发布时间:2020-04-28 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:

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95%的同学还阅读了: [2020华南理工大学研究生招生简章] [华南理工大学研究生分数线[2013-2020]] [华南理工大学王牌专业排名] [华南理工大学考研难吗] [华南理工大学研究生院] [华南理工大学排名] [华南理工大学考研群] [华南理工大学研究生学费] [华南理工大学研究生奖学金] [考研国家线[2006-2020]] [2021年考研时间:报名日期和考试时间]


The civil engineering is certificated as Guangdong Province "brand subject" with  a state key laboratory, the first-class doctor degree discipline and post-doctoral research center. The subject aims at training advanced and creative engineers and experts for the design, research, construction and management of civil engineering works such as building structures, underground structures, roads, bridges, tunnels and urban light railways, etc. The students are offered with an extensive and systematic set of core courses including advanced mathematics, computer applications, construction materials, engineering survey, strength of materials, structural analysis, geotechnical mechanics and foundations, theory and design of reinforced concrete structures, theory and design of steel structures, design of high-rise buildings, disaster prevention and relief in civil engineering, underground structures, road survey and design, road bed and pavement projects, bridge engineering, tunnel engineering, traffic engineering, construction techniques and organization, economy and management of building projects, etc.
The graduates are capable of taking jobs in a variety of practical fields, such as structural design, construction organization and management, quality detection and supervision, technical consultancy, project planning and investment of all kinds of industrial, commercial and residential structures, as well as public projects. They can also play an active role in teaching and academic research in government sectors, banks, real estate industry or other relevant fields.
The civil engineering is a traditional subject which has been developing along with the developments of design theory, construction techniques and materials. Civil engineering has always been in a close relationship with our daily life and all fieids in industry. Therefore, it has provided lots of opportunities for graduates finding jobs, and the employment ratios have been almost 100% these years.
