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山东大学物理学院导师:郑雨军的内容如下,更多考研资讯请关注我们考研派网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。或下载我们的考研派APP和考研派微信公众号(里面有非常多的免费考研资源可以领取哦)[山东大学机械工程学院导师:袁泉] [山东大学土建与水利学院导师:陈青来] [山东大学土建与水利学院导师:王有志] [山东大学土建与水利学院导师:周学军] [山东大学土建与水利学院导师:邬爱清] [山东大学土建与水利学院导师:顾金才]


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  1999年至 2001年在以色列希伯莱大学 ( The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel )和魏兹曼科学院 ( Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel ),进行分子的代数理论及动力学对称性,量子Monte Carlo及新量子过渡态理论的研究。
  2001年至2005年在美国加州大学欧文分校(University of California, Irvine )和圣巴巴拉分校( University of California, Santa Barbara )从事缠绕轨线分子力学和单分子理论及酶动力学方面的研究 。
  1. 单分子系统光子统计的产生函数理论(10674083)
  2. 用动力学代数理论研究分子的动力学纠缠和混沌 (10874102)
  3. 单原子/单分子尺度的精确量子表征、检测及其在量子调控中的应用(2009 CB929404)
  1. Ashu Wang,Yujun Zheng,Craig C. Martens, Weiyi Ren,
  Quantum tunneling dynamics using entangled trajectories: general potentials
  Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 11588 (2009)
  2. Craig C Martens, A. Donoso and Yujun Zheng,
  Quantum Trajectories in Phase Space,
  CCP6 booklets
  3. Yujun Zheng,
  Single molecule kinetics under stochastic gating,
  J. Chem. Phys. 129, 246102 (2008).
  4. Yan Liu, Yujun Zheng, Weiyi Ren and Shiliang Ding,
  Dynamical entanglement of vibrations in small molecules through an analytically algebraic approach,
  Phys. Rev. A 78, 032523 (2008).
  5. Yujun Zheng,
  Comment on coherent control of a V-type three-level system in a single quantum dot,
  Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 049701 (2008).
  6. Baiping Han and Yujun Zheng,
  Control of the photon emission of single molecule in a solid matrix,
  Phys. Rev. A 78, 015402 (2008).
  7. Yonggang Peng and Yujun Zheng,
  Photon statistics of V-type three levels system in single quantum dots,
  Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 092120 (2008).
  8. Hairan Feng, Yan Liu, Yujun Zheng, Shiliang Ding, Weiyi Ren,
  Analytical control for small molecules by intense laser pluses in an algebraic model,
  Phys. Rev. A 75, 063417(2007)
  9. Yonggang Peng, Yujun Zheng, Frank Brown,
  Single molecule photon emission statistics of driven three-level system,
  J. Chem. Phys. 126, 104303 (2007)
  10. Y. Qi, D. Guan, Y. Jiang, Yujun Zheng, C. Liu,
  How do oxygen molecules move into silver contacts and change their electronic transport properties?
  Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 256101 (2006)
  11. G. Bel, Yujun Zheng, Frank Brown,
  Single molecule photon counting statistics for quantum mechanical chromophore dynamics,
  J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 19066 (2006)
  12. Yujun Zheng,
  Comment on Time-dependent general quantum quadratic Hamiltonian system,
  Phys. Rev. A 74, 066101 (2006)
  13. Yujun Zheng,
  Quantum transition state theory for the full three-dimensional H+H2 reaction,
  J. Chem. Phys. 122, 094316 (2005)
  14. Yujun Zheng, Frank Brown,
  Single molecule photon emission statistics in slow modulation limit,
  J. Chem. Phys. 121, 7914 (2004)
  15. Yujun Zheng, Frank Brwon,
  Single molecule photon emission statistics for non-Markovian blinking,
  J. Chem. Phys. 121, 3238 (2004)
  16. Yujun Zheng, Frank Brown,
  Photon emission from driven single molecule,
  J. Chem. Phys. 119,11814 (2003)
  17. Yujun Zheng, Frank Brown,
  Single molecule photon counting statistics via generatlized optical Bloch equation,
  Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 238305 (2003)
  18. A. Donoso, Yujun Zheng, C.C. Martens,
  Simulation of Quantum process using Entangled trajectory molecular dynamics,
  J. Chem. Phys. 119, 5010 (2003)


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