2.体检标准参照教育部、原卫生部、中国残联印发的《普通高等学校招生体检工作指导意见》(教学〔2003〕3号)要求,按照《教育部办公厅 卫生部办公厅关于普通高等学校招生学生入学身体检查取消乙肝项目检测有关问题的通知》(教学厅〔2010〕2号)及学校有关规定执行。
王祥科,男,1973年3月4日生,教授,博士生导师,2014年调入华北电力大学,现在为环境科学与工程学院院长。分别于1995年和2000年在兰州大学获学士和博士学位。2000年9月至2003年10月分别在法国南特SUBATECH国家实验室和德国卡尔思路国家研究中心做博士后和洪堡研究员。主要从事三废治理、纳米材料在废水处理、等离子体技术应用、环境污染检测和治理中的应用等方面的研究工作。主持与参加了重点基金、国家973项目、国家重点研发计划课题等多项研究。近几年以通讯作者身份在国际学术期刊如Chem. Soc. Rev., Adv. Mater., ACS Nano, Environ. Sci. Technol., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, Chem. Sci., Water Res., Sci. China Chem.等重要杂志发表SCI论文330余篇,其中邀请综述10多篇,有7篇论文(通讯作者)分别被评为2008, 2010(2篇)、2011、2012、2015和2016年(2篇)中国最具影响百篇国际学术论文,有64篇论文被评为高引用论文(highly cited paper),11篇论文被评为热点论文(hot paper),个人H因子86,被他人正面引用和评价20000多次,论文多次被评为研究亮点及被选为论文封面,多次被重要文章如Chem. Rev., Nature Chem., Nature Nanotechnol., Chem. Soc. Rev.等期刊论文大段引用和评价;多次被评为中国科学院优秀研究生导师、优秀研究生指导教师、朱李月华优秀导师等荣誉称号;作为中科大双聘教授、苏州大学讲座教授。
E-mail:xkwang@ncepu.edu.cn xkwang@ipp.ac.cn
1、 国际学术刊物“The open environmental pollution & toxicology journal”期刊编委 (2008年7月~)。
2、 国际学术刊物“The open colloid science journal”期刊编委(2008年11月~)。
3、 国际学术刊物“Energy & Power Engineering” 期刊编委(2010年1月~)。
4、 国际学术刊物“Global Journal of Environmental Science and Technology” 期刊编委(2010年4月~)。
5、 国际学术刊物“World Journal of Nano Science and Engineering” 期刊编委(2011年4月~)。
6、 国际学术刊物“Journal of Harzardous Materials"期刊编委。
7、 国际学术刊物“Journal of Molecular Liquids"期刊编委。
9、 日本静冈大学客座教授。
10、 中国核学会核化学与放射化学委员会委员。
11、 中国气象学会大气化学委员会委员。
12、 中国科学院青联委员。
13、 中国科学院放射化学专业委员会委员。
14、 上海光源用户专家委员会委员。
15、 苏州大学讲座教授。
16、 中国科学技术大学双聘教授。
17、 国家自然科学基金、科技部、教育部、上海市、安徽省科技厅等课题和科技奖等奖项和项目评审专家。
18、 国际著名期刊Environmental Science & Technology, Carbon, Talanta, Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, Applied Surface Science, Colloid Surface, Journal of Hazardous Material, Water Air & Soil Pollution, Surface Science, Applied Surface Science, Atmospheric Environment, Journal of Environmental Management, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Bioresources, Radiochimica Acta, Chemistry Engineering Journal等杂志审稿人。
19、 捷克国家自然科学基金邀请评审专家。
20、 上海市科学技术奖、甘肃省科学技术奖、安徽省科学技术奖等奖项主审专家。
1、 国家自然科学基金面上项目“U(VI)和Ni(II)在粘土上竞争吸附机理和微观结构研究”(21577032),83万,项目负责人:王祥科,2013.01---2016.12,进行中
2、 国家杰出青年基金“环境放射化学”(21225730),280万,项目负责人:王祥科,2013.01---2016.12, 已结题
3、 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目“功能化纳米结构材料在乏燃料后处理中的应用基础研究”(91326202),500万,项目负责人:王祥科,2014.01-2017.12,进行中
4、 合肥物质科学中心培育项目,100万,项目负责人:王祥科,2013.01-2014.12. 已结题
5、 国家自然科学基金“放射性核素在被压实皂土中的扩散机理和吸附分配系数研究(20501019)”,23万,项目负责人:王祥科,2006.01---2008.12,已结题。
6、 国家自然科学基金“腐殖酸对金属离子在氧化物颗粒上吸附机理和化学形态的影响(20677058)”,30万,项目负责人:王祥科,2007.01---2009.12,已结题。
