福州大学化学化工学院导师:邱彬的内容如下,更多考研资讯请关注我们考研派网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。或下载我们的考研派APP和考研派微信公众号(里面有非常多的免费考研资源可以领取哦)[福州大学材料科学与工程学院导师:王乾廷] [福州大学材料科学与工程学院导师:李湘祁] [福州大学八方物流学院导师:黄敬前] [福州大学法学院导师:黄辉] [福州大学法学院导师:汤黎虹] [福州大学法学院导师:郑艺群]
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研究方向:生物电化学 毛细管电泳 转基因食品检测
教育工作经历 1990-1994南京大学化学系 本科
1997-2001福州大学化学系 硕士
2002-至今 福州大学化学化工学院教师
2008 福州大学化学系 博士
邱彬,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,1994年南京大学化学系获学士学位,2008年福州大学化学系获博士学位;2008-2010年香港理工大学应用生物与化学科技系高级访问学者,在生物活性大分子发光探针的合成表征及应用,电化学生物传感器、PCR分析以及毛细管电泳研究等方面都做了卓有成效的研究工作,已经在国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文二十多篇,其中包括Biosensors and Bioelectronics,Electrochem. Commun., Anal.Chim. Acta, Talanta,Electrophoresis等国际权威刊物。
科研项目 参与科研项目:
4.福建省自然基金项目 “金属卟啉电催化处理环境有害物无机氮化物的研究” 项目编号2006J0132(第二);
6.国家“863”项目“海水体中叶绿素、溶解氧和悬浮泥沙复合式传感探头及仪器的研制,项目编号2006AA09Z160” (第二);
7.国家青年自然科学基金“重要赤潮毒素的受体型电化学生物传感器检测技术研究” 项目编号20305004(第三);
1. Bin Qiu, Longhua Guo, Wei Wang, Guonan Chen .Synthesis of a novel fluorescent probe useful for DNA detection,Biosensors and Bioelectronics,22(2007),2629-2635.
2. Bin Qiu, Xi Chen, Hailing Chen and Guonan Chen Electrochemiluminescent determination of codeine or morphine with an organically modified silicate film immobilizing Ru(bpy)32+,Luminescense,22(2007 ) 189-194
3. Bin Qiu, LonghuaGuo, Zhitao Chen,Yuwu Chi, Lan Zhang , Guonan Chen,
“Synthesis of N-4-butylamine acridone and its use as fluorescent probe for DNA”,
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2009, 24, 1281-1285.
4. Bin Qiu, Xi Zhu, Yan Liu, Zhenyu Lin, Guonan Chen.Anodic electrochemiluminescent behavior of lucigenin on MWNT/GCE. Electrochem Commun. 11 (2009) 254–257.
5. Bin Qiu, Zhenyu Lin, Jian Wang, Zhihuang Chen, Jinhua Chen, Guonan Chen.An electrochemi luminescent biosensor for glucose based on the electrochemiluminescence of luminol on the nafion/ glucose oxidase/poly(nickel(II)tetrasulfophthalocyanine)/ multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified electrode.Talata.78 (2009) 76–80.
6. Bin Qiu, Wang wei , Yuwu Chi , Guonan Chen,Electrochemical behaviors of diethylstilbestrol and its application in pharmacokineics,Anal.Biochem,336(2005)196- 201.
7. Huazhen Ye, Bin Qiu, Jing Chen, Jinming Lin, Guonan Chen,Flow-injection
analysis for meloxicam based on tris(2,2′- bipyridine) ruthenium(II)-Ce(Ⅳ) chemiluminescent system,Luminescense,Accept
8. Longhua Guo, Bin Qiu, Guonan Chen,Synthesis of a new fluorescent probe 7-oxobenzo[b][1,10] phenanthroline-12(7H)-sulfonic acid and investigation on its interaction with ct-DNA, Analytica Chimica Acta, 588 (2007) 123–130.
9. Longhua Guo, Bin Qiu, Yingyan Jiang, Zuyao You, Guonan Chen*, Capillary electrophoresis chemiluminescent detection system equipped with a two-step postcolumn flow interface for detection of some enkephalin-related peptides labeled with acridinium ester, Electrophoresis. 2008, 29, 2348-2355.
10. Longhua Guo, Bin Qiu, Yuwu Chi*, Guonan Chen*. Using multiple PCR and capillary electrophoresis with chemiluminescence detection for simultaneous qualitative and quantitative analysis of genetically modified organism. Electrophoresis, 2008, 29, 3801-3809.
11. Longhua Guo, Bin Qiu, Mingxing Chen, Guonan Chen*. A new method for preparation of etched porous joint for capillary electrophoresis and its pore-size evaluation. Electrophoresis, (in press).
12. Longhua Guo, Bin Qiu, Linlin Xue, Guonan Chen*. Capillary electrophoresis with a new electrochemiluminescent detection system for separation and detection of proteins labeled with Ru(phen)32+. Electrophoresis, (Accepted).
13. Wang wei,Qiu Bin, Guonan Chen,Separation and determination of tryptophan and its metabolites by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography with amperometric detection. Electrophoresis, 26(2005),903-910,
14.Meihua Liu, Bin Qiu, Xia Jin, Lan Zhang, Xi Chen,Determination of estrogens in wastewater using three-phase hollow fiber-mediated liquid-phase microextraction followed by HPLC.Journal of Separation Science. 31(2007), 622 – 628
15. Minghua Lu, Lan Zhang*, Bin Qiu, Qiang Feng, Shifei Xia, Guonan Chen
Rapid separation and sensitive detection method for b-blockers by pressure-assisted capillary electrochromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry", J. Chrmotagraphy A,(in press).
16. Hailing Chen, Tingxiu Ye, Bin Qiu, Guonan Chen, Xi Chen,A novel approach based on ferricyanide-mediator immobilized in an ion-exchangeable biosensing film for the determination of biochemical oxygen demand,Analytica chimica acta 612( 2008 ) 75–82
17. 邱彬,叶桦珍,陈国南,炔雌醇在玻碳电极上的电化学行为研究,福州大学学报(自然科学版),2005.33(3),361-365
18. 邱彬,陈海军,陈国南,毛细管色谱分离扁桃酸手性对映体,中国药学杂志,2005.40(16),1276-1277
19. 邱彬,卢春华,吕爱星,陈国南,荧光猝灭法测定去羟肌苷的含量,福州大学学报(自然科学版),2005.33(6),830-832
20. 邱彬,吴翠敏,叶榕,陈海军,毛细管电泳分离与测定扁桃酸和苯乙酮酸”,福建医科大学学报(自然科学版),2006.40(1),81-82