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姓名 孟彬 人头照
职称 副教授
学历/学位 博士
导师类别 硕导
所在学院 理学院
专业 数学
研究方向 泛函分析,算子理论,算子代数
社会兼职 美国数学会《math.review>>评论员
主要科研成果 1.Bin Meng, Maozheng Guo, Xiaohong Cao, Free Fisher information and modular frames, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., v.133, no. 10 (2005) 3087-3096 (SCI)
2.Bin Meng, Maozheng Guo, Xiaohong Cao, Some applications of free Fisher information on frame theory, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 311 (2005) 466-478. (SCI)
3.Meng Bin, Guo Maozheng, Cao Xiaohong, Free Fisher information and amalgamated freeness, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English series) vol 25, no. 10 (2004) 1100-1106 (SCI,EI)
4.Bin Meng, Rank preserving module maps, J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol.344 no.1:1-8 (2008) (SCI)
5. Meng Bin, Operator-valued free Fisher information of random matrices, Acta.math.sci.,vol.30 (4) 2010 (SCI)

6 Meng,Bin, Guo Maozheng, operator-valued semicircular distribution and its asymptotically free matrix models, J. Math. Res. Exposition vol.28, no 4 (2008)
7. Bin Meng, A weighted GMRES method augmented with eigenvectors, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, vol 34, no. 2 165-176 (2009)
8.孟彬,Hilbert C*-模上的Gabor 酉系统,数学研究与评论,vol. 25, no. 2 (2005) 325-330
9.孟彬,带有Radon-Nikodym导数的自由Fisher 信息量,数学杂志,vol.29 (1) (2009)
10.孟彬,算子值酉随机矩阵及其渐进自由性,数学物理学报,vol 27A no. 5 2007.
11.孟彬,算子值条件自由随机变量,数学研究与评论,vol 27, no. 2 2007.
13.肖秀梅; 孟彬; 靳世华;THE STABILITY OF G-FRAME IN HILBERT κ-MODULES,南京大学学报数学半年刊,2010年 01期
14.董芳芳; 孟彬; 付焕坤;The parametrization of frame vectors for a unitary system on Hilbert K-modules,山东大学学报(理学版), Journal of Shandong University(Natural Science), 2010年 03期
15.付焕坤; 孟彬; 董芳芳;Disjointness of Generalized Frames in Hilbert W~*-module,数学进展, Advances in Mathematics, 2009年 01期
16.付焕坤; 孟彬; 董芳芳;The Sum of Standard Generalized Frames in Hilbert W~*-Module,Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, 2009年 02期
17.董芳芳; 孟彬; 付焕坤; Advances in Mathematics, 2008年 03期
18.付焕坤,孟彬,董芳芳,Generalized frames in HIlbert W*-module,数学杂志,2010 第5期
19.Bin Meng,Quasi-modular preserving rank one maps on Hilbert C*-modules,J.Math.Res.Appl. no(4)2012
20. Bin Meng, operator-valued frame generators for group-like unitary systems, Operator and Matrices, (sci),
21. 孟彬, 有限模框架,数学学报(2012)
22. Bin Meng, DGMRES method augmented with eigenvectors for computing the Drazin-inverse solution of singular linear systems ,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series
其它 E-mail: bmengnuaa@gmail.com



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