7、 国家自然科学基金“放射性核素Eu(III)和Cm(III)在蒙脱石和正长石上的吸附和形态研究(20971126)”,33万,项目负责人:王祥科,2010.01---2012.12,已结题。
8、 国家自然科学基金“时间对放射性核素Eu和Ni在氧化物和膨润土上的吸附和微观结构影响研究 (21077107)”,38万,项目负责人:王祥科,2011.01---2013.12,已结题。
9、 科技部973重大研究计划“面向持久性有毒污染物痕量检测与治理的纳米材料应用基础研究(2007CB936602)”,80万,项目骨干,2007.07---2011.12,已结题。
10、 科技部973重大研究计划“应用纳米技术去除饮用水中微污染物的基础研究(2011CB933700)”,140万,项目骨干,2011.01---2015.12,进行中。
11、 中科院百人计划专项基金,200万,项目负责人:王祥科,2005.01---2008.06,已结题。
12、 中科院合肥物质科学研究院重大项目“纳米材料表面修饰与功能化”,200万,项目骨干,2007.01---2010.8,已结题。
13、 中科院合肥物质科学研究院人才项目“放射性核素在环境中的化学形态和微观结构研究”,50万,项目负责人:王祥科,2010.01---2012.12,已结题。
14、 国防科工局高放废物地质处置专项经费,30万,项目负责人:王祥科,2009.01---2011.12,已结题。
15、 国防二炮研究院军工项目,50万,项目负责人:王祥科,2009.01---2011.12,已结题。
16、 中科院新型薄膜太阳电池重点实验室基金,50万,项目骨干,2009.01-----, 进行中。
17、 河口与海岸国家重点实验室、中科院有机固体重点实验室等国家重点实验室开放基金,若干项,项目负责人:王祥科,进行中。
18、 企业合作研究项目多项,项目负责人:王祥科,进行中。
19、 博士后基金多项。
1、 2012年获国家杰出青年基金。
2、 2013年获安徽省自然科学一等奖。
3、 2010年安徽省第十二届青年科技奖。
4、 2012年安徽省第九届青年科技创新杰出奖。
5、 2012年科学中国人年度人物。
6、 2009年中科院“优秀研究生导师”奖。
7、 2009年中科院“朱李月华优秀研究生导师”奖。
8、 2010年中科院“优秀研究生指导教师”奖。
9、 2012年中科院“优秀研究生导师”奖。
10、 2013年中科院“优秀研究生指导教师”奖。
11、 2013年中科院“优秀研究生导师”奖。
12、 2014年中科院“优秀研究生导师”奖。
13、 2009年Science News和Elsevier联合评选的“Scopus未来科学之星”-环境科学领域金奖。
14、 中科院第三届青联委员。
15、 2007年中科院合肥物质科学研究院优秀研究生导师奖。
16、 2009年中科院合肥物质科学研究院优秀研究生导师奖。
17、 2010年中科院合肥物质科学研究院优秀研究生导师奖。
18、 2011年中科院合肥物质科学研究院优秀研究生导师奖。
19、 2012年中科院合肥物质科学研究院优秀研究生导师奖。
20、 2013年中科院合肥物质科学研究院优秀研究生导师奖。
21、 2014年中科院合肥物质科学研究院优秀研究生导师奖。
22、 2008年论文获全国最具影响百篇国际学术论文。
23、 2010年2篇论文获全国最具影响百篇国际学术论文。
24、 2011年1篇论文获全国最具影响百篇国际学术论文。
25、 安徽省第五届(2004年1月1日~2006年12月31日,每3年评选1次)自然科学论文一等奖。
26、 安徽省第六届(2007年1月1日~2009年12月31日,每3年评选1次)自然科学论文三等奖(4篇论文获奖)。
27、 2010年中科院合肥物质科学研究院优秀共产党员。
28、 2010年中科院合肥物质科学研究院等离子体所优秀共产党员。
1. 中国科学院科学与技术预见系列报告之一:技术预见报告2005。章主编:发展高放废料高效处理技术。科学出版社,出版号:ISBN 7-03-015636-6。
2. 电工技术大典。篇编辑和章主编:环保电工技术。电力出版社(2009年出版)。
3. Heavy Metals in the Environment. 章主编:Nano-technology Application in Metal Ion Adsorption. Publisher: Taylor and Francis & CRC Press (2009年出版)。
4. The Handbook of Radionuclides Behavior in the Environment. 章主编:Lanthanide-Eu(III). Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. kGaA, Weinheim. (2010年出版)。
1. Qi Wang, Xiangke Wang, Zhifang Chai, Wenping Hu, 2013. Low-temperature plasma synthesis of carbon nanotubes and graphene based materials and their fuel cell applications. Chemical Society Review. 42 (23), 8821 – 8834.
2. Guixia Zhao, Lang Jiang, Yudong He, Jiaxing Li, Huanli Dong, Xiangke Wang, Wenping Hu, 2011. Sulfonated Graphene for Persistent Aromatic Pollutant Management. Advanced Materials, 23, 3959-3963.
