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2011.09-2014.06 湘潭大学 硕士生
2007.09-2011.06 湘潭大学 本科生
(1) 2020年广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目:再生铝合金的组织调控和断裂机理研究,主持
(2) 2018年东莞理工学院博士科研启动项目:高品质再生铝合金富铁相变质技术及其基础研究,主持
(3) 2018年国家金属材料近净成形工程技术研究中心开放基金:铝合金高效回收利用基础研究,主持
(4) 2019年肇庆市科技计划项目:富铁相复合变质在高品质再生铝合金材料制备中的应用,参与
2. Y.L. Zhao, Z. Wang, C. Zhang, W.W. Zhang, Synchrotron X-ray tomography investigation of 3D morphologies of intermetallic phases and pores and their effect on the mechanical properties of cast Al-Cu alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 777: 1054-1065. (中科院SCI二区, IF: 3.799)
3. Y.L. Zhao, D.F. Song, B. Lin, C. Zhang, D.H. Zheng, S. Inguva, T. Li, Z.Z. Sun, Z. Wang, W.W. Zhang, 3D characterization of ultrasonic melt processing on the microstructural refinement of Al-Cu alloys using synchrotron X-ray tomography, Materials Characterization, 2019, 153: 354-365. (中科院SCI二区, IF: 3.22)
4.Y.L. Zhao, D.F. Song, B. Lin, C. Zhang, D.H. Zheng, S. Inguva, T. Li, Z.Z. Sun, Z. Wang, W.W. Zhang, 3D characterization of ultrasonic melt processing on the microstructural refinement of Al-Cu alloys using synchrotron X-ray tomography, Materials Characterization, 2019, 153: 354-365. (中科院SCI二区, IF: 3.22)
5.Y.L. Zhao, W. Du, B. Koe, T. Connolley, S. Irvine, P. K. Allan, C. M. Schlepütz, W. Zhang, F. Wang, D.G. Eskin and J. Mi, 3D Characterisation of the Fe-rich intermetallic phases in recycled alloys by synchrotron X-ray microtomography and skeletonisation, Scripta Materialia, 2018, 146, 321-326. (中科院SCI一区, IF: 3.747)
6. Y.L. Zhao, W.W Zhang, C. Yang, D.T. Zhang, Z. Wang, Effect of Si on Fe-rich intermetallic formation and mechanical properties of heat-treated Al-Cu-Mn alloys, Journal of Materials research. 2018, 33 (8): 898-911. (中科院SCI三区, IF: 1.673)
7. Y.L. Zhao, W.W. Zhang, F.S. Meng, Z. Wang, D.T. Zhang and C. Yang, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-5.0Cu -0.6Mn-0.6Fe alloy produced by ultrasonic vibration and applied pressure, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2018, 47 (2): 457-462. (中科院SCI四区, IF: 0.258)
8. W.W. Zhang, Y.L. Zhao, D.T. Zhang, Z.Q. Luo, C. Yang and Y.Y. Li, The effect of Si addition on the microstructure and tensile properties of casting Al-5.0Cu-0.6Mn-1.2Fe alloys, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2018, 28:1061-1072. (中科院SCI四区, IF: 1.342)
9. Y.L. Zhao, Z.X. Zhu, Y, Xie and F.C. Yin, Phase equilibria of Ni-Sb-Zn Ternary system at 600 °C, International Journal of Materials Research, 2016, 107, 894-902. (中科院SCI四区, IF: 0.681)
10. Y.L. Zhao, Z.X. Zhu, F.C. Yin, Z.H. Long, and Y. Wu, 450 °C isothermal Section of the Ni-Sb-Zn Ternary System at the Zn-Rich Corner, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2014, 35, 186-194. (中科院SCI四区, IF: 0.938)
11. Z.X. Zhu, Y.L. Zhao, M.X. Zhao, F.C. Yin, Z. Li, and Y.X. Liu, The Zn-Rich Corner of the Zn-Fe-Al-Sb Quaternary System at 450 °C, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2013, 34, 474-483. (中科院SCI四区, IF: 0.938)
12. Y.L. Zhao, Y. Zhang, Z. Luo, Z. Wang and W.W. Zhang, Effect of ultrasonic vibration and applied pressure on the microstructure and mechanical property of Al-5.0Cu-0.6Mn-0.6Fe alloys, Materials Science Forum, 2016, 850: 559-565. (EI)
13. 赵愈亮,孟凡生,张 杨,张大童,杨 超,张卫文, Si 对挤压铸Al-5.0Cu-0.6Mn-0.7Fe 合金显微组织和力学性能的影响, 中国有色金属学报, 2015, 25, 3040-3050. (EI)
14. Y.L. Zhao, W. Du, B. Koe, T. Connolley, S. Irvine, P. K. Allan, C. M. Schlepütz, W. Zhang, F. Wang, D.G. Eskin and J. Mi, Synchrotron X-ray tomography studies of Fe-rich intermetallic phases in Al alloys, 6th Decennial International Conference on Solidification Processing, 25th-28th July 2017, Old Windsor, UK