发布时间:2023-05-25 编辑:考研派小莉

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宋高峰 姓名:宋高峰专业:采矿工程、岩土工程职称:副教授办公:浩学楼913电话:010-88803280-15邮箱:song.gaofeng@ncut.edu.cn          gaofeng.song@hotmail.com 个人简历 2017.8-至今         北方工业大学                      岩土/地下工程     讲师2012.9-2017.6     中国矿业大学(北京)        采矿工程             博士2014.8-2016.8     南伊利诺伊大学(美国)    采矿工程              联合培养博士2008.9-2012.6     中国矿业大学(北京)        采矿工程             学士 教授课程 《Architectural Mechanics》  建筑学专业留学生     本科生课程(全英)《Engineering Mechanics》   工程管理专业留学生  本科生课程(全英)《混凝土结构设计原理2》        城市地下空间工程     本科生课程《城市地下空间概论》             城市地下空间工程     本科生课程《科技论文写作》                    土木研/土建[专研]     研究生课程《专业英语》                          土木研/土建[专研]     研究生课程(双语) 主要研究领域和方向 矿山岩体力学、矿山压力与岩层控制、厚煤层开采、边坡稳定 近五年的荣誉成果 1. 北方工业大学2020年度青年教师课堂教学基本功大赛全英组二等奖2. 土木工程学院2020年度青年教师课堂教学基本功大赛全英组一等奖3. 2019年第四届全国城市地下空间工程专业青年教师讲课大赛一等奖4. 2019年中国煤炭工业科学技术一等奖,个人排名第25. 2018年北京市大学生科学研究与创业行动计划项目校级一等奖6. 2014年中国煤炭工业科学技术二等奖,个人排名第12 近年来主要科研项目 近年来以项目负责人的身份,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项, 北京市自然科学基金青年项目1项, 北京市教育委员会科技计划一般项目1项,北方工业大学人才项目2项。
近年来出版的主要教材与专著 1. 宋高峰,王振伟.大采高工作面煤壁破坏机理分析及采场围岩控制研究,北京:中国建材出版社,2020.2. Gaofeng Song, Yonghua Han, Lianghui Li & Yi Yang. A study of coal cleats on longwall face stability in mining thick coal seams. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2021.(SCI期刊,已录用)3. 宋高峰,王振伟,钟晓勇.坚硬顶板破断冲击机理及支架与围岩“收敛-约束”耦合机制研究[J],采矿与安全工程学报,2020, 37(5): 951-959.(EI期刊)4. Gaofeng Song, Zhenwei Wang & Kuo Ding. Evaluation of the face advance rate on ground control in the open face area associated with mining operations in Western China. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering. 2020, 17(2): 390-398.(SCI期刊)5. Gaofeng Song, Kuo Ding & Dezhong Kong. Assessing longwall shield-strata interaction using a physical model. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. 2019, 52(4): 536-546.(SCI期刊)6. Gaofeng Song & Yoginder P. Chugh. 3-D analysis of longwall face stability in thick coal seams. The Journal of Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 2018, 118(2): 131-142.(SCI期刊)7. 宋高峰,杨胜利,王兆会.基于利兹法的煤壁破坏机理分析及三维相似模拟研究[J],煤炭学报,2018, 43(8): 2162-2172.(EI期刊)8. Song Gaofeng & Yang Shengli. Probability and reliability analysis of pillar stability in South Africa. International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering. 2018, 28(4): 715-719.(SCI期刊)9. Gaofeng Song, Yoginder P. Chugh & Jiachen Wang. A numerical modeling study of longwall face stability in mining thick coal seams in China. International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering. 2017, 8(1): 35-55.(EI期刊)10. Gaofeng Song & Shengli Yang. Investigation into strata behavior and fractured zone height in Wangzhuang coal mine. The Journal of Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 2015, 115(8): 781-788.(SCI期刊)11. 宋高峰,潘卫东,杨敬虎,孟浩.基于模糊层次分析法的厚煤层采煤方法选择研究[J],采矿与安全工程学报,2015, 32(1): 35-41.(EI期刊)12. Shengli Yang, Hao Yue, Gaofeng Song, et al. 3D Physical Modelling Study of Shield-Strata Interaction under Roof Dynamic Loading Condition. Shock and Vibration. Vol. 2021, Article ID 6618954.(SCI期刊,通讯作者)13. Feng He, Zhenwei Wang, Yangfeng Zhao, Gaofeng Song & Bowen Liu. Experimental investigations on electrical charge of pre-cracked rock specimens under uniaxial compression. Shock and Vibration. Vol. 2020, Article ID 8861030.