3. Yaling Liu, Zhuoyu Ji, Qingxin Tang, Lang Jiang, Hongxiang Li, Meng He, Wenping Hu, Deqing Zhang, Lei Jiang, Xiangke Wang, Yunqi Liu, Chen Wang and Daoben Zhu, 2005, Particles Size controlling and Patterning of a Charge-transfer Complex for Nanoelectronics. Advanced Materials. 17, 2953-2957.
4. Qingxin Tang, Hongxiang Li, Yabin Song, Wei Xu, Wenping Hu, Lei Jiang, Yunqi Liu, Xiangke Wang, Daoben Zhu, 2006, In Situ Patterning Organic Single Crystalline Nanoribbons on a SiO2 Surface for the Fabrication of Various Architectures and High-Quality Transistors. Advanced Materials. 18, 3010-3014.
5. XiLin Wu, Tao Wen, HongLi Guo, Shubin Yang, Xiangke Wang, An-Wu Xu. 2013. Biomass Derived Sponge-Like Carbonaceous Hydrogels and Aerogels for Supercapacitors, ACS Nano 7(4), 3589-3597.
6. Guixia Zhao, Jiaxing Li, Lang Jiang, Huanli Dong, Xiangke Wang, Wenping Hu, 2012. Synthesizing MnO2 nanosheets from graphene oxide templates for high performance pseudosupercapacitors, Chemical Science, 3, 433-437.
7. Shouwei Zhang, Jiaxing Li, Meiyi Zeng, Jie Li, Jinzhang Xu, and Xiangke Wang, 2014. Bandgap Engineering and Mechanism Study of Nonmetal and Metal Ions Codoped Carbon Nitride: Take C + Fe as an Example. Chemistry-A European Journal. 20, 9805-9812.
8. Shitong Yang, Guodong Sheng, Xiaoli Tan, Jun Hu, Jinzhou Du, Gilles Montavon, Xiangke Wang, 2011. Determination of Ni(II) Sorption Mechanisms on Mordenite Surfaces: A Combined Macroscopic and Microscopic Approach. Geochimica et Cosmoschimica Acta 75, 6520-6534.
9. Shitong Yang, Guodong Sheng, Gilles Montavon, Zhiqiang Guo, Xiaoli Tan, Bernd Grambow, Xiangke Wang, 2013. Investigation of Eu(III) Immobilization on γ-Al2O3 Surfaces by Combining Batch Technique and EXAFS Analyses: Role of Contact Time and Humic Acid. Geochimica et Cosmoschimica Acta 121, 84-104.
10. Yubing Sun, Jiaxing Li, Xiangke Wang, 2014. The retention of uranium and europium onto sepiolite investigated by macroscopic, spectroscopic and modeling techniques. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 140, 621-643.
11. Xiaoli Tan, Xiangke Wang, H. Geckeis, Th. Rabung, 2008. Sorption of Eu(III) on humic acid or fulvic acid bound to alumina studied by SEM-EDS, XPS, TRLFS and batch techniques. Environmental Science & Technology. 42, 6532-6537.
12. Xiangke Wang*, Changlun Chen, Jinzhou Du, Xiaoli Tan, Di Xu, Shaoming Yu, 2005, Effect of pH and aging time on the kinetic dissociation of 243Am(III) from humic acid coated ?-Al2O3: A chelating resin exchange study. Environmental Science & Technology. 39(18), 7084-7088.
13. Xiangke Wang, Changlun Chen, Wenping Hu, Aiping Ding,Di Xu, Xiang Zhou, 2005, Sorption of 243Am(III) to Multi-wall Carbon Nanotubes, Environmental Science & Technology. 39(8), 2856-2860.
14. X.L. Tan, Q.H. Fan, X.K. Wang, B. Grambow, 2009. Eu(III) Sorption to TiO2 (Anatase and Rutile): Batch, XPS, and EXAFS Study. Environmental Science & Technology. 43, 3115-3121.
15. C.L. Chen, X.K. Wang, M. Nagatsu, 2009. Europium Adsorption on Multiwall Carbon Nanotube / Iron Oxide Magnetic Composite in the Presence of Polyacrylic Acid. Environmental Science & Technology. 43, 2362-2367.
16. Q.H. Fan, X.L. Tan, J.X. Li, X.K. Wang*, W.S. Wu, G. Montavon. 2009. Sorption of Eu(III) on Attapulgite Studied by Batch, XPS and EXAFS Techniques. Environmental Science & Technology. 43(15), 5776-5782.
17. Shubin Yang, Jun Hu, Changlun Chen, Dadong Shao, Xiangke Wang, 2011. Mutual Effect of Pb(II) and Humic Acid Adsorption onto Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes/Poly(acrylamide) Composites from Aqueous Solution. Environmental Science & Technology. 45(8), 3621-3627.
