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Liaoning Normal University and Missouri State University established their cooperative relationship in 2000. LNU-MSU College of International Business was officially
approved by the degree committee of the State Council to launch a four-year bachelor’s education program.
LNU-MSU College of International Business is a joint program founded by Liaoning Normal University and Missouri State University, USA. The College of International Business is a second-level college of Liaoning Normal University. Our college recruits students via Gaokao. Students who complete all requirements are able to obtain
the Bachelor’s of Science degree awarded by Missouri State University (diplomas are certified by Chinese Ministry of Education). Students will also obtain a Certificate of Graduation and a Bachelor’s Degree of Management awarded by Liaoning Normal University.
The college building is located on the north campus of Liaoning Normal University. There are 37 multi-media classrooms, 3 computer labs, 1 reading room and 2 gym rooms. There are over 1000 students at LNU-MSU, including 40 international students and approximately 300 students completing their studies at MSU’s Springfield
campus. Approximately 40 foreign faculty are teaching at LNU-MSU.
The college offers the major of General Business and provides students with an international atmosphere and a western educational model. LNU-MSU College of International Business is committed to the goal of producing qualified business professionals with a global perspective and skills suitable for the twenty-first century global business environment by developing an understanding of interdependence and cooperation within a unique program of higher learning.