(SCI期刊,通讯作者)14. Duo Ding, Gaofeng Song & Hui Li. Study on monitoring, statistics, movement and deformation law of Mine Subsidence. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 2020, 38: 6027-6219.(EI期刊)15. Zhenwei Wang, Gaofeng Song & Kuo Ding. Study on the ground movement in an open-pit mine in the case of combined surface and underground mining. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2020, 20: 1-13.(SCI期刊,通讯作者)16. Shengli Yang, Gaofeng Song & Jinghu Yang. An analytical solution for the geometric broken characteristics of the overlying strata and its physical modeling study in longwall coal mining. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2020, 13(3): 139.(SCI期刊,通讯作者)17. Shengli Yang, Meng Li, Gaofeng Song, Yi Yang & Fei Xie. Optimization of face flexible bolting and grouting technology for longwall face support under difficult geological conditions. Energy Science and Engineering, 2020, 8: 1260-1270.(SCI期刊,通讯作者)18. Shengli Yang, Gaofeng Song & Dezhong Kong. An evaluation of longwall face stability in thick coal seams through a basic understanding of shield-strata interaction. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering. 2019, 16(2): 125-135.(SCI期刊,通讯作者)19. Jinghu Yang, Gaofeng Song, Yi Yang & Zengqiang Yang. Application of the complex variable function method in solving the floor heave problem of a coal mine entry. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2018, 11(17): 515.(SCI期刊,通讯作者)20. Xinjie Liu, Gaofeng Song & Xiaomeng Li. Classification of roof strata and calculation of powered support loads in shallow coal seams of China. The Journal of Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 2015, 115(11): 1113-1119.(SCI期刊)21. Xinjie Liu & Gaofeng Song. Adaptability of the hydraulic powered supports in steeply-inclined coal seam. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 2014, 19: 6133-6138.(EI期刊)22. Dezhong Kong, Gaofeng Song & Jinwang Zhang. Determination the cutting height of top-coal caving with great mining height in extra thick coal seam. Transit Development in Rock Mechanics. 2014: 53-58.(EI会议)23. 宋高峰,宋志飞,王建省.土木工程研究生专业英语科技论文写作规范探讨[J],科学咨询,2020,11:21-22。
(教改论文)24. 刘新杰,宋高峰,蒋斌斌.煤炭行业发展历程及展望[J],矿业安全与环保,2019,46(3):100-103。
25. 宋高峰.大采高工作面采高预测及其多元回归分析[J],煤炭技术,2016,35(5):31-33。
26. 宋高峰,孔德中,杜秋浩,刘东东.王庄煤矿8101大采高综采工作面开机率研究[J],煤炭工程,2015,47(2):53-55。
27. 宋高峰,刘会臣,任志成.“三下”压煤充填采煤技术发展现状及展望[J],煤矿安全,2014,45(10):191-193。
28. 宋高峰,刘新杰,杨敬虎.现场矿压观测技术现状及展望[J],煤矿安全,2014,45(9):200-202。
29. 宋高峰,任志成,孔德中.大倾角煤层综合机械化开采关键技术研究[J],中国矿业,2013,22(11):59-62。
在研主要项目 1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:压弯剪复杂应力下端面顶板亚失稳状态判识与调控,2021-2023,24万,项目负责人。
2. 北京市自然科学基金青年项目:生态脆弱矿区高强度开采覆岩切落机理及地表沉陷时空关联机制研究,2020-2021,10万,项目负责人。
3. 北京市教育委员会科技计划一般项目:坚硬顶板破断冲击机理及围岩控制技术研究,2020-2022,15万,项目负责人。
国内外学术活动 1. 中国岩石力学与工程学会-采矿岩石力学分会理事2. 《Advances in Civil Engineering》特刊编委3. 《International Journal of Geomechanics》、《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》、《International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》、《Archives of Mining Sciences》、《Geotechnical & Geological Engineering》、《The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal》、《Shock & Vibration》、《Advances in Civil Engineering》、《振动与冲击》、《城市地下空间与工程学报》等国内外SCI/EI检索期刊审稿人。



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