18. Guodong Sheng, Shitong Yang, Jiang Sheng, Jun Hu, Xiaoli Tan, Xiangke Wang, 2011. Macroscopic and Microscopic Investigation of Ni(II) Sequestration on Diatomite by Batch, XPS and EXAFS Techniques. Environmental Science & Technology. 45, 7718-7726
19. Guixia Zhao, Jiaxing Li, Xuemei Ren, Changlun Chen, Xiangke Wang, 2011. Few-layered graphene oxide nanosheets as superior sorbents for heavy metal ion pollution management. Environmental Science & Technology. 45, 10454-10462.
20. Yubing Sun, Qi Wang, Changlun Chen, Xiaoli Tan, Xiangke Wang, 2012. Interaction between Eu(III) and Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Investigated by Batch and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy and by Modeling Techniques, Environmental Science & Technology. 46, 6020-6027.
21. Lingling Wang, Longfei Wang, Xuemei Ren, Xiaodong Ye, Wenwei Li, Shijie Yuan, Min Sun, Guoping Sheng, Hangqing Yu, Xiangke Wang, 2012. pH Dependence of Structure and Surface Properties of Microbial EPS, Environmental Science & Technology, 46, 737-744.
22. Yubing Sun, Dadong Shao, Changlun Chen, Shubin Yang, Xiangke Wang, 2013. Highly efficient enrichment of radionuclides on graphene oxide supported polyaniline. Environmental Science & Technology, 47, 9904-9910.
23. Long-Fei Wang, Ling-Ling Wang, Xiao-Dong Ye, Wen-Wei Li, Xue-Mei Ren, Guo-Ping Sheng, Han-Qing Yu, Xiang-Ke Wang, 2013. Coagulation Kinetics of Humic Aggregates in Mono- and Di-Valent Electrolyte Solutions. Environmental Science & Technology, 47, 5042-5049.
24. Xuemei Ren, Jiaxing Li, Xiaoli Tan, Weiqun Shi, Changlun Chen, Dadong Shao, Tao Wen, Longfei Wang, Guixia Zhao, Guoping Sheng, Xiangke Wang, 2014. Impact of Al2O3 on the Aggregation and Deposition of Graphene Oxide. Environmental Science & Technology. 48, 5493?5500.
25. Xiaoli Tan, Ming Fang, Xuemei Ren, Huiyang Mei, Dadong Shao, Xiangke Wang, 2014. Effect of Silicate on the Formation and Stability of Ni-Al LDH at γ-Al2O3 Surfaces. Environmental Science & Technology. 48, 13138?13145.
26. Yubing Sun, Shubin Yang, Yue Chen, Congcong Ding, Wencai Cheng, Xiangke Wang, 2015. Adsorption and Desorption of U(VI) on Functionalized Graphene Oxides: a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study. Environmental Science & Technology. 49, 4255-4262.
27. Donglin Zhao, Guodong Sheng, Changlun Chen, Xiangke Wang, 2012. Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue under visible irradiation on
graphene@TiO2 dyade structure, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 111-112, 303-308.
28. Shubin Yang, Xilin Wu, Changlun Chen, Huanli Dong, Wenping Hu, Xiangke Wang, 2012. Spherical α-Ni(OH)2 nanoarchitecture grown on graphene as advanced electrochemical pseudocapacitor materials, Chemical Communication, 48, 2773-2775.
29. Shouwei Zhang, Jiaxing Li, Meiyi Zeng, Jinzhang Xu, Xiangke Wang, Wenping Hu, 2014. Polymer nanodots of graphitic carbon nitride as effective fluorescent probes for detection of Fe3+ and Cu2+ ions. Nanoscale. 6, 4157-4162.
30. Changlun Chen, Akihisa Ogino, Xiangke Wang*, Masaaki Nagatsu. 2010. Plasma treatment of multiwall carbon nanotubes for dispersion improvement in water. Applied Physics Letter. 96, 131504.
31. Guixia Zhao, Dadong Shao, Changlun Chen, Xiangke Wang, 2011. Synthesis of few-layered graphene by H2O2 plasma etching of graphite. Applied Physics Letter. 98(18), 183114.
32. Qi Wang, Mingming Song, Changlun Chen, Xiangke Wang, 2012. Synthesis of graphene-based Pt nanoparticles by a one-step in situ plasma approach under mild conditions, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 033103.
33. Jue Hu, Lin Jiang, Chengxu Zhang, Xiaodong Zhang, Yuedong Meng, Xiangke Wang, 2014. Enhanced Pt performance with H2O plasma modified carbon nanofibe support. Applied Physics Letters. 104, 151602.
34. Qi Wang, Mingming Song, Changlun Chen, Wenping Hu, Xiangke Wang, 2012. Plasma Synthesis of Surface-Functionalized Graphene-Based Platinum Nanoparticles: Highly Active Electrocatalysts as Electrodes for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells, ChemPlusChem, 77, 432-436.
