发布时间:2020-05-11 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:

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95%的同学还阅读了: [2020青岛大学研究生招生简章] [青岛大学研究生分数线[2013-2020]] [青岛大学王牌专业排名] [青岛大学研究生院] [青岛大学排名] [青岛大学考研群] [青岛大学研究生学费] [青岛大学研究生奖学金] [考研国家线[2006-2020]] [2021年考研时间:报名日期和考试时间]


There are over 40 full-time and part-time teachers in School of Nursing. The teaching staffs are highly qualified with diverse background, 41% of whom are with senior professional titles, and 53% having master and doctoral degrees. Sixteen teachers work as supervisors for master students and three teachers work as supervisors for doctoral students.
The teaching staffs possess expertise in a range of areas, including clinical nursing, gerontological nursing and community nursing. In line with the feature of nursing profession, research on specialty areas have been developed, including clinical nursing, critical care, pediatric nursing, gerontological nursing, community nursing, oncologic nursing, nursing education and nursing management. The school keeps close contact with nursing experts and scholars both in China and abroad, and invites them to deliver lectures for undergraduates and postgraduates. Through introducing high-quality teaching faculty and refreshing the teaching philosophies/approaches, the quality of teaching and education has been continuously improved.
