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广东外语外贸大学会计学院于2014年7月学校进行学科调整后成立。学院会计学办学历史悠久,早在广东外语外贸大学前身之一的广州对外贸易学院成立初期(1980年),就设置了会计学专业方向。30多年来,会计学科建设得到了长足发展,教学科研都取得了丰硕成果,会计学科先后被评为广东省省级名牌专业、国家教育部特色专业、广东省专业综合改革试点单位、广东省优势重点学科。学院拥有有会计学硕士学位和会计硕士专业学位(MPAcc)授予权,并开设“小语种+会计”会计硕士创新班。本科有会计学、财务管理、审计学三个专业,并开设ACCA国际会计创新班、CIMA管理会计创新班、及面向非会计学院学生的双学位双专业班。目前学院有本科生1727人,硕士研究生301人。The School of Accounting was established after the discipline reform of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in July, 2014. Accounting Major had been offered at Guangdong Provincial Foreign Trade School (later merged into GUDFS) since 1980. Over more than 30 years, the accounting program has made great progress and substantial achievements in teaching and research. Accounting Major has been recognized as Famous-brand Major at provincial level, Distinctive Major by the Ministry of Education, Pilot Major of Comprehensive Reform by Guangdong Province and Predominant Major at Provincial Level. The School offers three undergraduate programs, namely Accounting, Financial Management and Auditing. In addition, there are two innovative undergraduate programs: the ACCA International Accounting Program andCIMA Management Accounting Program. The School bears the conferring right of the Bachelor of Management (Accounting Double Degree Program) to non-accounting major undergraduates within the university. In terms of postgraduate education, the School offers two master degree programs: the Master of Accounting and the Master of Professional Accounting (MPAcc). Under the MPAcc Program, there is an innovative program, the “Non-common Language + Accounting” program. The School of Accountingcurrently has 1727 undergraduates and 301 postgraduates.