35. Shouwei Zhang, Jiaxing Li, Haihong Niu, Wenqing Xu, Jinzhang Xu, Wenping Hu, Xiangke Wang, 2013. Visible-Light Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue using SnO2/α-Fe2O3 Hierarchical Nanoheterostructures, ChemPlusChem. 78(2), 192-199.
36. Shubin Yang, Changlun Chen, Yue Chen, Jiaxing Li, Dongqi Wang, Xiangke Wang and Wenping Hu, 2015. Competitive Adsorption of Pb(II), Ni(II) and Sr(II) Ions on Graphene Oxides: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study. ChemPlusChem. 80, 480-484.
37. Qi Wang, Jiaxing Li, Ye Song, Xiangke Wang, 2013. Facile synthesis of high-quality plasma-reduced graphene oxide with ultrahigh 4,4’-dichlorobiphenyl adsorption capacity. Chemistry-An Asian Journal. 8, 225-231.
38. Yubing Sun, Shubin Yang, Guixia Zhao, Qi Wang, Xiangke Wang, 2013. Adsorption of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Graphene Oxides and Reduced Graphene Oxides. Chemistry-An Asian Journal. 8, 2755-2761.
39. Jie Li, Changlun Chen, Shouwei Zhang, Xuemei Ren, Xiaoli Tan, Xiangke Wang, 2014. Critical Evaluation of Adsorption-Desorption Hysteresis of Heavy Metal Ions from Carbon Nanotubes: Influence of Wall Number and Surface Functionalization. Chemistry-An Asian Journal. 9, 1144-1151.
40. Tao Wen, XiLin Wu, Shouwei Zhang, Xiangke Wang, AnWu Xu, 2015. Core-Shell Carbon-Coated CuO Nanocomposites: A Highly Stable Electrode Material for Supercapacitors and Lithium-Ion Batteries, Chemistry-An Asian Journal. 10, 595-601.
41. Xilin Wu, Lei Wang, Changlun Chen, Anwu Xu, Xiangke Wang, 2011. Water-dispersible magnetite-graphene-LDH nanohybrids for efficient arsenate removal. Journal of Material Chemistry. 21, 17353-17359 .
42. Shouwei Zhang, Wenqing Xu, Meiyi Zeng, Jie Li, Jiaxing Li, Jinzhang Xu, Xiangke Wang, 2013. Superior adsorption capacity of hierarchical iron
oxide@magnesium silicate magnetic nanorods for fast removal of organic pollutants from aqueous solution. Journal of Material Chemistry A. 1(38), 11691-11697.
43. Guixia Zhao, Tao Wen, Juan Zhang, Jiaxing Li, Huanli Dong, Xiangke Wang, Yuguo Guo and Wenping Hu, 2014. Two-dimensional Cr2O3 and Interconnected Graphene-Cr2O3 Nanosheets: Synthesis and Their Applications in Lithium Storage. Journal of Material Chemistry A. 2, 944-948. (Cover)
44. Shouwei Zhang, Meiyi Zeng, Jiaxing Li, Jie Li, Jinzhang Xu, Xiangke Wang, 2014. Porous magnetic carbon sheets from biomass as super adsorbent for fast removal of organic pollutants from aqueous solution. Journal of Material Chemistry A. 2, 4391-4397.
45. Guixia Zhao, Xiubing Huang, Xiangke Wang, Paul Connor, Jiaxing Li, Shouwei Zhang, John T.S. Irvine, Synthesis and lithium-storage properties of MnO/reduced graphene oxide composites derived from graphene oxide plus the transformation of Mn(VI) to Mn(II) by the reducing power of graphene oxide. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2015, 3 (1), 297 – 303.
46. Shouwei Zhang, Jiaxing Li, Xiangke Wang,Yongshun Huang, Meiyi Zeng, Jinzhang Xu, Rationally designed 1D
Ag@AgVO3 nanowires/graphene/protonated g-C3N4nanosheets heterojunctions for enhanced photocatalysis via electrostatic self-assembly and photochemical reduction methods. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. in press.
47. He Chen, Xiangxue Wang, Jiaxing Li, Xiangke Wang, Waste cotton derived carbonaceous aerogels for efficient removal of organic pollutants and heavy metal ions. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. In press
48. Jie Li, Shouwei Zhang, Changlun Chen, Xin Yang, Jiaxing Li, Xiangke Wang, 2012. Removal of Cu(II) and fulvic acid by graphene oxide nanosheets decorated with Fe3O4 nanoparticles. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 4, 4991-5000.
49. Shitong Yang, Pengfei Zong, Xuemei Ren, Qi Wang, Xiangke Wang, 2012. Rapid and High-efficient Preconcentration of Eu(III) by Core-shell Structured Humic
Acid@Fe3O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 4, 6891-6900.
50. Tao Wen, Xilin Wu, Xiaoli Tan, Qing Zhu, Anwu Xu, and Xiangke Wang, 2013. One-Pot Synthesis of Water-Swellable Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxides and Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites for Efficient Removal of As(V) from Aqueous Solutions. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5, 3304-3311.
