![华南理工大学大学自动化科学与工程学院导师:苏为洲 华南理工大学大学自动化科学与工程学院导师:苏为洲](https://img.okaoyan.com/public/3.jpg)
华南理工大学大学自动化科学与工程学院导师:苏为洲的内容如下,更多考研资讯请关注我们考研派网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。或下载我们的考研派APP和考研派微信公众号(里面有非常多的免费考研资源可以领取哦)[华南理工大学大学电力学院导师:余昭胜] [华南理工大学大学电力学院导师:姚顺春] [华南理工大学大学电力学院导师:吴婕] [华南理工大学大学电力学院导师:卢志民] [华南理工大学电力系统及其自动化系导师:陈皓勇] [华南理工大学电力系统及其自动化系导师:蔡泽祥]
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姓名:苏为洲 性别:男 职称:教授
学院:自动化科学与工程学院 最后学历:博士
苏为洲教授治学风格严谨,在国内外重要学术刊物与会议上发表论文40余篇, 其中在《IEEE Trans. Automatic Control》,《Automatica》,《IEEE Trans. Signal Processing》等国际控制界与信号处理界一流学术刊物发表论文10余篇。苏为洲教授曾获1991年度《自动化学报》优秀论文奖(第一作者);2004年第五届全球智能控制与自动化大会优秀理论论文奖(第一作者);澳大利亚政府海外研究生研究奖学金;2006年广东省科学技术一等奖(第一获奖者),2009年第七届亚洲控制会议最佳论文奖提名。
1.2009年起,《Journal of Control Science and Engineering》编委。
2.2007年起,《Journal of Control Theory and Applications》编委。
3. 2008~2009,国家自然科学基金委员会委员。
4. 2008,新加坡南洋理工大学访问教授。
5. 2007,澳大利亚纽卡斯大学访问学者,访问学者。
E-mail: wzhsu@scut.edu.cn
1. Keyou You, Weizhou Su, Minyue Fu, Lihua Xie,Attainability of the minimum data rate for stabilization of linear systems via logarithmic quantization, Automatica, vol. 47, No. 1, pp: 170-176. 2011.
2. Jinchuan Zheng, Weizhou Su, and Minyue Fu, Dual-Stage Actuator Control Design Using a Doubly Coprime Factorization Approach, IEEE/ASME Trans. Mecha-tronics, vol. 15 , No. 3, Jun. 2010, pp: 339–348.
3. Weizhou Su, Li Qiu, and Jie Chen, An Average Performance Limit of MIMO Systems in Tracking Multi-Sinusoids With Partial Signal Information, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 54, Aug., 2009, pp: 2001-2006.
4. Qi Tian, and Weizhou Su, Optimal Tracking Design and Performance Analysis for LTI Systems with Quantization Effects, Proceedings of IEEE CDC 2009.
5. Qi Tian, and Weizhou Su, Tracking Performance Limitation of a Linear MISO Unstable System with Quantized Control Signals, Proceedings of the 7th Asian Control Conference, Aug. 2009, pp: 447-452.
6. Weizhou Su, Ian R. Petersen, and Li Qiu, Tracking Performance Limitations in a Linear Feedback System with Remote Sensors, Proceedings of IFAC 2008, Jul. 2008.
7. Weizhou Su, Li Qiu, and Jie Chen, Fundamental Limit of Discrete-Time Systems in Tracking Multi-Tone Sinusoidal Signals, Automatica, vol 43, Jan., 2007, pp: 15-30.
8. Weizhou Su, Li Qiu, and Jie Chen, On Performance Limitation in Tracking Sinusoids, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 51, Aug., 2006, pp: 1320-1325.
9. Weizhou Su, Wei-Xing Zheng, and Li Chai, Pre-Coder Design and Blind Identification of MIMO Channels, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 54, Jul., 2006, pp: 2725-2736.
10. Weizhou Su, and Minyue Fu, Robust Stabilization of Nonlinear Cascaded Systems, Automatica, vol. 42, Apr., 2006, pp: 645-651.
11. Weizhou Su,Wei-Xing Zheng, and Li Qiu, Performance Limitations in Estimating a Periodic Random Processes, The Proceedings of WCICA'04, pp: 172-176, 2004, Hangzhou.
12. Weizhou Su, Li Qiu, and Jie Chen, Fundamental Performance Limitations in Tracking Sinusoidal Signals, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 48, pp: 1371-1380, 2003.
13. Weizhou Su, Carlos E. de Souza, and Lihua Xie, H∞ Control for Asymptotically Stable Nonlinear Systems, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 44, pp: 989-993, 1999.
14. Weizhou Su, Lihua Xie, and Carlos E. de Souza, Global Robust Disturbance Attenuation and Almost Disturbance Decoupling for Uncertain Cascaded Nonlinear Systems, Automatica, vol. 35, pp: 697-707, 1999.
15. Lihua Xie, and Weizhou Su, Robust H∞ Control for a Class of Cascaded Nonlinear Systems, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 42, pp: 1465-1468, 1997.
16. Weizhou Su, Lihua Xie and Zhiming Gong, Robust Input to State Stabilization for Minimum-phase Nonlinear Systems, Int. J. Control, vol. 66, pp: 825-842, 1997.
17. Weizhou Su, and Lihua Xie, Robust Control of Nonlinear Feedback Passive Systems, Systems & Control Letters, vol. 28, pp: 85-93, 1996.
18. Weizhou Su, and Lijiang Qin, The Robust Stability of Linear Multivariable System with Parameter Perturbation, ACTA Automatica Sinica, Chinese Edition, vol. 17, pp:537-544, 1991.