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48.(With J. Wu and W.G. Zhai) On a divisor problem related to the Epstein zeta-function III, Quart. J. Math. (Oxford), (2011), Doi: 10.1093/qmath/har024.
47.On general divisor problems involving Hecke eigenvalues, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, (2011), Doi: 10.1007/s10474-011-0150-y .
46.(With Y.-K. Lau and J. Wu) Integral power sums of Hecke eigenvalues, Acta Arith., 150.2(2011), 193-207.
45.(With Y.-K. Lau) Sums of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, Quart. J. Math. (Oxford), 62(2011), 687-716.
44.(With Z.X. Liu) Density of two squares and powers of 2, International Journal of Number Theory, 5(2011), 1317-1329.
43.On mean values of some arithmetic functions in number fields, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 132(2011), 1924-1938.
42.(With Z.S. Yang) The average behavior of the coefficients of Dedekind zeta functions over square numbers, Journal of Number Theory, 131(2011), 1924-1938.
41.(With H.W. Sun) Primes in quadratic progressions on average, Acta Math.Sin. (Engl. Ser.), 27(2011), 1187-1194.
40.(With J. Wu and W.G. Zhai) On a divisor problem related to the Epstein zeta-function II, 131(2011), 1734-1742.
39.(With Z.X. Liu) On unlike powers of prime and powers of 2, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 132(2011), 125-139.
38.(With Z.X. Liu) Two results on powers of a in Waring-Goldbach problem, Journal of Number Theory, 131(2011), 716-736.
37.On higher moments of Fourier coefficients of holomorphic cusp forms, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 63(2011), 634-647.
36.(With Z.X. Liu) Eight cubes of primes and powers of 2, Acta Arith., 145(2010),171-192.
35.(With Y. H. Wang) Note on the number of integral ideals in Galois extensions, Science China: Mathematics, 53(2010), 2417-2424.
34.(With H.G. Xia) Note on divisor function for quaternion algebras, Journal of number theory, 130(2010), 2147-2156.
33.On a divisor problem related to the Epstein zeta-function, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 42(2010), 267-274.
32.(With H.C. Tang) On some results of Hua in short intervals, Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 50(2010), 54-70.
31.(With H.W. Sun) On fractional power moments of L-functions associated to certain cusp forms, Acta Appl Math., 109(2010), 653-667.
30.Number of solutions of certain congruences, Acta Arith., 140.4(2009), 317-328.
29.The sixth and eighth moments of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, Journal of Number Theory, 129.11(2009), 2790-2880.
28.On an open problem of Sankaranarayanan, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 39.8(2009), 1023-1028.
27.Uniform estimates for sums of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 124.1-2(2009),83-97.
26.On sums involving coefficients of automorphic L-functions, Proceedings of the AMS, 137.9(2009), 2879-2887.
25.Average behavior of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, Proceedings of AMS, 137.6(2009), 1961-1969.
24.(With H.W. Sun) On a generalization of Hua’s theorem with five squares primes, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 122.3(2009), 273-282.
23.(With W.G. Zhai) On the representation of large integers as sums of four almost equal squares of primes, The Ramanujan Journal, 18(2009), 1-10.
22.(With H.W. Sun) Integers represented as the sum of one prime, two squares of primes and powers of 2, Proceedings of AMS, 137.4(2009), 1185-1191.
21.The average value of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms in arithmetic progressions, Journal of Number Theory, 129(2009), 488-494.
20.Additive functions on arithmetic progressions with large moduli, Journal of Number Theory, 129(2009), 477-487.
19.(With X.M. Meng) On sums of a prime and four prime squares in short intervals, Acta Math.Sin. (Engl.Ser.), 24(2008), 1291-1302.
18.On sums of a prime and four squares of primes in short intervals, Journal of Number theory, 128(2008), 805-819.
17.(With Y.F. Xu) Hua’s theorem with nine almost equal prime variables, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 116(2007), 309-326.
16.Gauss’s three squares theorem with almost prime variables, Acta Arith., 128(2007), 391-399.
15.(With H.X. Lao) On exponential sums over primes in short intervals, Monatshfte fur Mathematik, 151(2007), 153-164.
14.On Romanoff’s Constant and Its Generalized Problem, Chinese Advance in Mathematics, 36(2007), 94-100.
13.(With J.Y. Liu, T. Zhan) Exponential sums over primes in short intervals, Sci. China, 49(2006), 449-457.
12.On the estimation of exponential sums over primes in short intervals, Acta Math. Sin. 49 (2006), 693-698.
11.Hua’s Theorem on five almost equal prime squares, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.), 22(2006), 907-916.
10.Note on a result of Hua, Chinese Advances in Mathematics, 35(2006), 343-348.
9.On sums of nine almost equal prime cubes, Acta Math. Sin., 49(2006), 195-204.
8.Hua’s Theorem with five almost equal prime variables, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B, 26(2005), 291-304.
7.(With W.G. Zhai) On three-dimensional divisor problem of (a,a,b) type, Chinese Advances in Mathematics, 33(2004), 195-202.
6.(With J.Y. Liu) Four squares of primes and 165 powers of 2, Acta Arith., 114(2004), 55-70.
5.(With W.G. Zhai) The divisor problem on the Beatty sequence, Acta Math. Sin., 47(2004), 1213-1216.
4.(With W.G. Zhai) On the sum of multi-dimensional divisor function on special sequence, Chinese Advances in Mathematics, 32(2003), 660-664.
3.On sums of two squares of primes and a cube of a prime, Northeastern Mathematics Journal, 19(2003), 99-102.
2.(With W.G. Zhai) A special two-dimensional divisor problem, Chinese Pure and Applied Mathematics, 18(2002), 348-352.
1.(With W.G. Zhai) A special divisor problem, Acta Math. Sin., 45(2002), 991-1004.