51. Shouwei Zhang, Jiaxing Li, Meiyi Zeng, Guixia Zhao, Jinzhang Xu, Wenping Hu, Xiangke Wang, 2013. In situ synthesis of water-soluble magnetic graphitic carbon nitride photocatalyst and its synergistic catalytic performance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5, 12735-12743.
52. Dadong Shao, Zhongqing Jiang, Xiangke Wang, Jiaxing Li, Yuedong Meng, 2009. Plasma induced grafting carboxymethyl cellulose on multiwalled carbon nanotubes for the removal of UO22+ from aqueous solution. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113, 860-864
53. Changlun Chen, Bo Liang, Akihisa Ogino, Xiangke Wang, Masaaki Nagatsu, 2009. Oxygen Functionalization of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes by Microwave Excited Surface-Wave Plasma Treatment. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113(18), 7659-7665.
54. Jun Hu, Dadong Shao, Changlun Chen, Guodong Sheng, Jiaxing Li, Xiangke Wang, Masaaki Nagatsu, 2010. Plasma Induced Grafting Cyclodextrin onto Multiwall Carbon Nanotube/Iron Oxides For Adsorbent Application. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114, 6779-6785.
55. Guobin Cai, Guixia Zhao, Xiangke Wang, Shuhong Yu, 2010. Synthesis of polyacrylic acid stabilized amorphous calcium carbonate nanoparticles and their application for removal of toxic heavy metal ions in water. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (30), 12948-12954.
56. Dongqin Bi, Fan Wu, Wenjin Yue, Ying Guo, Wei Shen, Ruixiang Peng, Huan Wu, Xiangke Wang, Mingtai Wang, 2010. Device performance correlated with structural properties of vertically aligned nanorod arrays in polymer-ZnO solar cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(32), 13846-13852.
57. Dadong Shao, Jun Hu, Guodong Sheng, Xuemei Ren, Changlun Chen, Xiangke Wang, 2010. Polyaniline Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Magnetic Composite Prepared by Plasma Induced Graft Technique and Its Application for Removal of Aniline and Phenol. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(49), 21524-21530.
58. Shouwei Zhang, Haihong Niu, Yan Lan, Cheng Cheng, Jinzhang Xu, Xiangke Wang, 2011. Synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles on plasma treated carbon nanotubes and its application in photoanode of dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, 22026-22034.
59. Mancheng Liu, Changlun Chen, Jun Hu, Xilin Wu, Xiangke Wang, 2011, Synthesis of Magnetite/Graphene Oxide Composite and Application for Cobalt(II) Removal. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, 25234-25240
60. Guixia Zhao, Xuemei Ren, Xing Gao, Xiaoli Tan, Jiaxing Li, Changlun Chen, Yuying Huang, Xiangke Wang*, 2011. Removal of Pb(II) ions from aqueous solutions on few-layered graphene oxide nanosheets. Dalton Transactions. 40, 10945-40952.
61. Xiaoli Tan, Jun Hu, Gilles Montavon, Xiangke Wang, 2011. Sorption Speciation of Nickel(II) onto Ca-Montmorillonite: Batch, EXAFS Techniques and Modeling. Dalton. Transactions. 40, 10953-10960.
62. Jun Hu, Xiaoli Tan, Xuemei Ren,Xiangke Wang,2012. Effect of humic acid on nickel(II) sorption to Ca-montmorillonite by batch and EXAFS techniques study, Dalton Transactions, 41, 10803-10810.
63. Guixia Zhao, Tao Wen, Xin Yang, Shubin Yang, Jiali Liao, Jun Hu, Dadong Shao, Xiangke Wang, 2012. Preconcentration of U(VI) ions on few-layered graphene oxide nanosheets from aqueous solutions, Dalton Transactions, 41, 6182-6188.
64. Yubing Sun, Changlun Chen, Xiaoli Tan, Dadong Shao, Jiaxing Li, Guixia Zhao, Shubin Yang, Qi Wang, Xiangke Wang, 2012. Enhanced adsorption of Eu(III) on mesoporous Al2O3/expanded graphite composites investigated by macroscopic and microscopic techniques, Dalton Transactions, 41, 13388-13394.
65. Shouwei Zhang, Meiyi Zeng, Wenqing Xu, Jiaxing Li, Jie Li, Jinzhang Xu, Xiangke Wang, 2013. Polyaniline nanowires dotted on graphene oxide nanosheets as a novel super adsorbent for Cr(VI). Dalton Trans. 42, 7854-7858.
