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机械工程机械工程 专业人才培养方案
Undergraduate Program for Mechanical Engineering Major学科门类 工学 代码 08
Discipline Type: Engineering Code: 08
专业类 机械 代码 0802
Type: Mechanical Code: 0802
专业名称 机械工程 代码 080201
Title of the Major: Mechanical Engineering Code: 080201
一、学制与学位 Length of Schooling and Degree
学制:四年 Duration:Four years
学位:工学学士 Degree:Bachelor of Engineering
二、培养目标 Educational Objectives
Mechanical Engineering Major is a broad major in mechanical engineering field. The professional training of mechanical engineering for senior engineer and technology expert has basic theories and knowledge in engineering design, manufacturing, technology development, scientific research, production organization and management.
三、专业培养基本要求 Skills Profile
Students in this field learn mathematics and natural sciences as well as mechanical design, manufacturing, basic control theory and knowledge of mechanical engineers. Graduated students should own following knowledge and abilities:
1. In mechanical engineering, students are required to understand mathematics and other related natural scientific knowledge as well as certain economic management knowledge.
2. Students should know the basic theory and mechanical engineering abilities to understand the frontier development status and trends in mechanical engineering.
3. With the use of scientific theories and techniques for mechanical system, students can finish the model building and comprehensive analysis to find relevant solutions.
4. Students own basic operation and a variety of techniques and skills with the ability to use modern engineering tools.
5. With strong sense of innovation and machinery industry in new products, processes, technology and equipment, students have the initial capacity in the development and design of products.
6. Students have good quality in humanity, social science and responsibility, strong language skills, team spirit, organization and management skills, and good engineering ethics.
7. Students can understand relative law and regulations in mechanical engineering for environmental protection and sustainable development with other aspects of consciousness, international perspective, and the mechanical engineering impact on the world and society.
8. Students own the ability of whole life education and continuous learning.