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The School of International Education, Nantong University started recruiting international students since 2005 and the scale of international education has been expanding rapidly since then. Currently, the overall number of international students in Nantong Universityhas reached more than 700, among which 69% are academic students from more than 30 countries. The majority of them study Clinical Medicine(MBBS), while business students and language students hold the second and the third proportion.
Nantong University became‘The Chinese Government Scholarship International Student Training unit’in 2017 and has started Master and PhD programs at the meantime, aiming to expand the majors and levels. Up to now, the total majors on the levels of undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD are over 18, covering the fields of Medicine, Literature, Management, Economics, Pedagogy, Art and etc. The quality of teaching and management of international students has been continuously developed with five courses are shortlisted fornational and provincial English-language Brand Course; with twice won awards in ‘clinical Thinking and Skills Competition of International Medical Students’. Nantong University has also been awarded the title of ‘Provincial Advanced Group in International Education’ in past many years.