66. Xuemei Ren, Jiaxing Li, Xiaoli Tan, Xiangke Wang, 2013. Comparative study of graphene oxide, activated carbon and carbon nanotubes as adsorbents for copper decontamination. Dalton Trans, 42, 5266-5274. (Cover)
67. Mancheng Liu, Tao Wen, Xilin Wu, Changlun Chen, Jun Hu, Jie Li, Xiangke Wang, 2013. Synthesis of porous Fe3O4 hollow microspheres/graphene oxide composite for Cr(VI) removal. Dalton Trans. 42, 14710-14717.
68. Shouwei Zhang, Wenqing Xu, Meiyi Zeng, Jiaxing Li, Jinzhang Xu, Xiangke Wang, 2013. Hierarchically grown CdS/α-Fe2O3 heterojunction nanocomposites with enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic performance. Dalton Trans. 42, 13417-13424.
69. Xiaoli Tan, Ming Fang, Shaoming Yu, Xiangke Wang, 2008. Counterion Effects of Ni2+ and Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate Adsorption to Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes in Aqueous Solution. Carbon. 46, 1741-1750.
70. Changlun Chen, Bo Liang, Di Lu, Akihisa Ogino, Xiangke Wang*, Masaaki Nagatsu*. 2010. Amino group introduction onto multiwall carbon nanotubes by NH3/Ar plasma treatment. Carbon. 48, 939-948.
71. Chengxu Zhang, Jue Hu, Xiangke Wang, Xiaodong Zhang, Hirotaka Toyoda, Masaaki Nagatsu, Yuedong Meng, 2012. High performance of carbon nanowall supported Pt catalyst for methanol electro-oxidation, Carbon, 50, 3731-3738.
72. Changlun Chen, Xiangke Wang, 2006, Adsorption of Ni(II) from Aqueous Solution Using Oxidized Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research. 45, 9144-9149.
73. Daodong Shao, Di Xu, Suowei Wang, Qiaohui Fan, Wangsuo Wu, Yunhui Dong, Xiangke Wang, 2009, Modeling of radionickel sorption on MX-80 bentonite as a function of pH and ionic strength. Science in China B : Chemistry. 52, 362-371.
74. Jun Hu, Zhi Xie, Bo He, Guodong Sheng, Changlun Chen, Jiaxing Li, Yixue Chen, Xiangke Wang, 2010. Sorption of Eu(III) on GMZ bentonite in the absence/presence of humic acid studied by batch and XAFS techniques. Science in China B: Chemistry. 53(6), 1420-1428.
75. Guodong Sheng, Shitong Yang, Donglin Zhao, Jiang Sheng, Xiangke Wang, 2012. Adsorption of Eu(III) on titanate nanotubes studied by a combination of batch and EXAFS technique, Science China Chemistry, 55, 182-194.
76. Shitong Yang, Guodong Sheng, Zhiqiang Guo, Xiaoli Tan, Jinzhang Xu, Xiangke Wang, 2012. Investigation of radionuclide 63Ni(II) sequestration mechanisms on mordenite by batch and EXAFS spectroscopy study, Science China Chemistry, 55, 632-642.
77. Xuemei Ren, Shitong Yang, Xiaoli Tan, Changlun Chen, Xiangke Wang, 2012. Investigation of radionuclide 60Co(II) binding to TiO2 by batch technique, surface complexation model and DFT calculations, Science China Chemistry, 55, 1752-1759.
78. Dadong Shao, Zhongqing Jiang, Xiangke Wang*, 2010. SDBS Modified XC-72 Carbon for the Removal of Pb(II) From Aqueous Solutions. Plasma Processes and Polymers. 7(7), 552-560. (Cover paper)
79. Dadong Shao, Jun Hu, Xiangke Wang, 2010. Plasma induced grafting multiwalled carbon nanotube with chitosan and its application for removal of UO22+, Cu2+, and Pb2+ from aqueous solutions. Plasma Processes and Polymers. 7(12), 977-985. (Cover paper)
80. Xuemei Ren, Dadong Shao, Guixia Zhao, Guodong Sheng, Ju Hu, Shitong Yang, Xiangke Wang, 2011. Plasma induced multiwalled carbon nanotube grafted with 2-vinylpyridine for preconcentration of Pb(II) from aqueous solutions. Plasma Processes and Polymer. 8(7), 589-598.
81. Xiangke Wang, Th. Rabung, H. Geckeis, P.J. Panak, R. Klenze, Th. Fanghaenel, 2004, Effect of humic acid on the sorption of Cm(III) onto ?-Al2O3 studied by the time resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy. Radiochimica Acta. 92, 691-695.
82. Xiangke Wang*, Changlun Chen, Xiang Zhou, Xiaoli Tan, Wenping Hu, 2005, Diffusion and sorption of U(VI) in compacted bentonite studied by a capillary method. Radiochimica Acta. 93, 273-278.
83. Di Xu, Dadong Shao, Changlun Chen, Anping Ren, Xiangke Wang*, 2006, Effect of pH and fulvic acid on sorption and complexation of cobalt onto bare and FA bound MX-80 bentonite. Radiochimica Acta. 94, 97-102.
