发布时间:2015-09-28 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问: 南京师范大学

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  Jin, H., Lu, J., & Zhong, Z. (In Press). Exploration into Chinese mathematics teachers’ perceptions of concept map. In L. Fan, N. Y. Wong, J. Cai & S. Li (Eds.), How Chinese teach mathematics: Perspectives from insiders. World Scientific.
  Jin, H., & Wong, K. Y. (2014). Mapping conceptual understanding of algebraic concepts: An exploratory investigation involving Grade 8 Chinese students. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 12(1).
  Jin, H. (2013). Conceptual understanding of grade 8 students about basic algebra and geometric shapes: Using concept map as an assessment technique. Unpublished doctoral thesis, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
  Jin, H., & Wong, K. Y. (2011). Assessing conceptual understanding in mathematics with concept mapping. In B. Kaur (Ed.), Assessment in the Mathematics Classroom (pp.67-82). Singapore: Association of Mathematics Educator.
  Jin, H., & Wong, K. Y. (2010, July). A network analysis of concept maps of triangle concepts. In L. Sparrow, B. Kissane & C. Hurst (EDs), Shaping the Future of Mathematics Education, Proceedings of the 33rd annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Fremantle, WA, 248-253.
  Jin, H., & Wong, K. Y. (2010). Training on concept mapping skills in geometry. Journal of Mathematics Education, 3(1), 103-118.


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