cross-cultural communication and dialogue.
 The length of study is three years. Students who have successfully completed the coursework within the required time can apply for an extension of one year maximum. Field of research contains Translating and Interpreting. The Program claims close ties with related industries, employers and the general community, allowing students to have better access to opportunities for internship and academic training. Students are encouraged to engage in various off-campus tasks related to international conferences, translation, teaching and academic programs. Student involvement in academic activities, teaching practice and community service is highly encouraged. Practice bases are established both at home and abroad for student training and internship. Before submitting their thesis, MT students must accomplish translation practice of no less than 200,000 Chinese characters and MI students must accomplish interpreting of no less than 600 tape hours. MTI students are not required to pass the MA Candidacy Academic Examination. The program adopts a variety of education modes including lectures, seminars and themed research tasks. Supervisors are responsible for overseeing students’ performance in the program.