84. D. Xu, X.K. Wang*, C.L. Chen, X. Zhou, X.L. Tan, 2006, Influence of Soil Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid on Sorption of Thorium(IV) on MX-80 Bentonite. Radiochimica Acta, 94, 429-434.
85. Th. Rabung, H. Geckeis, X.K. Wang, J. Rothe, M.A. Denecke, R. Klenze, Th. Fanghaenel, 2006, Cm(III) sorption onto ?-Al2O3: New insight into sorption mechanisms by time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy and extended X-ray absorption fine structure. Radiochimica Acta, 94, 609-618.
86. Changlun Chen, Xueliang Li, Xiangke Wang*, 2007, Application of oxidized multi-wall carbon nanotubes for Thorium ions sorption. Radiochimica Acta. 95, 261-266.
87. Xiaoli Tan, Di Xu, Changlun Chen, Xiangke Wang, Wenping Hu, 2008. Adsorption and kinetic desorption study of 152+154Eu(III) on multiwall carbon nanotubes from aqueous solution by using chelating resin and XPS methods. Radiochimica Acta, 96, 23-29.
88. Xiaoli Tan, Jun Hu, Xiang Zhou, Shaoming Yu, Xiangke Wang, 2008. Characterization of Lin’an montmorillonite and its application in the removal of Ni2+ from aqueous solutions. Radiochimica Acta 96, 487-495.
89. Qiaohui Fan, Dadong Shao, Jun Hu, Changlun Chen, Wangsuo Wu, Xiangke Wang, 2009. Adsorption of humic acid and Eu(III) to multi-walled carbon nanotubes: Effect of pH, ionic strength and counterion effect. Radiochimica Acta. 97, 141-148.
90. G.D. Sheng, D.D. Shao, Q.H. Fan, D. Xu, Y.X. Chen, X.K. Wang, 2009. Effect of pH and ionic strength on sorption of Eu(III) to MX-80 bentonite: batch and XAFS study. Radiochimica Acta 97, 621-630.
91. J. Hu, C.L. Chen, G.D. Sheng, J.X. Li, Y.X. Chen, X.K. Wang, 2010. Adsorption of Sr(II) and Eu(III) on Na-rectorite: Effect of pH, ionic strength, concentration and modeling. Radiochimica Acta 98, 421-429.
92. G.D. Sheng, J. Hu, H. Jin, S.T. Yang, X.M. Ren, J.X. Li, Y.X. Chen, X.K. Wang, 2010. Effect of humic acid, fulvic acid, pH, ionic strength, foreign ions and temperature on 63Ni(II) sorption to MnO2. Radiochimica Acta. 98(5), 291-299.
93. Yubing Sun, Shitong Yang, Guodong Sheng, Qi Wang, Zhiqiang Guo, Xiangke Wang, 2012. Removal of U(VI) from aqueous solutions by the nano-iron oxyhydroxides, Radiochimica Acta, 100, 779-784.
94. S. T. Yang, P. F. Zong, G. D. Sheng, X. M. Ren, Y. Y. Huang, X. K. Wang, 2014. New Insight into Eu(III) Sorption Mechanism at Alumina/Water Interface by Batch Technique and EXAFS Analysis. Radiochimica Acta.102, 143-153.
95. G. D. Sheng, S. T. Yang, Y. M. Li, X. Gao, Y. Y. Huang, J. Hu, X. K. Wang, 2014. Retention Mechanisms and Microstructure of Eu(III) on Manganese Dioxide Studied by Batch and High Resolution EXAFS Technique. Radiochimica Acta. 102, 155-167.
96. Xuemei Ren, Changlun Chen, Masaaki Nagatsu, Xiangke Wang, 2011. Carbon nanotubes as adsorbents in environmental pollution management. Chemical Engineering Journal. 170, 395-410. (Invited Review)
97. Xiaoli Tan, Ming Fang, Xiangke Wang, 2010. Sorption speciation of lanthanides/actinides on minerals by TRLFS, EXAFS and DFT study: A review. Molecules. 15, 8431-8468. (Invited review).
98. Kui Lv, Guixia Zhao, Xiangke Wang, 2012. A brief review of graphene-based material synthesis and its application in environmental pollution management, Chinese Science Bulletin, 57, 1223-1234. (invited Review)
99. Rui Hu, Dadong Shao, Xiangke Wang, Graphene Oxide/Polypyrrole Composites for Highly Selective Enrichment of U(VI) from Aqueous Solutions. Polymer Chemistry. DOI: 10.1039/c4py00743c
100. Xilin Wu, Xiaoli Tan, Shitong Yang, Tao Wen, Hongli Guo, Xiangke Wang, Anwu Xu, 2013, Coexistence of adsorption and coagulation processes of both arsenate and NOM from contaminated groundwater by nanocrystallined Mg/Al layered double hydroxides. Water Research 47, 4159-4168.
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