发布时间:2020-05-19 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:

山东师范大学外国语学院学科教学(英语)硕士学位点简介的内容如下,更多考研资讯请关注我们考研派网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。或下载我们的考研派APP和考研派微信公众号(里面有非常多的免费考研资源可以领取哦)[山东师范大学公共管理学院的师资力量] [山东师范大学公共管理学院的联系方式] [山东师范大学公共管理学院的介绍] [山东师范大学商学院职业技术教育(旅游服务)研究生培养方案] [山东师范大学商学院旅游管理专业硕士研究生培养方案] [山东师范大学商学院会计专业硕士研究生培养方案]



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学位点具有以下特色:1、教师教育与中小学外语教学基地建设相结;2、跨文化研究与外语教学相结合;3、语言学研究与外语教学相结合;4、语篇分析与外语教学相结合;5、语言认知习得研究与外语教学相结合; 6、文学解读与外语教学相结合。

Masters of English Education (Med) programme
The Masters of EnglishEducation (Med) program of Shandong Normal University was approved the statecouncil in 2001. The in-service MA class began in 2003 and the first full-timeclass enrolled in 2010.
The Masters of EnglishEducation (Med) program provides a practical, professionally-focused Master’sdegree for graduates who are in need of an advanced academic qualifications inTESOL. It is designed for  English language teachers, teacher educatorsand language professionals working in areas of English language teaching,language education policy, curriculum design and planning, materialsdevelopment and assessment in China.
Med programme providesa broad-based introduction to TESOL research and practice through core coursesand free of electives. The Med programme is offered in full-time and part timemodules. Full time students are normally expected to complete the programme requirementswithin 2 years. Part time students are normally expected to complete theprogramme requirements within 2 to 4 years.
On completion of theprogramme students should have shown evidence of being able:
1.To demonstratein-depth, specialist knowledge and mastery of techniques relevant to thediscipline and/or to demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of concepts,information and techniques at the forefront of the discipline. Provide studentswith a rewarding experience in a lively intellectual and social community, toprovide both theoretically and practically motivated responses to Englishteaching issues.
2. Deepen yourunderstanding of current practices and research in English teaching and helpyou develop as professional in English teaching;  to take a proactive andself-reflective role in working and to develop professional relationships withothers.
3. Extend yourprofessional opportunities, enable you to contribute to the development ofEnglish language teaching in your local and wider context; to exhibit masteryin the exercise of generic and subject-specific intellectual abilities.
4. To describe andevaluate the relationships between principle, design and practice in all areasof study; critically and creatively to evaluate current issues, research andadvanced scholarship in the discipline.
5. To describe andevaluate major approaches to the teaching and learning of English, both for theparticipant’s own - and for other - professional contexts; to demonstrate acomprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to their own research oradvanced scholarship.
Our supervisor team
Our Masters of EnglishEducation program has a group of distinguished scholars in the fields ofEnglish language teaching and research, including 9 professors and 8 associateprofessors. All of the instructors have published widely both home and abroad, attendingmany international conferences. Moreover, most of them have acted as visitingscholars and doing researches abroad.
The instructors in ourMA program have published over 180 important papers in recent years. And someof them are in charge of or involved in some important research projectssupported by National Social Science Foundation, Education Grant for Humanitiesand Social Sciences and Shandong Province Humanities and Social Sciences StudyPrograms.
Theirmajor areas of academic interests:
language teaching research
Discourse analysis
English phonetics and phonology
pedagogical grammar
Second Language acquisition
Second Language research methods
ELT methodology
Syllabus design and curriculum design
Details of all oursupervisors, their email addresses and office locations are available on theSchool of Foreign Languages website.
