发布时间:2020-04-22 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:

广西艺术学院影视与传媒学院语言传播系简介的内容如下,更多考研资讯请关注我们考研派网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。或下载我们的考研派APP和考研派微信公众号(里面有非常多的免费考研资源可以领取哦)[广西艺术学院职业技术学院数字媒体艺术设计专业介绍] [广西艺术学院职业技术学院环境艺术设计专业介绍] [广西艺术学院职业技术学院公共艺术设计专业简介] [广西艺术学院职业技术学院公共艺术设计专业简介] [广西艺术学院职业技术学院舞蹈表演专业简介] [广西艺术学院职业技术学院音乐表演专业介绍]


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Introduction to “The Department of Language Communication”

“The Department of Language Communication” was established in 2008. The faculty members all graduated with M.A. degree from College of Broadcasting & Arts from Communication University of China, with abundant broadcasting or hosting experiences in central and provincial media, and rich teaching experience as well. In addition, the department also has many part-time professors who are distinguished experts and scholars in national broadcasting circle, and they give lectures and instructions in our college regularly.
“The Department of Language Communication” has two postgraduate majors: speech communication, and research on broadcasting & hosting arts; two undergraduate majors: broadcasting & hosting arts, and broadcasting & hosting in Chinese and English. The department has formed the relatively complete talent cultivation system: the main part is undergraduate education, and the development direction is postgraduate education. Besides, it gradually forms the characteristics of “teaching with media, practice with specialty, talents with comprehensive abilities, and educating with internationalization” in teaching activities. At the same time, the department set up the exchange programs with universities at home and abroad, with the new perspective of international education.
The department mainly cultivates interdisciplinary communication talents, who have an international academic vision and develops comprehensively in character, intelligence and physical body, and who will work in broadcasting, hosting, editing, creative planning, dubbing in film and television, teaching research, public relation etiquettes, for related departments in various media, college, enterprises, public institutions, literature and arts organizations.
